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CMC's Crap that no one really cares about

This page is going to be made of all the crap that no one really cares about (like my opinions), and what better place to put it? On the internet!

5/30/00 10:01p.m.
Hey first day out, eh? Well I'll tell you about the people who should die. Now I really don't want any of these people to die, 'cause they'd blame it on me. We all know people who should die: Jar Jar Binks, Lepricons, and Santa Claus, but we also know others. There is a girl that I know that should die, her name is Erika. Remember I would never kill or intetionally seriously injur anyone. Well anyway Erika is the devil(isn't that lovley). She tries to beet me in everything but sucks(that's right Mrs. Gubbs, SUCKS) in every catagory. Even the stuff that I suck at she is worse in, like spelling. I can spell worth crap while she can spell worth......well less crap. And the worst part is whenever she beets me in anything, which isn't often, she rubes it in my face. I don't rub stuff in peoples faces, exept when they rub it in mine. I got tied for first in the whole seventh grade, in the USA, and got the English award. She didn't even get in the top twenty for the school. Next time I'll write stuff about crap that you may just have herd somewhere else.

6/2/00 11:14p.m.
Ok, now for stuff that you people have actually herd about. As one of my friend's ideas, the giagantic bugs that are bad in the sci-fi movies. Well first off there is good reason to use them, but I and my friend think they use them just a wee bit too much( well mostly it's my friend's idea). After all they are in many movies such as Men In Black, Starship Troopers, Aliens Series, The Fly(Remake), and in games: Getforce Jemini, & Starcraft. So why does everyone hate all these bugs? Well in my opinion they are creepy and slimy. They have sick and grotesk, but there is worse! The only thing that we have known to survive a nukclear explosion. I read this thing that I though was really funny: Cockaroches can survive up to 10 nuclear bombs.
"Oh, no captain! We've just launched the 11th!"
Well now, it's time for my rambling to come to an end......for now.

6/6/00 12:43 p.m.
Woo-hoo, now kiddies it's time for more crap that no one cares about! When people say that videogames cause all of this violence in the world they really.....well make me mad. Really, there are thousands, millions even, of those video and computer games that are composed of violence. The people that play them don't go out and kill someone right after they play Duke Nukem, Doom, or Rainbow Six. And really, why would they? Video games get your adrenaline pumping, but you are the one who decides to get the gun or knife or whatever and harm someone. The video game didn't send a mental message wich caused you to kill the man....that was your fault. If anything I think that games that are violent are good for a person. I mean if you need to get all of your rage out on something, why not just play a video game. It's like killing aliens, just in the comfort of your own home. Hey that should be a trademark or something. 3D Realms: Kill aliens, in the comfort of your own homeTM. OK, that's a rap....too bad, eh?

6/20/00 10:04 p.m.
Zip-a-dee do da, hello folks. Now I shall talk about the psycotic Laker fans. Yes, I do live near Indianapolis and it is nice when our basketball, football, or any other sport puts us on the map, but there are also the die hard fans. Die hard fans make me sick. They start riots over wins and losses which is just stupid.
"Hey Billy-Bob, the Lakers just won! Let's go destroy our city like complete idiots."
Well ok, so here is my closing: I really don't care about the Pacers or the Lakers, but you know what? Rioting Lakers' fans Suck.

6/21/00 3:33 p.m.
Ok, now I'm mad. If you read my section on video game violence you know how I feel about protesters. Well, yesterday my friend told me about a law they may pass on video games restricting age. Does anyone else see something wrong with that. It's almost an aximoron. Video games were intended for children, and therefor children should be able to play all video games. We can, even if they have been rated "M for mature", because our parents our gaurdians allow us to. It is not up to the government, the game makers, or even the kids what they should play. It is up to the parents! If the parents allow their kids to play violent games, they apparently don't see them as a problem. So why would you pass a law about a video game, so that only nineteen yearolds can play it. That is a really stupid idea. What harm is there in playing a video game. The video game doesn't harm any one or any thing. The video game doesn't make people harm any one or any thing, so what is the problem?

7/10/00 7:20 p.m.
Come one, come all, watch the gazing freak that rants and raves about everything that no one cares about. That'd be me. So what shall I talk about today? Hmmmmmm........what's in my room? Books, games, computer, CD's, wait! There! My jurnal! I wrote in that long ago about my future plans. Ah, future plans! I shall describe my goals in life, yes, that will take up space quite nicely. Okay, I want to become a few things. I want to become the maker of Chris' Comics & CPU (links to website). I want to be an author, an artist, and a computer game maker. That's the just of it. Like right now, I am writing a book (Dark Shadow: A New Beggining), creating a comic (Alien Force #1), and making a computer program (Maze of the Mastermind). So viva le CMC! Yes, that did take up space.

4/05/01 10:49 p.m.
Whuw. Long time since I've done anything here. No matter. I just watched the news and you know what? Time for soem serious rants. President George W. Bush a.k.a. dumbass (wonder if that's hyphinated), has said NO to an eco pact to save our envirnment. That moron! Over 100 countries signed it! What the hell is wrong with him?! This isn't Texas anymore! You can't just go around paying oil companies. The Earth is going to die because of you, jackass! Jeeze! Whuw. This....this thing has been around for a VERY long time. Since last year. Wow. Uh. I haven't updated in the last few months because of well :::Insert an excuse here::: . Make sense? Oh, my other, better site Chris' Comics & CPU is great. Uh. Bye.

5/15/01 5:09 p.m.
Well, well, well, I hate computer illiterate people. Indeed, this site is crap, but that's because this is not in any priority of mine. For a priority, goto CC&C ( Anyways, I get asked these stupid questions. "How do you find civil war music?" My god, man! Go to a bloody search engine! "What's a search engine?" You know, people like you often are the first to die if anyone else needs food... You fall into a giant hole and try getting out by digging deeper. Then, there are also questions that I enjoy answering. Like "How do you get a background music?". See, I don't want to sound like a salty little prep, but I like questions "worthy" of me. Man! "What's a search engine?" God.. I thought these types of people were gone from the gene pool.

7/25/01 7:05 p.m.
Yo. I wanted to do something here. I dunno what. Got lots to think about, nothing to say. Um. Oh, I watched the Olympic video Japan sent. Hehehe. It was all computer animated. Looked like a bloody Sonic the hedghog game. I like Japan and all but... did that place even exist? Heheh. I like lots of countries outside the US. I like Canada, everyone is like supernice and funny. I like Australia, but they dont like me. I like the U.K. & Scottland/Ireland (whichever isnt part of the U.K.). I like mongolia and russia. I like Greece. I dunno. I like lots of places. Don't drink their water though. Oh, I shattered my ear drum at band camp. Stung like heck. Heh. I didnt know at the time that ear drumbs heal. Should'a seen the look on my face when he said that I probably shattered my ear drum. I was like Okay not diving ever again. Well that and marching was horrible. Like I want to chop off my feet just so I don't have to march. Otherwise everything was ok. Got to be with my friends. Got to be with a girl I like. :::deep exhail::: Yea. Close.

1/14/02 8:40 p.m.
Hey. Yes back, but no one reads this site so does it really matter? Oh well. Have to vent and friends just aren't doing the thing right now. How can your best friend try to mess up a relationship with your girlfriend? If he really cared, why couldn't he just step aside. He says he couldn't let a future they have slip through his fingers, and it sounds pretty self cetered to me. Don't you think? But then again that's him. Self centered, arrogaunt, spoiled. Want it? Get it. Do anything to get it. Take everyone, everything. No, don't worry about their original friend. Don't question. Just take. Why can't he have his own friends too? Why does he have to take mine?

5/30/02 8:13 p.m.
You ever reach a moment that you wish will never end? A point and place and time that seems to have everything worked out? That's where I'm at. There are off-days of course but I'm so happy to be where I am that after a few days any bad is almost completely forgotten. Yesterday was 7 months, and I'm happier now than ever before. Things fit together better and questions are starting to be answered. Of course all the questions will never really be answered but this is good. If I keep on this track, it'll be heaven before death. Who do I have to thank for this? God? Maybe. Fate? Possibly. Myself? No. Luck has everything to do with where I am. I thank all, I love Cathy.

6/22/02 12:28 p.m.
This is a horrible Summer, you know that? Not only do I have to be doing something 1/2 of the time we are on this "vacation" but the other half I don't get to see Cathy much at all. That's horrid. We get a week to each other in between things that we do. And it happens that a few of those weeks are the weeks that we have honors english or band. That's stupid. School is supposed to be out! Why do I have to keep going back? Just because all I'm doing is laying around my house does not give anyone the right to say I should be at some school thing for crap I don't care about. And why do we take these courses if they mean nothing to our grades? Speaking of grades, have you heard of the plus-minus system? It's were you get duducted on GPA because you get an A- or a B-. How stupid is that?! Do they want us to get into a good college? No, they don't want that many people tied for first. If you think that's the stupid problem then make the classes harder, Einstein. Stupid people, tsk tsk tsk.