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Click on the links below to read the lyrics encoded as PDF (Portable Document Format) files.

Click on the links below to read the lyrics encoded as PDF (Portable Document Format) files.

All Alone
Every Day
So Deep

The lyrics are encoded as PDF (Portable Document Format) files and require Adobe's free Acrobat Reader to view. Click here to go to Adobe's web site and download the program.

John Spreier

Twenty Two Years

Click on the links below to hear the songs encoded as WMA (Windows Media Audio) files.

Click on the links below to hear the songs encoded as WMA (Windows Media Audio) files.

All Alone
Every Day
So Deep

This web site was created by John Spreier Brought to you by Barnyard Sounds

This web site has been visited by millions of people

Click here to send e-mail to John © Copyright 2000-2002 Barnyard Sounds. All rights reserved.