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block and lay his head upon it. 
Priest-"Hold! Executioner, mark this stranger's
neck with the scimetar, but do not slay him." 
The headsman slaps the candidate on the neck with a 
damp towel and he is at once taken by force and plac-
ed in the hammock or canvas, carried and placed in a
coffin at the East end of the catafalque, while the cul-
prit and the head are borne into an outer room. Officers
all return. 
Potentate-"Thus doth the evil doer and the malefac-
tor meet with 'Nemesis' at the Inquisition of Mystic 
Shrine and it now becomes our duty to deposit the result
of our vigilance in the tomb, isolated from the eyes of
the meddling world, a fit abiding place for the remains
of the unfaithful. Most Noble Oriental Guide, lest the
secret clasp of our Mystic Catafalque be permaturelv
known to our novices, let them be again hoodwinked, 
that their hearts may be taught secrecy and their 
tongues silence ere they are entrusted with the secrets
of the Mvstic Shrine." 
Candidates all blindfolded, The coffin is then stood 
on end or placed at an angle with head on chair, at 
end of table or tomb, toward the East; the block and 
executioner placed at the West side. The culprit a-
gain elevated bv the noose, skeleton executioner at his
side; the woman seated at the North; officers and mem-
bers gathered around table in tableaux and lights turned
up; black cloth and frame removed from banquet cable
and all is in readiness for the finale. 
Grand Potentate-"Now let us rejoice that iniquity
has lain her proud idol in the dust and that justice has
triumphed over sin. And ever thus let our light so 
shine before men that they may behold our good 
Gong; hoodwinks removed; music and general jubilee
at banquet. Candidate is provided and eats and drinks 
from coffin, the culprit also from the gallows, as also the
female, still in costume, at the North, etc., etc. 
After general banquet the meeting is closed in a for- 
mal manner. 

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