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Together we walked through the valley
Of the shadow of death, fearfully,
Remembering the sweetness of undying love,
And praying for a reprieve from our Father up above.

You fought so courageously to stay with us a little longer,
But your weary body weakened; while your will to live grew stronger.
My heart and soul were with you, every step of the way.
You knew I'd love and miss you until my dying day.

Autumn leaves had fallen as Christmas time drew near.
Our family gathered round you and tried to hide each tear.
With aching hearts we watched you, slowly fade away and die;
As Jesus came, to take you to your new home in the sky.

I see you in each sunbeam and in every drop of rain.
I see you in each dewdrop and know at last you're free of pain.
And in each twinkling star I see,
You watching over me.

You are always near me; never far away.
I talk to you each night before I kneel to pray.
Rest in peace my darling; your trials on earth are through.
Wait for me beyond the sunset, till I can be with you.

This page is dedicated to my beloved husband, "Roger". Born March 21, 1935 - Died December 17, 2006.
Poem by Kathleen © Copyright December 2006

Music is "Mourir Aupres De Mon Amour" Translation: "To Die Near My Love" by Demis Roussos.
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