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Chakras are invisible centers of spinning energy. The word chakra is derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel". "Wheel" is a very good analogy because chakras are wheel-like in shape and movement. Chakras appear to resemble a spoked wheel, an impression given by the smaller channels (nadis) which radiate from the centre of each chakra. They occur at strategic positions throughout the body and are also closely linked to the nervous and vascular systems. Chakras also range in size and function from the seven (7) main chakras aligned with the physical spine near specific organs, to other minor chakras situated in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, behind the knees, and at the elbows. A major chakra is defined as a point where twenty-one (21) lines of energy cross the body. A minor chakra is defined as a point where fourteen (14) lines of energy cross each other. These lines of energy go on to comprise the meridians used in Asian Energy Medicine like accupuncture. It is thought that the human body contains over seventy-two thousand (72,000) meridian points.

It is through these chakra centers that we receive and radiate energy. When we are balanced and enjoying good health, all of our chakra centers are flowing evenly and openly, all connecting with each other, pulsating together to create a unique glowing aura that resonates and interacts with others. Disease (or dis-ease) occurs when chakra energy is not flowing well to and from an area in the body. For more on this see CHS's Disease Page.

Chakra centres can be re-balanced through changes in diet, lifestyle, spiritually, and through Body Energy work. Additionally, chakras centres react to and with other vibrational frequencies such as sounds and color. The following chart shows the seven (7) major chakra centers, their locations, their functions, their corresponding color, as well as their spoken tone, and their musical notes (on the chromatic scale) that are associated with them.

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Major Chakra Points

Chakra Position Name Location Function Color Element Tone Musical Note
1st Root Base of Spine Survival and Security Red Earth e (as in "red")

2nd Sacral 1"-2" Below Navel Sexuality and Creativity Orange Water o (as in "home")

3rd Solar Plexus Just Below Breastbone Power and Accomplishment Yellow Fire a-o-m (ahh-oo-mmm)

4th Heart Center of Chest Love Green Air a (as in "ahh")

5th Throat Throat Communication Blue --- u (as in "blue")

6th Third Eye Middle of Forehead Intuition Indigo --- om (as in "home")

7th Crown Top of Head Cosmic Conciousness Violet --- ee (as in "bee")


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