[We cut to the backstage area, where Duane "Double D" Eckelbury is standing beside "The Sensation" Danny Vicious. Danny's dressed for competition. Double D smiles into the camera.]

Ecklebury: Fans, I'm here with "The Sensation" Danny Vicious. Moments from now, Danny, you enter the ring to face former tag team partner Adam Delicious once again. It would seem that nothing has changed in your rivalry over these last few months. Time hasn't healed all, so what fuels your hatred towards Adam?

[Vicious shifts his weight, opting not to remove his silver Oakley shades for the camera.]

Vicious: Delicious is a moot point right now. I have to face him twice in one night. I, like most of the other competitors in the main event, have to wrestle twice. I think everyone does, actually. Right now, I know what I have to do. I have to beat Adam. But that's not where my concentration is. Adam Delicious is not a problem. So I don't really care for your question, Duane, and I'd just like to state that Adam Delicious doesn't have a lawyer's chance in heaven of surviving this match. And we all know where lawyers end up when they die.

[Eckelbury eyes Vicious warily.]

Ecklebury: Ok... well, speaking of the main event match tonight, you haven't made any comments about the competitors in the match. You were expected to be one of the more open, vocal people in this match, yet you've remained silent. Anything you'd like to say now?

[Danny reaches out and grabs Double D's arm, raising it so the microphone is to his lips. Duane starts to pull back before realizing what's going on. He holds the mic steady, an unhappy look on his face. Vicious removes his shades, placing them on top of his bandana.]

Vicious: I'm glad you asked, so you had better hold that mic nice and high so everyone can hear what I have to say.

[In the arena, the crowd erupts into a loud chorus of boos. Vicious pays no mind.]

Vicious: I opted to do a solo interview away from my teammates because they are, in fact, just another set of opponents. The set of alliances in this match are bogus, and everyone knows it. The main goal of every person in that ring is to win the OLW Heavyweight title. Yes, I'm aware of what I just called it. Screw Goodlife and his bullshit renaming of the title. I'm no different from anyone else in that match. I want the title. So Quinn Tate, Dalton, Python, don't expect any help. Because when it comes down to it, I have the same bullseye on my chest that everyone else on every other team HAS. And if you three think you're going to stop me from winning it, you had better have a "plan B". You're going to need it.

[Double D moves the mic to speak while Danny pauses. He grabs Duane's arm again.]

Vicious: What are you doing?

Ecklebury: I was going to ask another question.

[Double D doesn't back down, which causes the crowd to cheer in approval. Danny just glares at Duane before removing the mic from his hands swiftly and gently. Duane takes a step back.]

Vicious: Just forget it. Go interview Heidi or something. Give me the damn mic and leave.

[Double D waves his hands at Danny and walks away. Vicious turns back, smirking.]

Vicious: Anyway, as I was saying. Cole Christenson, Daemon Curtis, Heidi, Avarice, you're all equally tough opponents. You're what I consider to be "threats". So expect me to try and eliminate those threats rather quickly. Ripper Longshanks, Adam Delicious, and Thane. You three are competitors I have the most history with. Don't take that lightly. I know what you're capable of, I know what you can do, and I've known you long enough to know how to beat you. Unfortunately for Rip and Thane, I've changed so much since we've last met, that I doubt you can handle me anymore. I'm not the green rookie you took advantage of back in the day. I'm a full-fledged superstar now, and I've learned more than you can hope to know. So when you can't counter my moves, and I'm kicking your ass all over the cage, remember, it's all payback, bitches. D, Yaz, I've only got one thing against you tonight. You're trying to keep me from my goal. Guys, this is strictly business. Nothing personal. Damien, Winters, Connors, you three are nothing to me. You're coming into MY ring, and you're wrestling ME. ME. "The Sensation" Danny Vicious. I understand that you're just trying to get yours, but it won't happen. I know nothing about you, care even less FOR you, and in the end, rather than tasting glory, you'll just taste my boot. Now this interview is over. I have matches to win, and personal demons to conquor.

[Danny drops the mic and walks off screen as "All Out" by 2 Pac and Outlawz begins over the PA system.]

Conarri: Vicious is on his way out here for his match against Adam Delicious.

Danny Vicious vs Adam Delicious

[We cut back to ringside, and a shot of the crowd rising to boo "The Sensation".]

Stanton: Throughout his fight with Delicious, Danny's certainly not had the fans behind him.

# We goin all out (aiiiite) #
# We goin all out (aiiiite) We goin all out, #
# watch ya motherfuckin mouth niggaz #
# (That's right, fuck these fag niggaz) Do it, do it, do it #


# Come hell or high water, down to slaughter opposers #
# Just another lost soul, stuck, callin Jehovah #
# Outlaw 'til it's over, brand as my strap #
# Back like a cobra, I stay drunk, cause I'm a mad man #
# Whenever sober, on a one man mission #
# My ambition to hold up the rap game #
# While I pluck holes in niggaz like donuts #

[Smoke begins to fill the entranceway. Highlights of Danny Vicious begin to roll on the video screen. The lights dim, and red and white strobe lights criss-cross on the stage as silver fireworks begin pouring down from the rafters.]

Ferraro: This match is scheduled for one fall, and it is a GRUDGE MATCH!

[The fans pop for the match type.]

Conarri: Which means the rules are simple, fans. There ARE none! And one has to think Vicious feels more comfortable in this environment than Adam will.

# And still down to die for all my souljas #
# Like hillbillies, they don't fear me #
# So refuse bringin war to the city #
# With each breath, death before dishonor #
# Never let you swallow me, no apologies, your honor #
# A general in war, I'm the first to bomb #
# With a squad of trusted killers, quick to move shit heavily armed #
# I'm similar to Saddam, sometimes I question Hussein #
# Like fiends frantic for that last vein, stuck in the game #
# I hit the scene like sandstorms, then transform, watch me #
# I take the figure of dirty niggaz, who all got me #

[Vicious finally appaears on the ramp through the smoke. He stops at the beginning of the decline and looks around, a satisfied smirk on his face. He's dressed in his black trunks with gold trim. He tugs on his North Carolina Tar Heels jersey before shooting his arms into the air. There's an explosion and some fire on the ramp that quickly goes out as Danny begins slowly walking towards the ring. He makes multiple body gestures to the crowd, yelling at the fans on the way.]

Ferraro: Introducing first, hailing from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in tonight at 264lbs, he is "The Sensation" DANNNYYYYYYYY VICIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!

# While bitches wonderin who shot me #
# No love, keep a grudge, shootin sluggs like Muammar Quadaffi #
# Murder my friends, build a new posse #
# We takin shots at paparazzi, go and fly now, nigga like Rocky #
# You got a lot of nerve to play me #
# Another gay rapper, bustin caps to Jay-Z (buck buck buck buck buck buck) #
# And still avoid capture, while y'all caught up in the rapture #
# Still after me, I'm in Jamacia sippin daquiris, no doubt #
# We used to havin nothin, then grabbin somethin and bustin #
# Wanted to be the thug-nigga, that my old man wasn't #
# I came to a field, catchin cases, litigation #
# Niggaz playa-hatin, got me crooked in all 50 states #

[Vicious reaches the ringside area, turns sharply, and jogs up the ring steps to the apron. Once there, he turns to face the entrance ramp, pointing and yelling. Danny turns again and steps between the ropes. Once in the ring, he moves to the closest corner and climbs to the second rope. He removes his silver Oakley shades and places them on the bill of his Tar Heels cap before raising his arms to the crowd again. They respond with boos.]

Stanton: Why does he always take so long?

Conarri: Danny's always been one for elaborate entrances.

Styles: Yeah. You just sit back and enjoy it.

Stanton: Ugh.

# I'm screamin DEATH ROW, throw my WESTSIDE, ain't no thang #
# We was raised off drive-by's, brought up to bang #
# We claim mob, M.O.B. if you be specific #
# We control all cash from Atlantic-Pacific #
# And get this, I'm hard to kill, when I peel with this live spot #
# Father, how the hell did I survive, these five shots? #
# Live it up, of give it up, and my demons #
# Late night, hear them screamin; we goin all out! #

[The music comes to an end as Vicious jumps down and removes his cap, white bandana, and jersey. He places the bandana and shades into the upside down cap and hands his attire off. The fans slowly begin to pop, knowing who's next.]

Conarri: Tonight, don't be the least bit surprised if you see Vicious do exactly as his theme suggests and go "All Out". There's a lot at stake for Danny tonight.

Ferraro: And his opponent...

[The intro to "Bonecracker" by Shocore begins. The fans pop huge. Gold strobe lights shine around the arena.]

# I'm the bonecracker, I'm the bonecracker, #
# I'm gonna come from behind I’m the back attacker #
# I'm the bonecracker, I'm the bonecracker #
# I'm gonna get in your mind and you'll find I’ll unwrap ya #

[Delicious walks out onto the stage in his gold trunks with black trim. Nothing fancy, no pyro, just Adam Delicious quickly making his way to the ring.]

Styles: Wow! He looks hella focused.

Ferraro: From Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and weighing in tonight at 242lbs, he is ADAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DELICIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!

# Straight in your face I’m like mace when you cry #
# You'll need a back brace the day that defines you #
# Unwind you'll find that I'm god damn lethal #
# I will give the beat to you in a hand-drill #

[Delicious slides into the ring under the bottom rope. Danny Vicious rushes to meet him, but Adam is on his feet before Danny can stomp him down. The two trade punches as Delicious' song continues.]

# Inside, your mind #
# Inside your mind #

[The music cuts abruptly as Tracie rushes from the ring to safety. The ref tries to pull Danny back, but he shoves the ref to the mat and continues swinging at Delicious, who hasn't backed down. Delicious begins snapping kicks at Danny's right thigh, attempting to charlie horse it. Danny shakes the kicks off and catches Adam with a knock-out jab. Delicious stumbles back into the ropes, allowing Danny to come around with a left hook that knocks Adam through the middle rope and to the floor. Delicious hits with a thud, but immediately gets to his knees and shakes his head. Vicious walks to the other side of the ring and exits. He picks up the apron of the ring and begins searching underneath for a weapon. Seeing this, Adam looks under the ring on his side. Danny grabs a trash can full of stuff and tosses it into the ring. Lids, street signs, a crutch, a pylon, and a barbed wire baseball bat fall out. Delicious still searches as Danny grabs a lid from under the ring and begins walking around. He reaches where Adam is and lifts the lid above his head. That's when Adam, who had appeared to be looking for something, turned and pressed down on the valve of his fire extinguisher. The foam shot into Danny's face, and he dropped the lid. Delicious takes the moment to grab a steel chair from under the ring and WAFFLE Danny with it over the head.]



Conarri: That was certainly one hell of a shot!

[Vicious stumbles back against the guardrail. If it weren't there, he'd be on the ground. Delicious stands, chair in hand, and runs at Danny. Last second, Vicious ducks down and backdrops Adam over the guardrail and into the fans. Danny takes a second before grabbing his lid and hopping over. He meets Adam about three rows in and clocks him with the lid. Delicious staggers back into more fans. As Danny approaches, Adam takes a hot dog from a fan and mushes it into Danny's eyes. Vicious howls in pain, and while he is blinded again, Adam clears fans out of the way. Once it's clear, Adam takes Danny's arm and irish whips him into a wall on the other side of the floor seats. Vicious hits hard and flops to the ground. Delicious begins climbing the stands. He reaches the floor and climbs up onto the guardrails. Danny stumbles to his feet, trying to wipe mustard and ketchup from his burning eyes as Delicious leaps off and lands on Danny with a moonsault!]



[Delicious jumps back to his feet, yelling to release adrenaline. The fans cheer him on as he pulls Vicious to his feet. Delicious sets Vicious up for an irish whip into the fan baracade, but he stops and pulls Danny back to send him into the wall again. However, Vicious reverses and this time sends Delicious crashing into the wall. Adam bounces off and hits the floor, clutching his back. Danny takes a second to clear his eyes again, grabbing a bottle of water from a fan and pouring it over his face. Finally able to see again, Danny turns to another fan, grabs a glass of beer, takes a few big gulps, and smacks Adam Delicious in the head with the cup. Danny adds a few stomps in before picking Delicious up by his ponytail and dragging him back towards the ring. They reach the baracade, Danny takes a second to smack Adam's head off it. Adam stands upright, however, and glares at Vicious. Danny tries it again, but Adam blocks and smashes Vicious' head off the baracade instead. Adam throws Danny over and follows quickly, grabbing a street sign from the ring and obliterating it over Danny's head. Vicious crumbles to the ground in a heap. This gives Adam time to look under the ring again. He pulls out an eighteen foot ladder and a table.]


Conarri: Woah... It's been quite a while since I've seen Adam Delicious handle a ladder, but if this turns out anything like the four way ladder match he had in IWA, this will be PHENOMENAL!

Styles: Just wait 'till Danny gains control of the ladder.

[Vicious is slowly pulling himself to his feet as Delicious sets up the table outside the ring at the bottom of the entrance ramp. Adam takes notice, grabbing a kendo stick from under the ring. He walks over to Vicious, smacking him in the back with the cane. Danny howls in pain, but it doesn't cause Delicious to hold back. He swings again, and again, and again, and again. Each shot echos throughout the arena as Danny tries to cover up. Delicious pulls Danny to his feet and steps beside him, putting the cane across Danny's chest. Delicious nails a White Russian legsweep to the outside. Adam bounds back to his feet and pulls Vicious up, sliding him into the ring. Adam follows and covers, hooking the leg.]







Stanton: Too early.

[Delicious stands, picking up the ladder he brought in. He angles it in a corner so that the top of the ladder rests on the top turnbuckle, and the bottom runs into the ring. He picks Vicious up and backs him into the opposite corner. A few knife edge chops later, Delicious attempts to irish whip Vicious across the ring, but Danny reverses. Adam goes running in, but at the last second runs up the ladder and stops on the top turnbuckle. The fans scream, and Delicious is sent backwards, crashing head first onto the extended end of the ladder!]

Stanton: Oh my God...

Conarri: OUCH! Delicious just scaled the ladder to save himself from an akward trip, but Danny DRILLED him with a German suplex! Let's check out the replay!

************* REPLAY ****************
[As Delicious was sent towards the ladder, he didn't notice Vicious running behind him. Delicious scaled the ladder and stopped short on the turnbuckle, but Danny also scaled the ladder after Adam. Once Adam stopped, Danny ran up behind him, wrapped his arms around Adam's waist, and tossed him back with a German suplex. Adam's lower half landed on Danny, who also landed hard on the ladder, but Adam's head struck the rungs from the suplex.]
************* END REPLAY ***************


Conarri: Both men are DOWN!


Conarri: The ref is checking both men. Delicious may be out cold, and Danny doesn't look to be doing too well either. His entire body crashed down on the ladder. Adam's lower half was at least cushioned by Danny.

[The ref slowly rolls Delicious off the ladder and checks on him. Danny remains down on the ladder. The ref begins waving towards the back, and medical personel begin rushing down the aisle. Neither man has moved since the maneuver. Medics slide into the ring and immediately begin checking Adam's neck. Another set rushes in and begins checking on Vicious. A hush has fallen over the crowd.]

Stanton: This doesn't look good.

[Adam's eyes are open, and he's responding to the medics. He looks around and rolls to his side. Danny is also responding to the medics, but he rolls off the ladder and lands on his stomach on the mat. Delicious clutches the ropes and begins pulling himself up, while Danny makes it to his knees. Both men are breathing heavily. Danny is the first to his feet. Adam follows a few seconds later, clutching the ring ropes. The two look up at the same time and see each other. Danny seethes. Delicious glares intensly. At the same time, the two stumble forward and begin throwing punches again! Medics rush to seperate the two, but they begin swinging at the medics! Finally the medics leave the ring.]

Conarri: They're back up and fighting! Looks like they want the match to continue!

[Danny nails a few shots before swatting Adam's fist away and wrapping Adam up, taking him over with a belly to belly suplex. With Adam down, Danny exits the ring and grabs a table from underneath. He slides it into the ring and follows, stomping a rising Adam Delicious back down. Danny takes the table and sets it up near the side farthest from the entrance ramp. Delicious rises again, and Danny takes him by the head, setting him up for a Canadian Bombshell. He picks Adam up, but Delicious fights back with shots to Danny's head before dropping Vicious with a DDT! Adam wastes no time pulling Danny across the ring before baseball sliding Danny to the outside. Vicious hits the ground with a thud, but quickly makes hit to his feet. Adam takes a street sign and runs towards the ropes, dropkicking the sign into Danny's face! Danny falls backwards, but there's a table there. He ends up on the table, and Adam smiles inside the ring. He takes the ladder and sets it up near the ropes. The fans pop louder and louder for every rung Adam clibms, until he's at the top. Delicious does the sign of the cross, nods to the fans, closes his eyes, and jumps.]



Stanton: I...

Styles: WOAH!

Conarri: OH MY GOD!!!! Adam Delicious just hit a 450 splash FROM THE TOP OF A LADDER ONTO DANNY VICIOUS ON THE OUTSIDE!! Vicious is through the table!! Delicious is DOWN! WHAT CARNAGE!!

THIS IS AWESOME!!! *clap clap clapclapclap* THIS IS AWESOME!! *clap clap clapclapclap*

Styles: I'm never washing these eyes again!

Stanton: I can't believe I just saw that!

Conarri: That has to be one of the most amazing things I've seen in all my days calling wrestling matches! Adam Delicious just hit a "Sweetness" 450 splash from the top of an eighteen foot ladder, to the outside of the ring, using his own body to put Danny Vicious through a table! We may need those medics back.

Styles: Nope!

[The fans EXPLODE into cheers for the now-standing Adam Delicious. He slowly picks Vicious' lifeless body off the floor and out of the table remnants, and rolls him into the ring. Delicious follows and falls across Danny's chest for the pin.]


Stanton: It's academic.


Conarri: Adam should win here.


3... KICKOUT AT 2.99999!


Conarri: Danny BARELY rolled his shoulder off the mat! Unbelievable!

Stanton: It even caused some fans to rally behind him!

[Adam can't believe it, either. He takes a second to argue with the ref, but that allows Danny to reach out and grab the edge of a street sign. Danny rolls to his other side and uses the ropes to pull himself up slowly. When Adam turns back, Danny swings the sign. Adam ducks and kicks Danny in the stomach, immediately grabbing Danny's head.]

Stanton: He's got Vicious set!

Conarri: That sign fell under where Danny's head is! So Delicious onto the street sign coming up!


[As Delicious goes to drop Danny face first onto the sign, Vicious holds the ropes. Instead, Adam crashes to the mat, the back of his head connecting with the street sign. Vicious drops down for a pin, putting his feet on the ropes for leverage.]



[The ref stops counting, noticing Danny's feet. He admonishes Vicious, who pulls Delicious closer to the middle of the ring and covers again, hooking the leg.



Kickout at 2.99!


Conarri: Adam kicked out!

[Danny looks at the ref in disbelief. He picks Adam up by his ponytail, but Delicious grabs onto Danny's tights and uses his momentum to send Danny crashing head first into the middle turnbuckle! Stunned, Danny stumbles back into a schoolboy by Delicious in the middle of the ring!]




[Delicious and Danny both roll to their feet quickly. Danny ducks a lairat, and as Adam turns back around, Vicious cranks him with a superkick! Adam gets knocked back into the ropes, immeditely bleeding from the mouth. He bounces off and into a boot to the midsection from Vicious, who turns to face the table he set up on the other side of the ring. Danny hoists Adam onto his shoulders, runs across the ring, and nails a Canadian Bombshell THROUGH THE TABLE! Neither man moves, but Danny's arm just barely reaches up to Adam's chest. The ref drops down to check, and begins the count.]




THAT WAS AWESOME! *clap clap clapclapclap* THAT WAS AWESOME! *clap clap clapclapclap*

Conarri: It's finally over! Vicious wins!

["All Out" begins playing over the PA system. The ref lifts Danny's arm, but he doesn't move. Medics begin rushing towards the ring.]

Ferraro: Here is your winner... "The Sensation" DANNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY VICIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

Stanton: WOW! What a match!

Conarri: These two just went through hell, and their night isn't even over! How can EITHER of them compete in the main event tonight after what we just saw?

[People begin clearing debris from the ring while the medics check on the two wrestlers.]