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Take the next right turn on the highway most traveled. Let yourself be lead through no-name streets paved with lost hope and forgotten yesterdays. Follow the sound of an Amp overloading with the melodic triumph that is the Music that influences this very Website, each word revolves around it, and lives off of it.

Welcome to Exit-16. Echoing from the streets is a rumble of music. Closer and closer the sound becomes until you are in a room with a few hard working musicians, poets, but people just like you.

Theirs a serious feeling in the room. They all know that they have stumbled on something really good. Here you find only people who live, breath, and sleep music. This is only one example of persistence, and determination.

At the end of a recording session the band breaks out in laughter, thinking about the "what ifs" of the future. Things they might say to current rockstars, things they might buy. For now it's all nothing more then hopes and dreams. They laugh off a day of hard work with some jokes. Half a world away is Hollywood, Across a river is New York City. They are held together by the most insignificance. Exit-16 is that unknown place. Exit-16 is that song you've never heard before, that indescribable Graffiti filled reality, where Efrain, Frenzel and Tom, walk upon a stage and take their dreams, ready to take a left down to the highway most traveled.

Contact Information

E-mail- Exit16band@hotmail.com

available for booking, tours etc.

Exit-16 "Choke 'Em With The Grassroots"

© Copyright 2002-2003 Exit 16