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Profits from each show are donated to a different charity, as voted by the society. Here are the worthy causes we have supported:

Beaver Fever:

Ecology Action Center

Suite 31 1568 Argyle Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Canada B3J 2B3
Phone: (902) 429-2202
Fax: (902) 422-6410

Located on Argyle st., The Ecology Action Centre has been an active advocate, protecting the environment since 1971. The Centre's earliest projects included recycling, composting, and energy conservation, and these are now widely recognized environmental issues. Currently they are focussing on Marine, Wilderness, Transportation, and Environment & Development Issues, with a connection to the School Ground Naturalization project.

Laing House

1225 Barrington St
Halifax, NS  B3J 1Y3

A drop-in centre for early adults suffering from mental illness, Laing House provides youth (ages 17-24) with support, advocacy, and a range of services for youth who have mental health issues in order for young people to regain control of their lives and move forward in their recovery.


Bottoms Up!:

The Family Pride Camping Association

Suite 121, 3045 Robie St
Halifax, NS B3K 4P6
Phone: (902) 455-0186

The Family Pride Camping Association is comprised of a group of concerned adults who feel that it is essential that the children of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender parents have an opportunity to socialize and play with other children living in families like their own, in an environment where their families are affirmed and validated, free of ridicule and social stigma.

Big Top Burlesque:

Veith House

3115 Veith Street
Halifax, NS
B3K 3G9 453-4320

A community based, not for profit organization, the mission of Veith House is to work primarily with people living in poverty, with empowerment as it's goal. Since 1970, Veith House has been providing childern, families and individuals with support, resources and community.

Pasties and Petticoats:

The Eating Disorders Action Group

260 Wyse Rd., suite 300
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B3A 1N3
Phone: 902-443-994
4 Fax: 902-443-5680

The Eating Disorders Action Group is a community based, charitable organization dedicated to promoting healthy body image and self esteem and to supporting individuals who experience disordered eating. As a grass roots organization, EDAG believes in building on the unique strengths, capacities and abilities of people who have experienced disordered eating.

Stepping Stone

Street Outreach Program
2224 Maitland Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 2Z9
Phone: (902) 420-0103
Fax: (902) 422-9665

Stepping Stone Association is a user directed non-profit organization that supports individuals involved in the sex trade by contributing to their health, safety and well-being. Program users are women or men, currently or formerly in the sex trade, and youth at risk of becoming involved in the sex trade.
The Stepping Stone Association holds the philosophy that all individuals have the right to self-determination; that those who work as sex trade workers have the basic rights to safety and access to services regardless of their occupation; and that these individuals are entitled to social alternatives to the sex trade.
The Stepping Stone Program incorporates into its service delivery the knowledge that individuals who work as sex trade workers may chose to continue this occupation. Therefore, Stepping Stone does not interfere with or attempt to stop their work but rather assists in making their choices in life as safe as possible.
The Association and its programs are user directed. The goal is to empower individuals who use Stepping Stone to play an integral part in directing the activities of the Association and in determining the content, priorities and structure of the program through defining their own needs.

The Burlesque Show:

The Venus Envy Bursary Fund

1657 Barrington Street, Suite 536
Halifax, NS B3J 2A1
902 422-0004

Created in winter 2000 as a way to give something back to the community that supports Venus Envy, the Bursary Fund aims to support women in need who wish to further their education. Money is raised through dances, concerts and other local events, sales of pins at the store, donations from store proceeds, and private donations. The Venus Envy Bursary Society is currently registered as a charitable society, but unfortunately they are not yet able to issue receipts for taxation purposes.
In the fall of 2000 they awarded bursaries totaling $2100 to three women, and in each year from 2001 to 2003 they awarded two $1000 bursaries.

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