Office of the Representative
Representative Kevin Tracy

For Immediate Release
Date: 2001-06-01

The Barbeque was as close to a complete sucess as possible.  We had a little problem when we began grilling before Mr. D. came outside.  But while others with grills were asked to leave, we stayed and watched the Senior water and shaving cream battle. Next year, we will invite everyone with a grill to join us. We lost one lawn chair to a water balloon, don't ask me how, and Mike got plastered with shaving cream. Luckily the food stayed dry and clean, including the Ribs.  

We also learned many useful things.  For example, I'm sure Josh learned the value of filling the Propane tank the night before.  Maybe next time he'll remember.  And I learned you can never bring too much meat.  We had 16 extra hot dogs and just barely enough pork and beef.

We look forward to having our second anual parking lot barbeque next year.  And just incase things get out of hand since we are seniors, I believe in a strong defense.  Not that I'm suggesting anything.



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