If you don't like the air vents on your 206, you can change them :) ... Follow these simple steps. TOOLS NEEDED : Small flathead screwdriver.
1. Go to your favorite manufacturer of body kits and buy the vents you want to install on your car. Below is the original vent, standard on all 206
2. Open the hood and identify the model you have (left is old and right is new). The old model comes with a plastic covering that will reduce noise. However, with the new vent it is not needed as the air goes in differently.
3. Use the flathead screwdriver to remove the 4 washers holding the vents in position. See below.
4. When you remove the vents, you'll have something like that:
5. Secure the new vents by placing the washers in their position.
6. Here's the car with the new air intakes.