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Active Blather: May 2002

May 30, 2002

Some of the Funky Idiots' Players
(Front row, left to right: T.J. Richardson, Mikela Richardson, Chuck Williams, Lucas Johnson. Middle row: W.C. McIntosh, Audrea Quinton, Mary McCammon. Last row: Brad Quinton)

After months and months of waiting, I'm happy to say a new episode of Those Funky Idiots will make its debut tonight at 11:00pm on Muncie's Channel 42! The episode is called "The Comedy Stylings of Sven Juppen" and features the return of Arlo's former foreign exchange student, Sven. I think it's one of our best episodes and I hope you tune in to see if I'm right!

It took a great team effort to pull our newest episode together and I want to take a few sentences to thank some talented people! Thanks to our wonderful cast: Tim Richardson, Brad Quinton, Audrea Quinton, Mary McCammon, W.C. McIntosh, Jon "House" Sipes, Lucas Johnson, T.J. Richardson, Mikela Richardson, Jamie McIntosh, Carol Richardson, Chuck Williams, Rob Richardson and Nichole Walker! Thanks to Shawn Mollet for his camera work, his editing wizardry, and his technical support! Thanks again to Brad for his work behind the camera and to Bill (You know, W.C.) for manning the boom! Thanks to Jon for getting us into Southside! Thanks to Insight Studios! Thanks to Grandma for always letting us use her garage (We promise, Grandma, we won't show the holes in the ceiling)! A big thanks to our director/editor/public access star, Tim, for putting everything together so wonderfully! And, last but not least, thanks to our audience for your patience and for watching our little "garage sitcom"! We Idiots value your support and your feedback! You guys ROCK!

May 21, 2002
Not much has happened since we last met and that's pretty typical in my life. No fireworks, but no explosions either. I'm grateful for the "no explosions" part, but it would be nice to see some fireworks now and then. Just to break up the monotony.

Over the weekend, I pondered the physics of overalls and grappled with the realization that I have been drawing Amanda's reliable pair incorrectly the last three years. Her overalls are fine in the front, but the way I draw them in the back makes it look like she's wearing an apron. This is nothing major, of course, but it annoys me nonetheless. It's a glitch I should have caught when I first placed her in a pair, but I didn't until now. Something like that makes me wonder if I really now what I'm doing sometimes; if I'm really paying attention to what's going on.

Sorry. I know none of this is worth reading. All this agony over fictional overalls? Cherry, get a clue, right? I know, but that's how the creative process works for me. Frustrating at times, but mostly fun.

Speaking of fun, I just drew Arlo wearing a codpiece. A historic first! (And probably a historic last!)

Hey, I have some people to thank! A special thanks to Bernard Bell for providing some software support. Thanks, Bernard! More special thanks going to Theresa Keihn and her sister for writing some letters of support. Thanks, Theresa! Thanks, Theresa's sister! And thanks, Tim, for doing the same!

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