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ABS Athletics


♦  Incorporated in 2005 as AbsAthletic Inc (ABS), an Atlanta,
   Georgia-based performance apparel company.

♦  Founded in 2005 by brothers Averel and Seth Snyder.

♦  Designs, contract for the manufacture of, markets, and sells
    weight loss and performance apparel.

♦  Its product line includes men and women’s tops, pants, shorts,
    hats,baseball caps, wellness smocks, scrubs, and towels. The
    product line is sold under the   tradename, FIRE Wear®. The
    FIRE Wear line is the first line of performance apparel made to
    aid in weight loss.

♦  Targets individuals who buy performance and fitness wear.
    Distributes through fitness clubs, department stores, specialty
    chain stores, sporting goods stores, and on the company's

♦  ABS is located in Atlanta, Georgia. The company's website is
    located at,


Dr Averel Snyder, co-founder of ABS is a noted Georgia cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon and certified fitness trainer. During his surgical work he came across an article about the use of far far infrared fabric has been used extensively in China and as a medical therapeutic garment in Canada. This sparked an interest to learn more about how the fabric could be incorporated into apparel to help people with their workouts. He decided to launch a company to produce a line of performance apparel. He invited his brother, Seth, a bond salesmen in New York, to join him in the venture.

The brothers realized that there was not any performance apparel line created to help with weight loss. Believing this was a market niche that could put their company on the map, they started developing and testing the product line. They invited a couple of local fashion industry executives, Twonda Scott and Dennis Hendricks to join the company to help with the design and manufacturing process. Three other Georgia-based surgeons, Jeff Hoadley,. Douglas Murphy and Jeff S. Miller also joined the company at this time.

In June of 2007, Apparel Magazine profiled the company in its Market Brief section. The company also launched its retail website, in 2007. The company plans to bring its wholesale site online by the end of the year.

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