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ABS Athletics
Dear Editor/Program Director

Although Americans spent more than $46 billion dollars on weight loss products, according to the American Obesity Association, approximately 127 million adults are overweight. This lead us to believe that current diet plans on the market, for the most part, do not work.  With this in mind, we started investigating a more natural way to lose weight.

Built on co-founder, Dr Averel Snyder's own experience as a certified fitness trainer and cardiovascular surgeon, we developed a line of performance apparel that aids in weight loss.  In develping this line we started in the place that we thought would make the most sense in terms of what the end user needs.

The early response has been tremendous. We have received nothing but positive feedback from our customers. The key to AbsAthletic's' remarkable success is the ease of use. You simply wear the apparel during your normal fitness program, going to a gym, walking, bicycling, etc. and watch the pounds melt away.

We feel your readers, listeners and/or viewers, especially those who are tired of diet pills and fad diets, will find the story of AbsAthletic a real inspiration. 

We hope you agree. Please take a look at our online press kit. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an interview, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Seth Snyder
CEO & President
AbsAthletic Inc.

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