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Jeremy's doll ~ coming soon

Jeremy is working at FIA, a company that makes parts for Toyota. He runs a robotic welder right now, but is hoping to get on with a different type of position...such as Team Leader or Quality Control.

Jeremy had previously applied for a Team Leader position, and received word on Friday, November 7th that he had earned the position!

Natalie's doll

Natalie is currently attending college online at Kaplan obtaining her Associates in IT, with an emphasis in Web Development. Her projected graduation date is October 2004, but is hoping to continue on with school to obtain her Bachelor's. She also has an online job as a chat room moderator.

Natalie's acScent Stone Site

Ollie's doll ~ coming soon

Olivia (Ollie) will be 3 years old in December. She is growing faster than any of us ever thought possible! She can now say about 90% of her alphabet, in order, and can count to 10 unassisted. Her vocabulary is expanding rapidly, and she can now identify each of her grandparents (which is a feat in itself, considering how many there are! LOL)