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Welcome everyone to the NEW Online home of Neshaminy Valley Wrestling (NVW)! You have never seen anything like this. We have created a new era in wrestling in which we like to call..."backyard entertainment"! We bring the drama of WWE and fuse it together with the action of backyard wrestling! As of right now we don't have any videos or any media but it will slowly be coming! Sorry if this disappoints anyone but we are not the crazy small-minded backyard wrestlers who just hit each other with light bulbs all match long. We try to keep it more on the ring wrestling style and not too many weapons but we do use weapons. We wrestle in a teen-made arena in a wooded area close to where we all live. We call it the "NVW Arena". In this arena is a bunch of leaves, sticks, pieces of wood, golf clubs, loose fence, light bulbs, metal trashcan, wooden ladder, baseball bat, 'No Dumping' sign, iron gas tank, etc. We have created a ring that isn't really too big so we call it the "Impact Zone" this is the place where we do all of our big slams and flips and what not. The rest of the match goes all around the arena which is about 30 feet by 30 feet in area. That is the basics of this young promotion that is hoping to go big. Enjoy the rest of the site.

NVW Championship

No Champion

NVW Tag Team Championship

No Champions

Date: November 27,2005

Time: 3:00PM

Place: NVW Arena

Scheduled: 8 Matches and 2 Titles on the Line

Card: Click here for card

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