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Changing brake pads


Well, this is not actually a way to improve engine performance, but I didn't know where to put it.

Here are instructions to change your brake pads:

1. Remove the bolts on your wheel, when done, you'll see something similar to the figure below:


2. To be able to remove the pads, you'll have to unscrew the bolt encircled in yellow below.

3. Once you have completely removed the screw, remove the upper part of the saddle and uncover the pads. All you have to do now is remove them. WARNING they can be hot.


4. Below you see new pads, replace the old ones with those. Once you do that, replace all the screws and do the same for the other wheel. Do not forget to pump the pedal a few times to secure the pads in place.




Up Changing bonnet air vents Changing brake pads Removing plastic above front bumper Fitting wheels Romving front bumper Removing back bumper