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Action Songs

  • BABY SHARKClick here to play
    Ba-by Shark do do do do do do
    Baby Shark do do do do do do
    Baby Shark do do do do do do
    Baby Shark

    Ma-ma Shark...
    Da-ddy Shark...
    Grand-ma SHark...
    Grand-pa Shark...
    Going Swimming...
    Saw a fin...
    Swimming faster...
    Shark Attack...
    Lost a leg...
    Out of time...
    Going to Heaven...

  • BABY BUMBLEBEEClick here to play
    I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee,
    Won't my Mommy be surprised at me.
    I'm bringing home a baby bumble bee,
    Ooo-Eee, it stung me.

    I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee,
    Won't my Mommy be so proud of me.
    I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee,
    Ooo - Eee, blood on me.

    I'm licking up my baby bumble bee,
    Won't my Mommy be so proud of me.
    I'm licking up my baby bumble bee,
    Ooo-Eee, needs salt!

  • NO BANANAS IN THE SKYClick here to play
    (Tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes)

    There are no bananas in the sky, In the sky
    There are no bananas in the sky, In the sky
    There's a sun and moon, And coconut cream pie
    But there are no bananas in the sky, In the sky

    No - Action of sweeping hands from crossed position across the chest outwards and away form the body
    Bananas - Action of peeling a banana
    Sky - Action of pointing upwards towards the sky
    Sun - Action of putting hands against side of head palms facing forwards to make the shape of the sun
    Moon - Action of putting hands to one side of head to make a pillow for the head to rest on as if asleep
    Coconut cream pie - Action of feeding a hand sized pie into mouth

  • HEAD SHOULDERS KNEES & TOESClick here to play
    Head and shoulders, knees and toes,Knees and toes
    Head and shoulders, knees and toes,knees and toes
    Eyes, and ears,and mouth and nose.
    Head shoulders knees & toes, knees & toes.

    Ankles, elbows, feet and seat,feet and seat
    Ankles, elbows, feet and seat,feet and seat
    Hair,and hips,and chin and cheeks.
    Ankles, elbows, feet and seat,feet and seat

  • CHICKEN DANCEClick here to play
    Formation: One large circle centered in the middle of room.

    lst sequence --- Four snaps(talk motion with fingers cupped fingers meeting thumb arm up from elbows and out to side)
    2nd sequence --- four flaps(arms go up 6 down, elbows bent)
    3rd sequence --- four wiggles(hips and knees bend low)
    4th sequence --- four claps
    --skip around the circle when the music changes to the slower beat,(or join right arms at elbows swing around then switch and join left arms and swing opposite way) then repeat the steps above when the music changes back to the first sequence.

  • I'm A NutCLick here to play
    I'm a little acorn brown lying on the cold cold ground
    Everybody steps on me, that is why I'm cracked you see
    I'm a nut (click click)(click tongue)
    I'm a nut ( click click)
    Amen (click click) Amen (click click)

    I'm a little acorn brown lying on the cold cold ground
    Nobody stops to pick me up
    (hands to face looking shocked) I'm not pick up!! I'm a nut
    I'm a nut (click click)
    I'm a nut (click click
    Amen(click click) Amen (click click)

    Asked myself if I could go, around the corner to the picture show
    Put my arms around my waist (cross arms over and around waist)
    I got go fresh I slapped my face (slap face , turn head)
    I'm a nut (click click )
    I'm a nut (click click)
    Amen(click click) Amen (click click)

    I'm a little TNT and I'm as cute as I can be(hands up like swishing a can can skirt)
    I can sing and I can dance and I wear ruffles on my...WHOOPS BOYS(pretend to throw skirt up)
    Take another guess.... I wear ruffles on my DRESS(back to can-can)

    I'm a little pile of tin, nobody know what shape I'm in
    I've got four wheels and a running board
    I'm a four door, I'm a FORD

  • I'm a Little Daisy (tune of "I'm a Little Teapot")
    I'm a little Daisy, dressed in blue
    I am a Girl Scout, you are too
    When I go to meetings, I sing and shout
    I love being a Daisy Girl Scout!

    I'm a little Daisy - hands together, at side of face, head tilted
    Dressed in blue - hands pick up hem of uniform smock
    I am a Girl Scout - make three finger sign
    You are too - point to neighbor
    When I go to meetings - hands out, palms up
    I sing and shout - hands cup around mouth
    I love being a - point to heart
    Daisy Girl Scout - clap 3 times, once on each word

  • CHINESE FANClick here to play

    My ship sailed from China with a cargo of tea
    All la-den with presents for you and for me
    They brought me a fan, just im-ag-ine my bliss
    When I fan my-self daily like this,like this,like this.

    Motions:Sit on floor with legs straight out. SIng the song five times. Each time you sing the last line, fan yourself as follows:
    1)Four times with your right hand, in rhythm
    2)Four times with both hands
    3)Four times with both hands, as you sweep your right foot up and over your left foot , in rhythm
    4)Four times with both hands as your sweep your right foot across the left, then the left across the right, in rhythm
    5)Four times with both hands, both feet, as you nod your head forward and backward.

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