assurance that no ignoble spy intrudes upon the cere-
monies of our Mystic Shrine.
First and Second Ceremonial Masters, each on one
side of the Temple, receive the mystic pass, "Mecca."
in a whisper, and returning, communicate the same to
the Chief Rabban; if one be present without the pass,
the C. M. announces aloud: "An intruder!"
Member arises, is vouched for, or expelled.
Chief Rabban-Grand Potentate, our Mystic Shrine
is secure and free from jeopardy; there are none present
save nobles of our rite.
Grand Potentate. -(To assistant Rabban.) Assist-
ant Rabban, inform the Captain of the Guard, and he
his comrade, the outer Guard that our Temple is now
dulv and regularly opened for the business and cere-
monies, and both take heed who enters.
Captain of the, Guard informs the Outer Guard as
above, and reports (after closing the door:)
Captain of the Guard.-Noble Assistant Rabban,
our outer Guard stands instructed and under double
guard, picketed bv a tried and trusted officer without,
one who knows his duty, vigilantly assisted by the
Captain of the Guard within.
Assistant Rabban.-Illustrious Grand Potentate,
our sacred Temple is under a double and trusty Guard.
Grand Potentate.-Tis well. Since all present are
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, and our Temple securely
guarded, I proclaim this Temple regularly open for
business and ceremony and hereby forbid all confusion
and discord that may mar our mystic rites.
Regular business is now in order, as usual in all
such bodies conducted on Parliamentary law and rules.
If an initiate presents himself, the Recorder and Treas-
urer discharge their duties respectively.
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