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Reflections of Yesteryear

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Below is MAX, a fullblooded St. Bernard, he was a puppymill casuality, gone too soon, but not forgotten. He was plagued with seizures for most of his short life. He really was nothing but a big teddy bear, and a gentle giant.

MAX Oct. 1991 - Dec. 1992

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Tippy 1965 - 1978

Tippy, a Shepherd and Terrier mix, was my dog before Bill and I were married. Our son, Mark, was only 3 when she went to the Rainbow Bridge, but she was our daughter, Billie-Ann's protector and playmate. She would go for walks in the park in chicago with a little girl barley big enough to see over her head, being careful not to tug on the leash or chase anything while the child had hold of her leash so that she would not make her fall. She slept under her crib almost from the day we brought her home from the hosptiable, and if a stranger tried to enter her room, pity the person. Billie-Ann was 9 when Tippy died and felt that she had lost her best friend.

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Each one of the above pets has left their paw prints in our lives.

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