Office of Representative Elect
Representative Elect Kevin Tracy
For Immediate Release
Date: 2001-04-12
Listen to his Remarks
Representative Elect Kevin Tracy:
"I'd like to take this time to address something that has been
getting on my nerves lately. It has nothing to do with school policy
or anything else directly conserning the school, I am just informing you
of something on a national level. The United States media is siding
with the minority Democrats and they have been for a while. I belive
this will cost the G.O.P. the Congress in the 2002 elections.
"I have heard alot of rubbish about how President Bush is purposly
out to ruin the environment. This morning, the President made clear
that we will be conserving energy durring the summer. He also made it clear
that his energy plan will include investing money into discovering more
effecient ways of producing energy. But oddly enough, the media manages
to find time to sit down in the back yards of Democratic Environmentalists
for long interviews while only obtaining brief comments from Republicans,
on telivision, these comments by the republicans are cut short often before
the Republican finishes his sentance. Somehow, the D.N.C. and the
media are taking the President's Radio Address and turning it against him
and the G.O.P.
"I want everyone to know that despite what you may be told, President
Bush and his supporters are not on a mission to destroy the environment.
Tthe drillers and the President are not working together to raise oil prices.
The real reason they are so high is that OPEC is boosting prices and cutting
production. The President cannot control prices and production overseas
but he is doing everything reasonable in his power to save us from paying
three (3) dollars a gallon at the pump.
"Just be happy" -TRANSMISSION OUT-