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Rolodex of Excuses to Cut Class

1. I'm tired.
2. Need a smoke man.
3. My hair is curling up.
4. Gotta shit.
5. Gotta fart.
6. Fucking BORING professor.
7. There's shit all to be learned.
8. The clouds are too pretty to sit indoors.
9. I'm hungry.
10. My buddy is hungry.
11. I'm sick.
12. My friend is sick and I have to take care of him/her.
13. I skipped too many classes already, if i show up now the prof is liable to have a heart attack.
14. People are stupid and I don't like aneurysms.
15. People's comments make my ass twitch.
16. Got a paper to finish.
17. Neh.
18. Any member of RHCP or RH showed up at my door and they want to "hang out" with me.
19. Have to work on my pointless shit site.
20. This song ROCKS.
21. What class? O_o!
22. Oh THAT class. Eh.
23. I have a quiz in my next class.
24. I just had an exam in my previous class.
25. But my bed is sooo comfy.
26. I'm having my period, fuck off!
27. My jock itch is acting up, fuck off!
28. Oh just fuck off!!!
29. Dammit my flask is empty.
30. Hungover.
31. Daaaym, have you SEEN the people in my class!?!

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