# Hey suckers! #

Conarri: And we’ve got the challenger to Avarice’s OLW Heavyweight…


Conarri: HEAVYWEIGHT title. Jeff Andrews, on his way down to the ring.

# You better back up off this sucker punch #
# Consequence, consequence, fuck it #
# No more waitin for the world to turn #
# Bloody as my smile dripping ear to ear #
# I haven’t lived for a moment and thought #

[Andrews doesn’t waste time with his entrance, jogging down the ramp. He rolls under the bottom rope, rising to one knee and calling for a microphone…]

# So just flush it down #
# Lie down forever never had a dream #
# A symmetric reflection of my soul… #

Andrews: Alright, cut the music… hey!


Stanton: After Andrews’ absolutely disgusting way of obtaining his number one contendership, the fans are showering him with pure vitriol.

Andrews: So, I take it, that you all disapprove of the means of the Jeff?


Andrews: OK, ok, I guess I can see where you’re coming from. Going after someone’s family is kinda a low blow. I remember how pissed off I got when Hotshot Brandon Pride paid those two people to pretend that they were my parents. But here’s the catch…

[Andrews plants a conspiratorial grin on his face. The fans are booing him madly.]

Andrews: …there’s two sides to every story, y’know? Hey tech-boys – roll the footage!

[Attention shifts to the Tron.]



[And it’s back in England, where we see Andrews with a handful of the hair of Stephanie Dynasty-Lancaster, the ex-wife of the OLW Heavyweight/Imperial Champion. This camera’s at sort of an angle, Andrews bottom right Stephanie top left, and the camera Andrews was cutting this promo into is even in the shot.]

Andrews [speaking to the other camera]: Excellent. Stephanie agrees.

[He releases her hair, and she gasps.]

Andrews: See you in two weeks, Blahvarice.

[The other camera is turned off. And Andrews turns to the one that this scene is being shot from. Stephanie, on the other hand, straightens up and pats down her hair.]

Andrews: And here, we see the other side of things. When Heidi was making my career a living hell, chasing me around PCW and CRW and all those places and demanding I quit pretending to be Ultra Raptor, I learned something… female ex-significant others like to make you miserable.

[He points to Stephanie over his shoulder with his thumb. She’s just quietly watching the camera.]

Andrews: I’ll say this on camera, in case this ends up in the legal system or something – I do not, and never have, had any intentions of harming Edward Lancaster. I – was – bullshitting. I just needed some way to make it convincing, and well, Stephanie here was willing to go along with the plan. Thanks Steph, you’re a classy girl.

[Stephanie shoots Andrews a glance that clearly says she doesn’t appreciate the compliment, and doesn’t much like him, but he doesn’t see it.]

Andrews: So let me recap. One, no real threat to the kid. Two, I got my title shot without exerting any physical effort. And three… I outsmarted you, Avarice. I. Outsmarted. You.

[Andrews grins a shit eating grin.]

Andrews: Chew on that for a while, ass-butt.


[Back to the arena.]


Andrews: So there you have it. Jeff Andrews… Jeffy-weffy Dumb-dumb Daniels… the guy who lost the CAL World Title to TJ Killingsuck because he was too stupid to defend it right… outsmarted the Imperial Heavyweight Champ. Or should I say, Dumbperial Champ? Hey Blahvarice… got anything to say for yourself?

[Needless to say it takes the Champion about a nanosecond to emerge. The lights dim and red strobes flash, signaling the entrance of the OLW Imperial Champion. He steps out wearing a light grey suit and black silk shirt undone at the top a few buttons, with the Championship belt cradled in his arm, a microphone in his other free hand.]

# Someone take these dreams away #
# That point me to another day #
# A dual of personality #
# The stranger true reality #


Avarice: Outsmarted us? Outsmarted us? Jefferson. As we have said from day one: you shall be your own undoing. Always. Tonight shall be no exception.

Andrews: Right, no exception. Since I outsmart you each and every time, it’s not exceptional when I do it, right?

[Avarice breathes heavily for a few seconds, then continues, ignoring the interruption.]

Avarice: But let’s turn to matters at hand. You got your title shot. That’s fine. But how you went about securing this opportunity strikes beyond boundaries of humanity – or manhood.

And for all this…

[He pauses.]

Avarice: We congratulate you.


Conarri: Sickening.

Avarice: There is just one flaw though. You used my son. My son. And, any one that dares to harm my son verbally or otherwise shall dig his own grave and crucify his own soul. Andrews.

[He stares at his foe in the ring.]

Avarice: We look forward to driving in EVERY SINGLE NAIL.

And right now, you petulant juvenile son of a bitch, we shall, with the utmost glee, DRIVE IN THE FIRST NAIL NOW.

[In the ring, Andrews waggles his fingers at Avarice in an expression of fake fear.]

Conarri: I don’t know what the hell to expect here…

Stanton: Jeffro better be careful.

Styles: Meh, he doesn’t need to be. He’s the Jeffer!

Avarice: Our dear Jefferson it is no secret to us, or any other back there [he gestures to “the back”] that you have and still do desire and drool after dearest Heidi like some oversexed teenager whacking off to Playboy. You portray an image of cool indifference, a “fuck the world” attitude towards us, to everyone in this profession save yourself. And even to dear Heidi.

But we know better. [Avarice points a finger at Andrews in the ring.]

[On the tron above begin to flash various glamorous publicity pictures of Heidi, looking sweet and needless to say, attractive in all of them. The male fans whistle their pleasure.]

Avarice: Enjoy what you’re seeing Jefferson?

Andrews: [smirking] Bro, I’ve seen a LOT more than that.

[The sadistic grin of Avarice, all too familiar to all now, indicates there is more to this than meets the eye.]

Avarice: So have we.

Conarri: What’s that supposed to mean?

Andrews: The hell are you talking about, Blahvarice?

Avarice: NOW. [The Champion’s anger is palpable.] WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT. And NOW - let this knowledge haunt your dreams then that when and if that harlot decides to take you back - that when you are about to engage in the supreme act, know that she was made more noble several weeks ago while in Paris.


[Jeff Andrews, considering who he is, does an admirable job at not flying into a temper. He, however, does lose his smile, and stares at Avarice with a burning intensity.]

Conarri: Oh God…

Avarice: Just picture it Jefferson. We provided her with everything you could not nor can you EVER provide – a first class trip in a Lear Jet; dinner at one of the most exclusive restaurants in the world, with a two thousand dollar bottle of wine to add icing to our delicious cake, followed by our delicate locking of lips – our touching of her succulent skin – peering at her sumptuous cleavage - in one of the most expensive hotels in the whole of Western Europe.

Conarri: Oh God, I think I’m going to be sick. If this is true… Heidi, what were you thinking? Christ…

Stanton: Lucky bitch.

Avarice: Have you not learned, Jefferson? What we want, we GET. We wanted to humiliate you; humble you; and we have done it without laying…pardon the pun…a SINGLE hand on you. We will take care of the physical bit tonight, when you are left DESTROYED.


Avarice: We are the DESTROYER of Worlds. Consider your world, your mental stability, your relations with Heidi – now, and in the future – DESTROYED.

[Andrews paces around the ring, as if thinking about what he’s going to say.]

Andrews: …I believe it, Avarice. I stand here trying to convince myself, why should I care? Why should I care that a douche like you could make it all the way with Heidi? And the answer is… you’re a douche.

Despite what you think – and what everyone else thinks for that matter – I have no regrets. If she hadn’t done what she did to me, I wouldn’t be here. I would have retired the CAL World Champion. I wouldn’t have to do this. I wouldn’t be standing here with you. But hey, you wanna take the thorn out of my side and stick your dick with it, feel free, I’m not the one that’s going to end up cut.


Stanton: Oh God… I really hope for her sake Heidi isn’t listening to this.

Styles: I hope for both their sakes Cole isn’t.

Andrews: You can take this knowledge with you into our match Avarice… everything you paid for, I got free and willingly over the course of eight years. So I guess I should thank you… you’ve reminded me exactly what it is I hate about that bitch.


Andrews: But, you understand… now I’m going to have to cripple you. It’s a matter of principle… what the hell am I saying? You wouldn’t understand a bit.

[Andrews jumps out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp.]

Andrews: But you’ll have plenty of time to figure it out while you’re resting up in the hospital, won’t you?

[Avarice glares defiantly at Andrews.]

[As Andrews is about halfway up the ramp, the security force swarms out, separating the two wrestlers.]

Quinn Tate vs Ripper Longshanks

Ferraro: The following contest is set for one fall, with no time limit, and it is a career vs career match!

# HA HA HA Ha Ha hahahaha!!! #


Ferraro: Introducing first! Hailing from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, and weighing in at 250 lbs! He is The Loose Cannon! RIPPER… LOOONNNGGGSHHAAANNKKSSS!!!

# I – I – I – I – i – i – i – i – i #

Conarri: Ripper Longshanks has been inconsistent since coming back to OLW, but he’s not a threat to be overlooked. Just ask Markus Maximus – Maximus, if you recall, wanted to turn the Chesapeake Division into a deathmatch division, and Ripper then brutalized Maximus to the point that Kai Scott himself decreed there would be no more hardcore wrestling in OLW.

# I’ve listened to preachers #
# I’ve listened to fools #
# I’ve listened to dropouts #
# Who make their own rules #

[Ripper makes his way out, the shark grin on his face, seemingly unbothered by the boos.]

# One voice is conditioned #
# To rule and control #
# The media sells it #
# And you live the role #

Conarri: Ripper and Tate have had a long history with each other, dating back I think all the way to the MSWA. I know the feud was boiling in TIW, where I was actually wrestling and teaming with Tate against Ripper and Adam-X.

Styles: Yeah. And you actually won a couple times in TIW.

# Mental wounds not healing #
# Driving me insane #
# I’m going off the rails on a crazy train #
# I’m going off the rails on a crazy train #

Conarri: The question we’ve got in this match is – which Ripper is going to show up? The one who annihilated Markus Maximus? Or the one who sleepwalked in the Best Of The Rest and got tossed halfway through?

# I know that things are going wrong for me #
# You’ve gotta listen to my words #
# Yeah, yeah, Yeah! #

[Ripper paces the ring, appearing ready to go, waiting for his opponent.]

Ferraro: Now entering the ring, from New York City, New York....weighing in at 217 pounds...the EVOLUTION OF EXECUTION...QUINN TATE!

# Now has come the day that I take the lead and I make you follow #
# Toast of champagne cos I came for greed and not for tomorrow #
# If it feels good then it feels good and I do it all day #
# You want me to play you best bring your brain you best bring your money #

Conarri: Here comes Quinn Tate.

# Yeah! #
# Make me a superstar #
# No matter who you are #

[Quinn Tate appears at the top of the ramp, he spreads his arms wide to salute the fans then runs full out to the ring and slides in face first.]

# Razor blades and lines and I walk the line without fearing no one #
# Damn my throat is dry, I can't taste the wine from these empty bottles #
# Films and magazines it's all what I need and all what I planned on #
# Where's my limousine? It's just like a dream I won't wake up from #

[Quinn hits the turnbuckles keeping a close eye on Ripper.]

Conarri: Quinn looks ready and he’s got these fans on their feet.

# Yeah #
# Make me a superstar #
# Don't matter who you are #
# Yeah #
# Make me a superstar #
# Yeah #
# No matter who you… #

[Quinn pulls off his trademark red trenchcoat and throws it to an attendant at ringside. He eyes Ripper and paces in the corner waiting for the bell to ring.]

# And all of my pills and all of my drinks #
# Is makin' me, makin' me, makin' me #
# And all that I feel and all that I see #
# Is making me, making me, making me #

[Ripper doesn’t wait any longer, Quinn hops from the turnbuckle right into a clothesline from Ripper.]

Conarri: Ripper is off to a hot start.

Stanton: You expected any less?

[Ripper hauls Quinn to his feet and whips him into the near corner, following him in with a combination splash/bulldog. The crowd starts booing Ripper like he stole their lunch money.]

Conarri: Ripper is really taking it to Tate early on.

[Ripper drops a fist to Tate’s face with a “million dollar man-esc” fist drop, he follows it with a second and a third.]

Stanton: Yes, yes punish him Ripper.

Styles: So Tate has taken up a second job as a punching bag?

Conarri: Where have you been?

[Ripper grabs Tate by the hair and throws him into a front face lock, he goes for a suplex but Tate blocks it. Tate attempts to spin his body but Ripper counters this with a backslide...]

Conarri: Tate kicks out after a one count. He got outfoxed there.

Styles: You mean outclassed. Ripper is out of Tate’s league, so you’d better kiss him goodbye.

[Both men are back up, Ripper goes for a clothesline but Tate ducks and comes back at Ripper with a flying shoulder tackle that takes the vetran down briefly. Ripper is quickly back up but he’s taken right back down with a spinning leg lariat. Tate kips up and revs the fans up.]

Conarri: Damn it Quinn focus on Ripper.

[Ripper is making his way to his feet, Quinn goes for a spinning roundhouse kick but Ripper catches him and suplexes him into the front row, not literally.]

Conarri: Tate is folded up like an acordian.

Styles: That’s what he gets for slacking off against Ripper.

[Ripper goes to the corner and peels the covering off, ignoring the ref and the boos. He pulls Quinn up and whips him hard into the exposed turnbuckle. Quinn yells in pain as the hard steel makes contact with his upper back.]

Styles: I guess Tate has a spine after all.

[Tate crumples down to the mat face first. Ripper takes the opportunity to silently goad the crowd, inciting more boos. Ripper stalks Quinn...]

Conarri: Right hand from Ripper right to the spine. And another one...and another.

Styles: Ripper is going to cripple Tate, this is great.

[Ripper pulls Tate up and scoops him up right away.]

Conarri: Backbreaker from Ripper but he doesn’t drop Tate, he’s pushing down on Tate causing a lot of stress to that back.

Styles: These fans don’t know what’s good for them, they should be cheering Ripper as a hero for saving us from this loser.

[Ripper proceeds to apply a surfboard to Tate, Tate for his part tries not to scream out in agony but it’s all over his face.]

Conarri: I don’t know how much more of this Quinn can take. Ripper has targeted that back since the bell rang.

Styles: Maybe he can call himself the paralyzed poser from now on.

[The fans are cheering Quinn on, the ref keeps checking on Tate to see if he gives up. Ripper is yelling at Quinn to give. Quinn though stubbornly refuses.]

Conarri: Ripper is not letting go of this hold, Quinn can’t have much left.

Styles: The only way out is to tap out...oh that’s right he can’t.

[Quinn struggles to his feet, the crowd is cheering louder now. He somehow manages to spin his body and rams Ripper into the corner. He backs up and dropkicks Ripper down to the mat. Tate meanwhile uses the ropes to stay on his feet.]

Conarri: That’s heart.

Styles: That’s stupidity. Better to get this over and be fresh for wargames.

Conarri: What would the point be if he were kicked out of OLW?

[Styles is silent. Tate meanwhile is holding his back, Ripper is on his way back to his feet, he shakes his head once and stalks back towards Tate. Tate kicks Ripper in the midsection and executes a swinging DDT that takes both men down, with Ripper taking the brunt.]

Conarri: Nice move from Tate.

Styles: Nice but ultimately pointless.

[Quinn rolls over and goes for the cover.]

Conarri: Ripper kicks out at two but it looks like Quinn wants to get out of this match as fast as possible.

[Quinn heads to the top and waits for Ripper to get up before nailing a rana/pin combination.]

2 and ½

Conarri: Ripper again kicks out.

Styles: See Tate wants no part of Ripper, he’s running scared.

[Quinn gets back to his feet still favouring his back. Ripper is slow to his feet allowing for Quinn to hit the M.O.(shining wizard)]

Conarri: Shining wizard. The crowd is on it’s feet now.

Styles: Whatever, he got lucky.

[Tate going for the springboard now...]

Conarri: This could be the lethal injection...

[Ripper catches Tate and drops him on his head with a back suplex. Both men are down. The referee starts his count and gets to 6 before Ripper rolls to his feet. Ripper takes a second to get a breath and then proceeds to stomp Tate into the mat. Ripper slips behind Tate and starts to wail on him.]

Conarri: Consecutive stiff forearm smashes to the back, Quinn Tate is in rough shape here folks.
Styles: It was only a matter of time. You didn’t really think Quinn Tate could beat the legendary Ripper Longshanks did you?

[Ripper pulls Tate up and slams him back down with a sideslam, Tate yells out.]

Conarri: Tate with a shoulder up at two.

Styles: Just barely.

[Ripper is back up as quickly as he can and he drags Quinn over to the corner and slides out of the ring.]

Conarri: What is Ripper doing?

[Ripper grabs one of Tate’s arms and one of his legs and proceeds to use the steel post as a weapon. Tate is screaming in pain. The ref yells at Ripper to release the hold and get back into the ring. Ripper eventually acquiesces but stops briefly to flash his shark grin at the audience which boos him outta Baltimore.]

Conarri: Ripper is certainly looking like his old vicious self here.

[Ripper pulls a seemingly prone Tate to the center of the ring and goes for a cover, making sure his forearm is across Tate’s jaw.]

2 and 98/99s

Conarri: Tate got a shoulder up at the last possible second. Ripper looks furious.

[Ripper goes into a mount position and lands right after right. The ref warns him about closed fists but Ripper just stares the ref back. Finally Ripper thrusts Tate’s head down hard into the mat. He raises his arms to taunt the crowd before pulling Tate up into a standing headscissors.]

Conarri: A deep end and it is all over for Tate.

Styles: No doubt.

[Ripper pulls Tate up, at the last second Tate rolls forward and rolls Ripper up. Ripper kicks out before even a one count and is back on his feet. Tate rolls out of the ring.]

Conarri: What is he doing?

Styles: Looks like he needs a rest, guess Ripper is too much for him.

[Ripper slides out he goes for a clothesline on a rising Tate but he ducks and clips Ripper’s bad knee out from behind him.]

Styles: What a dirty move.

Conarri: Smart if you ask me, it’s well documented that Ripper is recovering from a knee injury.

[Quinn rolls in at a 4 count from the ref. Ripper is a bit slower but is in shortly after. Quinn drops Ripper quickly with a stiff kick to the side of the knee. He follows it up by driving his own knee into Ripper’s and twisting Rippers’ in the process. Ripper is doing the best he can to mask his pain.]

Conarri: I don’t think this was part of Quinn’s original game plan but it seems to be working.

[After a few seconds in the hold Ripper starts to maneuver himself towards the ropes. Tate tries to stop him but is unable to do so without releasing the hold. So he lets go and sends a few boots into Ripper’s gut.]

Conarri: Ripper is back up, but a kick from Tate has him back down. He’s trying to protect that knee but Tate has locked in.

[Tate now grabs the weak leg but Ripper kicks him in the face for his efforts. Tate staggers back and this affords Ripper the opportunity to get back to his feet. Ripper grabs Tate and chucks him to the outside. He stalks about the ring trying to get some feeling back in his leg.]

Conarri: Ripper now in and out of the ring. Looks like he wanted to break the count. Now what’s he doing?

[Ripper is peeling back the mats at ringside. The fans are in an uproar booing him, Ripper just grins his sadistic “shark grin” at them and continues.]

Conarri: Ripper is looking to end Quinn’s career not just his stay in OLW.

Styles: I love it, don’t you?

Stanton: I know I do.

Conarri: Ripper has Quinn in a standing headscissors, I’d say he’s going for a piledriver here.

[This is exactly Ripper’s intention but Tate back body drops him onto the mats behind him. Tate shakes his head and grabs Ripper by the hair.]

Conarri: The referee’s count is up to 6, Tate though is ...


Conarri: Tate just whipped Ripper face first into the ring post. Ripper appears out on the floor.

[Tate pulls Ripper up and rolls him into the ring and gets in at an 8 count.]

Conarri: Tate is heading to the top...


Conarri: Tate went for a 450 splash but Ripper got out of the way at the last possible second.

Styles: Come on Ripper, show him why you’re called the Loose Cannon.

[Tate is on the mat holding his gut. Ripper is slowly getting up but clearly favouring his knee.]

Conarri: Ripper has the advantage again. Tate is really holding those ribs.

Styles: Serves him right for being so stupid.

Conarri: Well the 450 is his finisher.

Styles: True but you can never count Ripper out.

[Ripper kicks Quinn a few times in the ribs, Quinn’s arms shield some of the blows but he still feels the impact. Ripper then pulls Tate to his feet and nails him with a gutbuster. Tate writhes in pain on the mat.]

Conarri: Ripper has targeted Quinn’s midsection all match, it looks like everything is going according to his design.

Styles: You expected any less out of this man? He’s a legend.

Conarri: He may be, but don’t count Quinn out either.

[Ripper slaps Tate a few times before pulling him back up into position for the Deep End. He connects and manages to roll Quinn over. Quinn yells out in pain.]

Conarri: It is not looking good for Tate. Ripper has that boston crab locked in tight.

Styles: It’s all over.

Conarri: Tate is fighting with all he’s got but I don’t know if it’s enough.

[The fans are solidly behind Tate, chanting his name trying to urge him to fight the pain.]

Conarri: Tate is pretty close to the ropes but Ripper just pulled him away.

[Ripper for his part is loving this, well as much as he would show anyways. Tate is in agony, he tries to move to the ropes again but isn’t making a lot of progress.]

Conarri: Tate just kicked Ripper off, sending him tumbling to the outside.

[Tate is as close to out as it gets in the ring. Ripper meanwhile is shaking the cobwebs out, outside of the ring.]

Conarri: Ripper is almost up but Tate still isn’t moving.

[Tate rolls onto his back seemingly gasping for air. Ripper meanwhile shakes his bad leg out and slips back into the ring. Ripper goes over to Tate and grabs for his hair.]

Conarri: Counter from Tate...small package!


Conarri: Ripper kicked out but the referee is calling for the bell. It’s over, Ripper has been defeated. If I had to guess I’d say that knee couldn’t kick him out a split second earlier.

Styles: This is a travesty. That was a fast count and you both know it.

Conarri: Either way the match is over and Quinn Tate has prevailed.

[Ripper heads up the ramp.]