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The Fairy and Celtic Page!



Fairy God Mother

The fairy godmother or (godmother), as the welsh call her) is the fairy who brings her special gifts to the newborns.  The godmothers' ancestors are the Celtic Triple Matres, or Mothers-who watch over special places such as wells, springs, and the home, and over the course of our lives-and the Greek Fates, the three women who spin, measure, and cut the thread of mans destiny.  In Albania, godmothers as known as Fait, appearing the third day after a child's birth to bestow the gifts of fate.  In Latvia, the Luame, a household Fairy, presides over the three major events of life: birth, marriage, and death. Godmothers are well-known figures in the fairy tales of many lands, where they mitigate curses, point the way through treacherous terrain, and save inexperienced young heroes from danger... and from themselves. In many tales, the fairy godmother must deflect the curse of a bad fairy who feels slighted or offended.  In the case of Sleeping Beauty, a bad fairy was not invited top a princess's baptismal feast.  she took great offense and cursed the child with death at the onset of puberty, but the last of the twelve Fairy godmothers mitigated the bad fairy's curse.  These stories remind us not to forget to invite the fairies to important events.  it is wise to acknowledge their presence and graciously accept their gifts.  The moon-wise godmother pictured here brings us sacred gifts from the land of fairy.  She holds a golden apple from the magical Isle of Apples  (also known as Avalon).  This growing fruit of immorality and fertile creativity radiates the rich, penetrating warmth of the summer sun.  She also brings us apple's  complement: a crystal of pure moonlight of stimulate clear thinking .  With these gifts of the heart , of sun and moon, of male and female balance, she asks us to place our lives in balance and to find and fulfill our true purpose.  The crescent moon she wears is a symbol of her power.  It is a receptacle or cradle holding the sacred seeds of our future-and also a boat  in which we can safely sail through the storms of life.  Her dazzling halo is made of the bright sparks of fairy consciousness.  These sparks form a mystical constellation, mapping out our destiny; these are the lucky stars we must remember to guide ourselves by, and to blank. Leaving us, the godmother transforms herself into an owl, a bird of wisdom and farsightedness.  When times are dark, she will fly back again to be the good  each of us needs, nurturing our spiritual well-being.

By:  Brain Froud

Expression Fairy

This Fairy helps in modes of expression such as dance and body posture, and with skills such as cooking, writing, acting, drawing, and making love.

Angel of Spiritual Empowerment

Angels are the thought forms of God, and heavenly messengers. The Sanskrit  angras means a divine spirit.)  they are form builders if the universe and embodiments of divine will, perched at the top of a continuum of spiritual  beings flowing downward to the smallest of fairy creatures.  Angels could be called grown-up fairies ....or put it another was, fairies are little angels.  The hierarchy of angels and their various functions is extremely complex.  There are angels of healing, angels of music, angels of peace and blessing, angels of growth and nature, angels of beautiful places, angles of countries and many , many others.  All phenomena of thought or emotion that are subjective to us are objective to angles.  Angelic emotions, aspiration, and consciousness are all external, visible, pulsing and flashing through their bodies.  The exquisite beauty of angelic faces is due to this: these beings are literally open and transparent, revealing pure intent.  All angels meditate cosmic and spiritual forces and will come to our aid when we call upon them.  The Angel of Spiritual Empowerment is a particularly radiant creature.  Ask for his help as you embark upon your spiritual journey. 

By; Brain Froud

Queen of the Bad Fairies

Here is the light of the waning moon is the Queen of the Bad Fairies.  In Scotland she is Known as Nicnivin Quiene of the Unseelie Court.  In Germany she's Berchta, leading the savage dogs of the Wild Hunt.  In Spain she is the Queen of the Estantigus, the ancient host of spirits, telling all she meets:  "Travel by day, for the night belongs to me."  Her domain is the night.  She rules over dusk and darkness, shadows and shades.  The Dark Queen's power emanates form the dark side of the moon.  Much is secret and hidden here, cloaked by dark and illusion.  An Irish banshee wails her death song, echoed by La Llorona, her baleful cousin in the American West. Black Annis, the wretched blue-faced hag, sits and grinds her long white teeth.  Hobgoblins and bogles torment torment the ghostly black dogs who haunt dark country lanes.  the human dead are ambassadors to the court of this dark fairy queen, for the mounds  that fairies inhabit were burial mounds in centuries past. But every shroud has a silver lining.  All things must die to be reborn. The transformation power of fairy turns muck into magic, dross into shining gold, black despair into crystalline joy.  Just as life grows out of death, good can grow from those things we call bad.  The banshee cry foretells change, not death.  Blue-faced hags, if we pass the test and embrace them, turn into beautiful women-or  perhaps it's not the hags who change but merely your vision of them.  In Irish folklore, hags were once revered as powerful wise women, credited with building the ancient eairns and Ireland's sacred mountains.  In the darkness the seeds of germinate, unfold, grow upward toward the light.  Fairyland is the land of paradox: in light there is darkness, light. * You will find no absolute evil here within the Dark Queen 's realm, for she is a queen of nature, a force of nature, formed from the dreaming earth.  True evil exists only in the shadow of man, when her turns back to the light.

By: Brain Froud 

Morgana le Fay

Morgana is one of the greatest of all fairy queens.  She is skilled in necromancy and the ancient art of shape shifting, able to be whatever she desires.  She soars through the night on raven's wings, landing silently in your dreams to work her dark enchantments.  Well versed in star craft  and arcane healing powers (with knowledge gleaned from Merlin himself), she is the mistress of mystical arts of sexuality and high magic.  Here is a complex nature, neither totally beneficent nor totally malign.  Her faults are anger, resentment, and, true to fairy nature, using her cunning arts against those who offend her.  yet although she schemes against King Arthur (her half brother), it s on her lap the he rest his dying head as she and two other dark queens sail him to Avalon to be healed.  It is her necessary role to be found at the crux of the drama in our lives, working toward wisdom and healing in dramatic, difficult times.  She guides in moments of forceful emotions such as anger, bitterness, resentment, and sexual jealousy.  The disturbing influence of this dark queen can leads to profound change.  The three powerful days at the dark of the moon are this fairy's special time-when all processes are internalized and concealed.  It is then that Morgana comes to us to reveal the mystical starlight, the bright points of fairy consciousness which permeates all of matter.  Morgana is an enchantress who works her magic at the deepest levels- in the dark, secret, hidden places of our minds.  She initiates us into mystic realms of creative imagination where all that is not yet manifest begins the journey into light and form.

By: Brain Froud






The pictures on this page were found in the book Good Fairies-Bad Fairies .  Wrote and illustrated by: Brain Froud.




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