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Articles and Reviews

"Stripping away the politics"
July 2003, The Daily News

"Stripteasers had as much fun as the audience"
July 2003, The Daily News

"A sexy show by 'real' women"
November 2003, The Daily News

"Hockey Jokes, Romance and Euro-Pop Spark the Burlesque Show"
March 2004, U of King's College Journal

"Sure Things: Bottoms Up"
April 1-8 2004, The Coast

"Big Top Burlesque"
January 12, 2004, Zed TV

"The Best Little Whore House in Halifax""
March 25, 2004, Dalhousie Gazette

"Burlesque Dancers Go out With a Flash"
August 2005, HFX, Daily News

"Burlesque Goes Bust"
August 11th - August 18th, 2005. The Coast

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