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About Me

      In 1943 I was the last of nine children born into a family that was taught to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. At the age of six I understood that I could not go to Heaven because I had sin in my life. I can not remember the exact date but I know that I asked Christ to forgive me of that sin, come into my life and save me. I know He did this because 1 John 1:9 is part of God's Word and God cannot lie nor beak a promise.
      I'd like to be able to say that I have lived totally for Him every day since then however, I can not say that. But He has always kept that promise in 1 John 1:9. It used to bother me that I did not have a testimony as others do of having been saved out of a life of what we might call 'big sin'. But a friend once said to me "Emory, God has saved you from that kind of life.
      I grow up attending the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church but now my wife and I attend an independent baptist church in London, Ontario, Canada.
      I met my wife at Gospel Recordings, Inc. and we were on the staff there for three years. The Lord gave us a son and a daughter. In the past 30 plus years we have lived in a number of different places and have been involved in many different kinds of work.
      Looking back on our lives we are amazed at how the Lord has used us and helped us and blessed us. If you do not know Him as your Saviour I urge you to do so. Please look at the most important page on this website to find out more.
      Thank you.
                Emory Ediger


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