Representative Elect Kevin Tracy For Immediate Release
Before I begin, I would like to quickly address why I did not attend the Prom. There were several factors that lead me to the decision. The first is that I would rather go to only one prom and then it would be all that more special when I look back on it 20 years from now. Another reason is that there is a Sophomore girl I have became rather keen of this year and going with someone other than her really would have spoiled my time. The other reason is that there was a money factor. Did you know that it is cheaper to fly to Nebraska and back for a couple than it is to go to prom? From what I hear, a trip Nebraska via Southwest Airlines would have been more special too. I am not condemning the Prom itself. I am simply condemning the music played at the prom. I did not attend the prom and all my knowledge of the goings on there this year are completely based on attending members of my staff. I would like to thank my good friend, Rob Morgan, for bringing this to my attention.
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