"Whenever we update this section on of my site, I am in awe with how
much we have put in here.  I don't even remember when it got so big, It's 
like it just got big overnight.  Well, go skim through this stuff, you might
have some pleasant flashbacks."

-Kevin Tracy (April 2002)

In Focus: May 14th to May 30th "WE WON! YES! WE WON!"
     CHS CAD TEAM WINS 1st at Purdue ! ! !
     Kevin is in Limbo Over What to Do With the Site.
     Upperclassmen Tailgate BBQ Update
     Senior Awards night on May 23rd
     Kevin uses Clarinex to Fight Seasonal Allergies
     Kevin's 'War of the Worlds' will be updated frequently in the Studio 
     Windows Wallpaper Section of the Studio Shut Down Due to Consistent Problems

In Focus: May 6th - May 13th "Preparing For A CADD Death Match"
     Kevin, Ed, Zona, John, Mark, and Ben prepare for a Brawl at Purdue
     Minister Svendsen's Report on Homosexuality and Greg
     Josh Predicts: "bar be que gonna be a blast!"
     USAF DEPPER Car Wash cancled on May 11th
     Kevin Defends School's Technology Department against Morgan
     Tracy might work a deal to get an online radio show for the summer.
     Sec. McKenna gets: ready to bust out of CHS to Big City!
     Tell us what we should do with the site!!! PLEASE, WE DON'T KNOW!!!
     Liberal Rumors About Kevin Die Quick upon his "Bring it on" Comment.
     Kevin Condemns Anti-Government Mailbox Bombings

In Focus: April 22nd - May 5th "Underclasses Take to the Polls"
     Tracy responds to allegations of rumors of liberal scandals: Bring it on
     Poll: What should Kevin's S.A.F.E. policy be?
     Hanna Looks Back at Campaign for Treasurer: "it was fun."
     Hanna shocked at opponent's "Femi-nazi" response to Exit Poll Results
     Republicans seeking election in any class, Contact Kevin for help
     Minister Duda: "Carl Svendsen spelled backwards is 'homosexual' "
     BBQ update: Juniors and Seniors only (some exceptions apply)
     International Study: Genocide is Bad for Human Rights
     Ehud Barak: "I swear I can fix it...gimmie a minute....."
     Rep. Tracy: Money is the root of all POWER
     See Main Office for Graduation Information

In Focus: April 15th - April 21st "Underclassmen Seek Nominations"
     Kevin hires James Hanna as Minister of Finances
     "Republican Lunch Table" will be handed down to Eric Lucas
     Rep. Tracy and Staff Support Israel and its War against Terrorism
     Minister Svendsen: "Greg Duda is gay"
     Kevin encourages Hanna to run for class Treasurer, Meeting 15th
     Minister Morgan condemns his motherboard to hell
     Kevin is 1 of 4 that make CHS's two CADD Engineering Teams
     Minister Duda gets PNC Chancellor's Leadership Award
     10 Campaign Signs found from 2000! Check the Studio

In Focus: April 1st - April 14th "Start of the Last Nine Weeks"
     Kevin announces work has begun on a Political Party Test
     Rob's Lab Online will be posted here
     REPORT: If you IM Carl, you will wait about 4 hours for a reply on average
     Minister Duda urges all to pay their donations to WDSO
     WDSO raises record $2,000 in donations
     Get Radiothon Prizes by Friday if You Won Anything
     Kevin visits Grandparents in Wisconsin 5th, 6th and 7th

In Focus: March 23rd - March 31st "Spring Break"
     Kevin, Minister Morgan and the rest of the Staff Welcomes Anna to America
     WDSO Has Radiothon - Kevin plans to stay up most of the 72 Hours!
     KevCam launched on Yahoo, See Class Rep. Tracy LIVE!
     Kevin takes job in Intelligence Applications in the United States Air Force
     Rep. Tracy becomes GOP Team Leader - Looks for Members to Join GOP Team
     Kevin promises 2nd Annual BBQ in Parking Lot - Marks End of Terms
     Will You Change Your Buddy Icon?
     Kevin considers giving this site to a younger Representative or Officer this Summer
     Help Flood Carl's FTP
     Site is Officially over a year old, what will happen after graduation?

In Focus: March 11th - March 22nd "Last Week Until Recess"
     76% say there should be no VHS Minister, Kevin drops idea of other schools
     Help Flood Carl's FTP
     Minister Morgan's "German comes in on March 19"
     Kevin begins work on The Epic of Magi©1997-2002 Tomas Feher Web Site
     Rep. Tracy is taking suggestions for the site 24/7
     New AIM Buddy Icon Movement: Buddy Icon is a Picture of user
     Minister Svendsen says, "We Need to Do Some Political Cleansing"
     Kevin stands firm: People that grow, deal, buy, and or use Drugs are Terrorists

In Focus: February 21st - March 10th "18 on BPA State Trip"
     Sec. Tracy earns CTA and Web team gets 9th (PICTURES)
     Kevin goes to BPA State Competition (Feb. 22 - 24)
     Sec. Tracy, Josh Michaels, Brian Moholland, and Jake Frum cram for Web Competition
     Sec. Tracy: "Our web page sucks. We probably aren't going to nationals."
     Kevin's Birthday is on Feb. 22nd, doesn't "mind turning 18 in Indy."
     Sec. Tracy's Friday Schedule
     Rep. Tracy will Miss Student Council Meeting Friday (Feb. 22)
     Kevin was a Paul Bearer at Grandmother's Funeral
     Kev: "It was good seeing my dad's family again, I just wish the circumstances were different"

In Focus: February 4th - February 17th "The Judicial Committee"
     Site update delayed - Kevin in MA funeral. Return Wed. Expect update by Fri. Morning
     McKenna, Feher, and Povlinski stay in student council. 2 At Large Kicked out.
     Committee Hearings Postponed to WEDNESDAY!
     Student Council Members Facing Attendance Problem: Kevin Helps Friends
     Rep. Tracy will Represent Rep. Povlinski Tuesday
     Members with 3+ unexcited absences will face Committee on Tuesday
     Tracy and Morgan Kick Butt in Sociology Game, But Zervos is a Democrat
     Kevin Needs Medical Papers before Joining Air Force - Will Go Back at a Later Date
     Kevin Pulls Miracle: Places 5th in Varsity Impromptu at Portage
     Entertainment Section Added
     QUESTION FROM KEVIN: What can be done to improve the school?
     Kevin stands opposed to Basketball in parking lot, too expensive with current budget
     Min. Morgan looks forward to hosting German citizen, Anna Heindl, around Spring Break
     Decathlon members compete February 8th and 9th - Good Luck

In Focus: January 20th - February 3rd "Our Last Semester"
   Happy Belated 18th Birthday to Maddie! (Jan 18)
     President Bush finishes 1/8th of his Job - 7/8ths to go
     Bush Gives State of the Union: Stronger Than Ever
     Ministers Duda and Eckert meet at Kevin's for 61" of Bush
     Minister of Liberal Affairs Joe Klinkman returns from Peru
     Kevin: "Bears fans will have to look in the Chicago alleys for Mattews"
     Sec. Tracy places everywhere he tried at BPA Districts
     Academic Decathlon Scores: Morgan-809  Duda-805
     Kevin to Join the Air Force February 4th and 5th

In Focus: January 8th - January 19th "Ending the First Semester"
     Rep. Tracy and Rep. Povlinski Will Write the At Large Non-Voting Bill
     Kevin is "Feeling Better" After Missing First 2 Days Back
     Rep. Tracy's Photo Gallery is up!
     Kevin Serves State Rep. Ayres, Sits in the Chair of Doris
     Sec. Tracy and BPA Web Team are going to State Competition
     Sec. Tracy will have pictures from Saturday's Competition on the site
     Rep. Tracy having "peace talks" with nemesis Megan Labadie
     How should we make the site better? Tell Kevin!

In Focus: December 23rd - January 7th "Winter Break"
     Pictures From Kevin's Christmas
     Staff with Kevin are Discussing a "State of the Union Tailgate Party"
     Staff New Year's Resolutions
     Listen to Minister Duda Every Friday From 3 to 4 on WDSO
     Studio Page Now Includes Kevin's Designs Seen on this Page!
     Kevin doesn't go to Wisconsin for New Year's Eve
     Kevin Hands Out Soda For Christmas to Fellow Students with Santa Hat
     Minister Duda Travels to Indianapolis After Christmas
     Kevin anxious to leave 2001 behind.
     Minister Morgan and Rep. Tracy: Restart Late Night Strategy Discussions

In Focus: December 8th - December 22nd "Waiting for Winter Break"
     Kevin Adds Lawyers and Postpones Trial Until It is Constitutional
     Kevin Official Member of the Limbaugh Letter and RUSH 24/7
     Kevin Places 4th at LaPorte
     Minister Morgan Offers 2 "Very Generous Settlements" - TURNED DOWN
     Kevin doesn't place at Chesterton Tournament
     Kevin hires Greg Eckert as New Minister of Propaganda
     Kevin Working on Food Drive
     Mr. Owen stocking est. 10,000+ items for the Drive
     Kevin Plans on: Quadrupling BPA Web site Team's Efforts after the Trial
     What should Kevin get Maddie for Christmas? Contact him and give him ideas!

In Focus: November 26th - December 7th "Into the Air Force"
     KEVIN ON TRIAL!  Will S.A.F.E. Kick Kevin Out?
     Kevin delays entering the Air Force: Lets take this one step at a time.
     Kevin prepares for Chesterton's Debate Tournament
     War isn't over in Afghanistan, Kevin Predicts Iraq is Next
     The Man That Was Scrooge: Kevin's Holiday Tear
     Kevin indecisive about Cloning of Human Embryo for stem cells
     Ministers may start selling T-shirts for money
     Kevin: I DON'T HAVE MONO!
     Issues Section Added!

In Focus: November 10th - November 25th  "Thanksgiving"
     Kabul Falls!
     Thanksgiving Sermon
     Foreign Minister Morgan talks of future trip to Afghanistan
     Kevin Plans on Spending Thanksgiving at Home with Family
     Kevin Says Saddam is After the Taliban
     Kevin Places 4th in Congress at West Lafayette
     Kevin Places 3rd in Congress at Valparaiso
     Minister Morgan and Rep. Tracy agree: Druggies are Terrorists

In Focus: October 27th - November 9th     "Anthrax Spooks"
     Kevin: Doesn't care about Anthrax
     Kevin places 3rd in Congress at Columbia City
     Kevin places 2nd in Congress at Concord
     Morgan named "Student of the Month" by Rotary Club
     Kevin Upset at Terrorists for ruining Halloween

In Focus: October 9th - October 26th     "Return From Wisconsin - Retaliation Begins"
     Summary of Kevin's trip to Wisconsin (Pictures)
     Minister Morgan's Trip to Afghanistan canceled due to recent events
     Kevin is "all for retaliation against ALL the mucus involved"
     Minister Morgan gets his gavel, slippers, and pipe as a "return to normalcy."
     Kevin has first practice debate October 13th (will be updated)
     Kevin plans to attend first SAFE trip back to Wisconsin - may see Maddie
     Rep. Kevin Tracy and Chelsea Cunningham "hook up"

In Focus: September 22nd  - October 8th   "A Time of Change"
     Kevin: Not Afraid to Die for Freedom but Would Rather Live
     Kevin's Trip to Wisconsin Reason for not Attending Homecoming Dance
     Congrats, King Dylan and Queen Virginia!
     Kevin Represents the Council at Homecoming Ceremonies and Parade 
     The President's Speech to a Joint Session of Congress 
     Keep Those Flags Up
     Kevin and Rob Attend Candle Ceremony in Town
     Rob Visits Friends From Germany Sept. 29th and 30th.

In Focus: September 1st - September 21st   "Them vs. Freedom" 
     Mary Kate McKenna endorsed by Kevin for Queen
     Tomas Feher endorsed by Kevin for King
     Kevin's comment after terrorist attacks on Pentagon and WTC
     Rob's comment after terrorist attacks on Pentagon and WTC
     Kevin: "If my nation fights, then I fight too."
     CHS Girls Golf goes to Regionals - First time in 17 years.
     Fall Homecoming Information
     Kevin head of "T-shirt Committee"
     Kevin's planned extracurricular activities this year
     Duda will edit the Senior Video
     Kevin to team up with Paul Kamber (R) to work on S.A.F.E.'s web site
     94% of polled think At Large voting should be suspended.

In Focus: August 23rd - August 31st      "Year of 2002"
     22nd's Welcome Back Speeches (Tracy, Morgan, Svendsen on behalf of staff)
     Senior Government Meeting Moved to Wednesday at 11
     Bi-partisan Representative, Kevin Tracy, to Rejoin S.A.F.E. Tuesday
     Kevin confirms he has new Covert Ops. Co-ministers, nothing more
     Radio show on hold until the microphone is fixed

In Focus: July 18th - August 22nd      "End of Summer Vacation"
     Kevin Tracy announces official Schedule
     Our Online Weekend Radio Show (postponed until better microphone arrives)
     German Letter from Morgan to Tracy (91 Kb)
     Rob In Germany Pictures (coming soon) 
     Minister Morgan Debriefed at the LVS
     Affiliates Program Launched under supervision of Minister Duda
     Kevin Returns From Florida (Pictures coming soon)
     Kevin to Visit D.C. in Fall
     Mehlman Fired
     Kevin attends the 43rd Chesterton Art Fair

In Focus: July 1st - July 17th      "Start Independence Month"
     Minister Wyatt Fired
     Kevin welcomes Joe Klinkman as the new Minister of Liberal Affairs
     Kevin gets an A in Econ, "An Easy Task for a Republican and listener of RUSH."
       Niemann rejected as Minister of Immoral Affairs, higher standards set on Staff Members
     Should At-Large members be able to vote as elected Representatives?
     Minister Duda's title officially changed to Minister of Press Relations
     Minister Morgan is on top of things in Germany
     Rep. Tracy hints toward taking a road trip to Washington D.C. instead of flying
     Kevin and Danny set plans for 6th annual celebration of Independence Day

In Focus: June 1st - June 30th      "First Month of Summer"
     BBQ an overall success
     Rep. Kevin Tracy suggests independent student reading of "1984"
     Minister Morgan lands safely in Germany
     Rep. Kevin Tracy finishes first half of econ with A+
     Rep. Kevin Tracy offers Desktop Wallpapers They will be posted in The Studio
     Minister Wyatt Asked to Resign

In Focus: May 14th - May 31th      "Wrapping up for Summer"
     Kevin questions At-Large voting power
     Carl Svendsen appointed Minister of the Environment
     Rep. Tracy's BBQ a reality
     Kevin Condemns the "Sock Hop Prom"
     Minister Duda gives Prom statement
     Kevin Denounces National Media on Bush Bashing Listen to his remarks
     A Month in Germany for Minister of Foreign Affairs Rob Morgan
     Matt Wyatt appointed Minister of Liberal Affairs

In Focus: April 12th - May 13th      "Class Representative Elect Kevin Tracy"
     Dan Mehlman appointed Minister of Covert Operations
     Kevin Elected - Click here to see the Election Results for the class of 2002
     Kevin's Remarks on the Election Results

April 6 - April 11          "The Campaign"
     Kevin an official candidate for the Office of Class Representative
     Signs were already printed and campaigning started ASAP
     Campaign Help Needed - Contact Kevin Directly

March 23  - April 4          "The Petition"
    Kevin announces he will run for Class Representative
    Kevin Gets the required 35 signatures
    Form handed in on April 3 - 54 signatures - No more room on paper


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