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What's up today? Not much, other than a bit of layout switching. Old news repeating itself... but the Vertigo Zone seems to be a bit more lively...
~Roll the Dice~


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Vertigo Navigation System

*The Vertigo Zone*

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*Vertigo Supporters' Clique*

*Concert Journal*

*Radios to Request*



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If you are reading this, it means you want to buy Vertigo, right? Yes, that's right. You want to buy Vertigo as soon as it comes out and you want to buy lots of copies!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! Spend spend spend!!! Then, after you've bought all that, you'll make a lovely trip going to all their concerts, and buying tickets for all your friends and buying lots of copies of Vertigo for them too! So go, you thriving little Opiate, go and be happy and spend all your money on this lovely band!!! Be free! Be happy! Be dizzy with joy! Just go buy the freakin' album!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!! This has been a presentation from Psychos Inc. If you would like to purchase the product you were just frighteningly seduced to buy, go here and go click happy with the merch. Thank you, and happy buying. ~Mac




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And now, the pointless, mindless, addictive stuff...

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