Wea Indian Tribe & Tippecanoe County Historical Association (TCHA)
Native American Indians & Other Participants - Families & Children Are Welcome!
Aya te'epahki neey'olaani niihkaana's!
The Wea Indian Tribe in conjunction with TCHA, and other Native American Indians and friends, will be again hosting our 13th WEA HISTORIC LIVING VILLAGE of OUIATENON at Fort Ouiatenon on South River Road, Lafayette, Indiana. This is a yearly event. The Village will be up and running during the Feast of the Hunters' Moon in September or October. We are known as "Living History Interpreters" and not re-enactors.
Exact dates each year for the Village and Feast and other information please click the link below.
Feast of the Hunters’ Moon & TCHA
Thursday – 9:00am – 2:00pm - Special Needs Children’s Day – Not open to the public
Friday – 9:00am – 2:00pm – Elementary School Day – Not open to the public
Saturday – 9:00am – 5:00pm – All Public
Sunday – 9:00am – 4:00pm – All Public
We are now recruiting Indian People and others as participants for the Living Village. We'd like to see our relatives that were historically known to be at or near our Fort Ouiatenon, or visiting with the Wea seasonally at the village of Ouiatenon to come and join with us in the Living Village. These Tribes included, but are not limited to: Piankeshaw (Wea Deer Band), Kickapoo, Mascouten, Eel River, Shawnee, Ottawa, Potowatomi, Cherokee, Delaware, Ojibwa, Cayuga, Huron, Mingo, Munsee, Miami and others.
We also have room for Trader and Voyager interpreters, Craft persons and other roles and the Village time period is 1700 - 1791. All participants must be dressed in appropriate attire according to the standards of the mid 1700's, and as well as all village equipment; such as eating and cooking materials.
Participants will be required to fill out a "Participant Application." While we do not wish to exclude anyone, credentials will be needed to ensure that our village is represented mostly by Indian People. There will also be some positions for non-Indian persons to participate, depending on their area of expertise. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance.
The Living Village depicts Wea Indian life during the 1700's at their village of Ouiatenon, along with other Woodland Indians. To Participate you must represent a “woodland Indian” or depict a role of the 1700’s and be dressed in 1700’s attire. You will also be expected to help build a wiikiaami (wigwam) and do other work in the village. A supper meal and water is provided by WIT; you will need to bring your own food & drinks for other meals, special diets, and snacks, chairs, tent, etc.
Participants who wish to spend their time in the Village on Feast grounds may spend the nights/weekend in a wiikiaami (wigwam). Wiikiaami’s are on a first come first served basis. Dates for the Feast each year can be found on the TCHA website & modern tent camping must be reserved through TCHA at
Feast of the Hunters’ Moon & TCHA
For more details, please contact:
Debra Brown or Brenda Haffner-Lindley - Living Village Coordinators
13325 Loyalty Drive, Fishers, Indiana 46037
Office: 757-831-6753
Below you will find the "Participant Application", you can either copy and paste it, then print it out. Or you can click directly on the application and it will take you to just the form, then simply print it out, it's that easy. Fill out the application and return it via postal mail or E-mail to WIT. We hope to see you there!

Click here to see the Photo Albums:
Wea Living Village Of Ouiatenon - 1
Wea Living Village Of Ouiatenon - 2
OFFICIAL WIT E-Mail: WIT@wea-indian-tribe.org
NOTE: All pages that depict the WIT Seal have been donated to the WIT and are the official website of WIT.
Owner & Webmasters, Editors: Brenda Haffner-Lindley & Lori Budash.