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ice assume it all, for 'tis monstrous to leave his friend
to perish for a crime prompted by himself." 
Potentate (to candidate)-"Stranger Knight thus ac-
cused) arise. What say you to this grave charge?"
Candidate answers (no matter -what). 
Culprit member- "By my Moslem oath, Illustrious 
Grand Potentate, all that has been said by our Noble
Guide is true. That I have erred I cannot deny, but 
all that I in confidence imparted to him I am informed
that he has loosely brawled about, hence I must suffer
for his crime." 
Potentate-"Hold, enouoh! Most High Prophet and 
Priest, to you do I appeal for judgement.  Although 
our council has before decided, still do I appeal to you."
Priest (advancing on the floor)-"Grand Potentate 
and Council of Inquisitors, our cause is sorely tried,
our Temple and our Shrine in jeopardy, the crescent
turns perpendicular, point and point, and spills its mys-
tic blood; the hourii weep and Justice drops her 
scale, for by their fault spies have fallen in our midst.
Our safety commands judgement on them both. Let 
the first in fault and his fellow go to the block together.
All the Inquisitors arise and exclaim: "To the block!
to the headsman!" 
First and second Ceremonial iniasters seize culprit 
member and conduct him to the block, then seize candi-
date and conduct him to the West. Take off his robe,
coat, collar, etc., except pants and shirt, same as cul-
prit member, and bind his hands. 
Potentate-"Let the the traitor suffer first." 
Culprit is hurried to the block, blindfolded and made 
to kneel; head on block (a false wax or carved head lies
beside block, with black cloth over it, out of sight). 
Priest (holding up sceptre)-"And now may justice,
peace and mercy abide with you. Strike!" The axe 
falls, culprit tumbles on floor, executioner stoops, lifts
black cloth from false head and covers head of culprit,
siezes false Head by hair, raises it to view and exclaims
Candidate is hoodwinked and made to approach the 

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