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Freeware My Network Couldn't Live Without!

This is a list of freeware programs that are absolutely wonderful, and in some cases indispensable. I decided to start a list of freeware programs I've found to be useful, enjoyable, and worth having. I decided that one way I could show my appreciation for the makers of these freewares, is to recommend and feature those programs on this page. I figure that my independent recommendation may prove beneficial to the makers of those programs, since my site is not a software oriented site.

Basically, my criteria for the freeware programs I've used most include:

Another of my pet peeves is freeware hosted on sites that try to harass you into buying usage privileges by using such tactics as making you wait on a so-called "download ticket" and limiting how many files you can download or what size files you can download. Rapidshare (aka RapidSH*T) seems to be the download harassment site I most often see people using, Megashare is another. However, nobody needs to use these harassment sites for their files. There are plenty of free webhosts and filehosts that don't charge or have unreasonable limits for uploading or downloading.

A few free file hosts that are harassment-free include:

* denotes sites requiring free registration

Following the list of programs I have found to be most worthy of recommendation, is a list of freeware download sites.

TED Notepad

At the top of my list is the greatest text editing program I've ever seen. I've tried MANY text editors and none can equal this FREEWARE text editor. TED Notepad. This is one of the very few programs of the MANY I've experimented with over the years, that has proven worthy of being installed on every machine in my network, as a replacement for windows notepad, including my Vista laptop. TED Notepad, btw, works FINE in Vista as replacement for windows notepad.
Click on the button below if you want to go get TED Notepad and try it out for yourself. Again, its FREEWARE, with no ads or other annoyances whatsoever!

Made with TED Notepad!

While TED Notepad is promoted as a replacement for Windows Notepad, that is a drastic understatement.
Here are just a few of its lengthy list of features, that I use most frequently:

It can sort a list of text lines in alphabetical order.

It can change text from upper to lower case or from lower to upper case.

It is the ONLY freeware I've found that can search for and delete duplicate text lines. This particular feature, as well as the sorting of text lines into alphabetical order, is wonderful when working with lists!

This is the link to TED Notepad's User manual, where all the features of the program are given in depth.
TED Notepad User Manual

Giveaway of the Day offers one shareware program per day for free. You have to download and install that program during the 24-hour period that the program is being offered, to get it for free.
Giveaway of thd Day also has a good selection of freeware available for download.

Giveaway of the Day

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