Conarri: I understand that Duane is backstage with Big D. Duane take it away.

Eckelbury: Thank you Cito, ladies and gentleman, the Mid-Atlantic Champion…Big D.

[The crowd watching on the screen immediately begin to boo as Big D steps in and smirks at the camera. His left eye is purple and is also sporting a busted lip].

Eckelbury: D, in just a few moments, you will be defending your Mid-Atlantic Title against Jeremy Winters. If you get thro…

[Big D raises his hand and shakes his head].

Big D: If?

Eckelbury: Yes, if you beat Winters.

Big D: Eckelbury am I to presume that you think Jeremy Winters has a shot at winning this match?

Eckelbury: He’s a helluva athlete.

Big D: Yeah, so am I.

Eckelbury: Of course, but its tough to completely rule him out.

Big D: Eckelbury…Jeremy Winters has no shot at beating me for this belt.

Eckelbury: Fair enough.

Big D: I’m not done. I don’t think you realize this, but I am about to make history tonight. I will become the first ever co-holder of the OLW Heavyweight and Mid-Atlantic Title. Avarice cannot say that. Neither can Jeffy Andrews. Neither can Gemma Lockhart. Neither can Heidi. No one…

Eckelbury: Well, considering the condition you are in, I’m not entirely confident you can get through two matches, especially a cage match.

Big D: Once again Duane, you underestimate me. See my eye? See my busted lip? You see that right…

Eckelbury: Yeah…

Big D: Yeah, but what you don’t see are the patches that I have on my back, the patches that I have on my neck, the painkillers that I took before I got to the building. Nobody sees that, nobody knows what the hell I’m going through Eckelbury. Tonight is my night! End of the Line is going on because of Big D! End of the Line will forever be remembered as the night that I became OLW Heavyweight Champion! And as for Jeremy Winters, he’s just another obstacle towards my goal. I’m done…

[Big D and Eckelbury stare each other down before D leaves the interview set].

Jeremy Winters vs Big D (c)
OLW Mid Atlantic Title Defense

Ferraro: The following contest is set for one fall with a 30 minute time limit, and is for the OLW Mid Atlantic Championship! Introducing first, the challenger! Hailing from Parts Unknown, and weighing in at 225 lbs! He is the Winter Soldier… JEREMY… WIINNNNNTTTTERRRRSSS!!!!

[“Cells” by The Servent hits. Not the instrumental version, the one with lyrics.]

# It'll all click when the mortgage clears #
# All our fears will disappear #
# Now you go to bed #
# I'm staying here #
# I've got another level that I want to clear #

[Jeremy Winters walks out and looks around the arena.]

Conarri: There’s one dangerous man. Winters absolutely exploded on the scene as a hired gun for The Unforgiven II, but he immediately split from that stable. Since then he’s picked up non-title wins over the former MA Champion Phil McKracken before, and now, he’s got his title shot.

# My skin feels like orange peel #
# My eyes have been vacuum-sealed #
# My organs move like a squirm of eels #
# We should be more adventurous with our meals #

[Winters doesn’t play to the fans or anything like that. He just walks down to ringside. Instead of just climbing inside the main ring, he walks down the apron of the others, checking out the setup.]

Styles: That’s why Winters is good right there. He doesn’t have the experience of Big D, but he doesn’t go in unprepared.

# They annoy me those who employ me #
# They could destroy me #
# They should enjoy me #
# We eat Chinese off our knees #
# And look for each other in the TV screen #

[Winters enters the ring and simply waits.]

# The sun goes up and the sun goes down #
# I drag myself into the town #
# All I do I wanna to do with you #
# Everyday I'm at my desk #
# At my desk I'm like the rest #
# All I do I wanna do with you #

Ferraro: And his opponent! Hailing from Vero Beach, Florida, and weighing in at 285 lbs! Accompanied to the ring by Impact, and Karl Pace – he is the reigning OLW Mid Atlantic Champion! BIIIIIG… DDDDD!!!

[Johnny Cash hits.]

# I hurt myself today #
# To see if I still feel #
# The needle tears a hole #
# The only thing that’s real #
# I focus on the pain #
# The old familiar sting #
# Try to kill it all away #
# But I remember everything #


[Big D comes out. Karl Pace and Impact follow him. The fans boo as the three monsters raise their arms. D laughs, Impact grins, Pace’s face is hidden.]

# What have I become? #
# My sweetest friend #
# Everyone I know #
# Goes away #
# In the end #

Conarri: Big D’s allegedly been feeling under the weather, though I’m wondering if it’s a bit of hypochondria. At any rate, he’s got to defend the Mid Atlantic Title twice tonight, once against Winters, and again in War Games.

Stanton: Incidentally, even if Winters loses this match, he’ll have another chance at both D and the MA Title at War Games.

# And you could have it all #
# My empire of dirt #
# I will let you down #
# I will make you hurt #

[The music fades as D hands the MA Title to Impact rather than the referee.]


Styles: You can feel the intensity in this ring, guys. These two do not like each other, and when you toss a title into the equation, we’re probably on the verge of a particularly brutal match.

Conarri: Enough with the equation talk, Good Will Hunting…let’s get this match going!

Stanton: Apparently Big D shares your sentiment, because he just attacked Winters from behind before the bell!

[As soon as he hands over the title belt, Big D nails an unsuspecting Winters with a forearm shiver, sending him sprawling to the corner. As Impact looks on from outside, Big D charges with a clothesline that crumples Winters and begins an onslaught of kicks and punches as the referee tries to step between them.]

Stanton: Big D not wasting any time in beginning this title defense, immediately attacking The Winter Soldier with a flurry!

Conarri: Winters immediately thrown off his game, we aren’t used to seeing The Winter Soldier as the one who’s ambushed!

[Eventually, the referee reasons with Big D and forces him to back off, allowing Winters to get back on his feet and briefly regroup in the corner.]

Stanton: Apparently, the threat of disqualification was powerful enough to calm Big D down, as Winters had his hands in the ropes.

Conarri: But Big D won’t stay back for long, there he goes…Oh!

[As Big D charges back into the corner, Winters uses leverage to pull Big D, face first, into the top turnbuckle. Winters springs back to his feet and drops Big D with a reverse-DDT, then bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick to the back of a seated Big D. Pulling the champion back to his feet, Winters Irish whips him into the ropes before flooring the champion with a flying shoulder tackle.]

Stanton: The Winter Soldier has seized control of this match, and Big D wisely decides to take a breather outside of the ring and regroup.

Conarri: It doesn’t look like he’s gonna get that breather, though, because here comes Winters!

[The Winter Soldier climbs outside the ring to pursue Big D, but his path is blocked by the enormous Impact.]

Styles: Winters seizes up this giant, and that might buy Big D the time he needs!

[During the Winters/Impact staredown, Big D attempts to get the drop on the Soldier by jumping out from behind Impact and charging his opponent, but Winters isn’t surprised and ducks the clothesline that the larger champion tries. Winters grabs Big D by the head and rams him, face-first, into the ring apron before tossing him back into the ring.]

Stanton: Both men back in the ring now, and Winters continuing his operation with a series of right hands, and now a springboard dropkick!

Conarri: Right to the kisser! Big D tries to get back to his feet, but a Shining Wizard from Winters has him back on the canvas! Cover!






Shoulder up!

[Winters slams the mat, knowing he was a split second away from the Mid-Atlantic Championship. He pulls Big D back to his feet and winds up with his left hand before letting loose with a huge haymaker that Big D blocks and counters into an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that air-mails Winters clear across the ring.]

Conarri: And just like that, the size advantage for Big D becomes so evident. Winters can’t try to go toe-to-toe and win a slugfest with Big D if he wants the Mid-Atlantic title, because it won’t end well for him.

Stanton: Big D’s got 65 pounds and about 8 inches on Winters, and he looks like he’s about ready to start throwing some of that weight around.

[After a few well-placed boots to the midsection of the prone Winter Soldier, he picks up one of the challenger’s feet and rolls him around onto his back.]

Styles: Big D pulls Winters into the center of the ring and cinches in a Boston Crab! Winters fighting through the pain but he’s obviously in a world of trouble!

Conarri: He’s rearing back with this submission hold as the referee checks with Winters! Winters fighting to get to the ropes, but it’s obvious Big D wants to make quick work of the challenger and get focused on the War Games later on!

[Winters repeatedly shakes his head “No” as the referee asks him if he’d like to submit, but then lets out a scream in agony before putting both hands on the mat and pushing himself up, much to Big D’s surprise.]

Styles: I can’t believe it! Winters is trying to push out of a Boston Crab!

Conarri: Not just that, but we’ve already talked about the size advantage! There’s no way he can do this!


[Winters doesn’t “push out” of the Boston Crab, per se, but he pushes up to create enough of a space between himself and the mat so that, in one fluid motion, he rolls through the move and frees his legs, kicking Big D in the chest. Winters hurries back to his feet, favoring his back somewhat, before charging at Big D and stunning the champion with a flying forearm.]

Styles: Winters escapes certain doom, in the form of that Boston Crab, and dazes the Mid-Atlantic Champion with another fast-paced strike!

[The Winter Soldier tries to spring himself at Big D with another aerial assault, but the champion is better prepared this time and simply catches him as he goes for a cross-body-block. He flips Jeremy Winters onto his shoulders, spins around, and drops him with a Samoan Drop in the center of the ring.]

Conarri: Back and forth thus far, with neither wrestler getting a clear-cut advantage except for the brief moments where Big D had Winters in that submission hold.

Styles: I think that may change soon, though, because Big D looks like a man who wants to get this match over and done with.

[D pulls Winters back to his feet and sits him on the top rope. Signaling to the crowd with a “You’d better watch this” gesture, D clocks the Soldier with a back elbow to the face, then sets the challenger over his shoulder and begins to scale the ropes, stopping on the second.]

Conarri: What is the champion doing here? Have you ever…has anyone seen…



Styles: Winters is out! D with the cover, hooks a leg!










Conarri: How on earth, after a gorgeous move…The Winter Soldier is not ready to surrender quite yet! And Big D is irate at the referee for what he thinks was a slow count!

[As Big D shows the referee three fingers, and then illustrates how to count to the aforementioned number, Winters begins his slow crawl back to an upright position. Seeing his chance, he charges Big D and, just as Big D turns to realize what is happening, skies into the air and catches Big D’s head in his grasp, planting him on the canvas with a jumping DDT.]

Stanton: Obviously, Winters is still feeling the effects of that huge powerslam earlier as he favors his lower back, but now he’s signaling for Big D to get up! HE WANTS THIS TITLE!

[Big D and The Winter Soldier lock eyes again before engaging in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Winters places a few punches into Big D’s midsection and sets him up for a vertical suplex. To the crowd’s delight, Winters attempts to lift Big D into the air, but Big D leverages his size advantage to block the suplex attempt. Instead, Winters stomps on his foot and spins into a small package.]













Stanton: Both men narrowly avoid defeat in identical fashion, and now Winters with a right hand that drops Big D! He goes up top!

[The Winter Soldier, perched on the top rope, waits for Big D to get back to his feet before launching from the top with a double-axe-handle that connects squarely with the champion’s face.]

Styles: Big D in a lot of trouble now, and it looks like the Winter Soldier might be looking to end this match!

[Winters shakes the ropes, stomps Big D repeatedly, and then waits for the champion to get back to his feet before locking his arms around Big D’s head and arm, setting him up for the Full Metal Jacket.]

Conarri: This is it! Full Metal Jacket!

[The Winter Soldier attempts to fall backward, dropping Big D’s head onto the mat, but Big D wisely uses his free arm and holds onto the top rope, keeping him upright. However, Winters is not so lucky, and the shift in momentum amounts to his head bouncing off the canvas at a high velocity.]

Styles: Winters was so close to ending this match with that move, but Big D shows why he’s the champion and does what a crafty veteran does.

Conarri: Now Big D looking to finish him off, Winters is up but he doesn’t see Big D behind him….

Stanton: Boot to the stomach, and now Winters is in position…EVERLASTING!

Conarri: Game, set, match. This one is OVER.









[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[Big D rolls out of the ring and meets Impact, who had already grabbed the title belt. Big D raises both arms in victory, and the two begin their walk back to the dressing room.]


[With Avarice.]


[The fans, seeing him, unleash a torrent of hatred. He smirks, adjusts the OLW Imperial Title over his shoulder, and continues down the hall. Rounding a corner, he… runs smack into Thane and Yoshikazu YAZ.]

[They both look worried about something.]

YAZ: Lancaster.

Avarice: What?

Thane: Robert, c’mon, let’s go the other way.

[Avarice looks to his lieutenant and his inquisitor. He scowls.]

Avarice: We go wherever the hell we want.

Thane: I know, but I just think…

Avarice: Come.

[He arrogantly strides off. Thane and YAZ exchange looks, and then hurry. A loud noise that sounds not at all like the crowd is coming from the other end of the hallway…]

[…and then Heidi rounds the corner at the far end of the hallway.]

YAZ: Uh oh.

[Heidi breaks into a trot, and then a run, upon seeing Avarice. She’s too far to see her facial expression, but we know what it is anyway – complete fury.]

[She’s out for Avarice’s blood.]

Avarice: Our dear love…glad to see us?

[She doesn’t speak.]

[She just launches herself in a karate style jumpkick. Thane is knocked sideways, YAZ takes the brunt of the kick and goes over backwards. Avarice steps back in surprise. A sharp elbow to the chin shocks him, and…]

Adam Delicious: HEIDI, NO!

[Adam, appearing on the scene from behind Avarice, is just in time to pull her back. The roundhouse kick aimed at Avarice’s face misses by less than an inch. Adam struggles to restrain the furious Heidi as Dawn, afraid to get near her, yells.]


[Daeriq Damien and Brad Andrews appear on the scene, Gemma Lockhart following them. From down the hallway, Cole Christenson appears, running towards the pack.]



[A long anti-censor bleep goes off as Avarice begins to laugh loudly at Heidi’s rage.]

[Big D, Impact and the Kurosawa sisters appear.]


Big D: What the hell’s going on…?

Daeriq Damien: Heidi, chill!


[Avarice smirks more.]

Avarice: Poor baby…need some lovin’?

[Heidi’s screaming trails off as she struggles to catch her breath. Daeriq Damien steps forward.]

Damien: Alright. So what in the hell is going on here? We may not be on friendly terms, but at least we can be professional enough to not try and kill each other here in the hallways.

[Cole and Adam hang onto Heidi, who’s still trying to pull her arms loose.]

Thane: So I guess most of you then didn’t see what just happened out in the ring?

Cole Christenson: What happened? Avarice has claimed, that he took my sister to Paris, and slept with her. And the reason I’m not trying to kill him right now, in case anyone’s wondering, is because since it’s Heidi that he’s insulted… she should have her say before anyone attacks anyone.

[Avarice smiles sickeningly.]

Avarice: Insult? Please, Christenson – it was a compliment such as none of your ilk could ever have hoped to pay her.

Damien: Look, enough of the insults. Avarice, are you saying you slept with Heidi?

[Avarice nods.]


Avarice: Afraid not, love. You see, we kept a little souvenir of that night…

[What Avarice does now, is fishes into the pocket of his pants, and pulls out a torn condom wrapper.]

Avarice: With our regards…and eternal affection, as always.


Delicious: Heidi, you didn’t…

[Out in the stadium, a faint booing has started.]


Christenson: Ugh…

[Avarice is supremely enjoying this moment. Thane looks like he’s about to laugh, YAZ is leering, Karl Pace and Big D are talking quietly to each other…]

[Heidi takes a deep breath.]

Heidi: Dawn, go get me my purse out of my gym bag. The black one. Here’s the key to open the lock.

[Dawn takes the key silently and leaves.]

[It’s at this point, a nearby door swings open, and Jeff Andrews steps out.]

Andrews: Heidi, dammit… you’ve really outdone yourself this time, haven’t you?

Heidi: Jeff, shut up.

Andrews: I mean, sabotaging the Union was pretty impressive, and so was, I guess, cheating during our little mask vs career match, but…

Christenson: She said. Shut. UP.

Andrews: Don’t wanna.

[Christenson decides to respond in kind.]

Christenson: Well ya hafta.

[Laughter from The Iconoclasm’s side, specifically, from D, Pace and YAZ. Andrews makes eye contact with the latter.]

Andrews: Don’t make me go over there, Sherlock-san.

[YAZ is spared having to introduce the flat of his hand to Andrews’ jaw as Dawn returns, Heidi’s purse in hand.]

Heidi: I didn’t want to have to do it like this… Avarice, we had a deal, which you broke – not out of malice and uncaring as you would surely claim, but because Jeff over there made you so angry that you couldn’t help it.

[Having this pointed out – even if he considers it untrue – causes Avarice’s face to darken.]

[Heidi then pulls out a little orange bottle, like you’d get a pharmacy drug in.]

Heidi: Jeff, read this.

[Andrews catches the thrown bottle neatly in his off hand.]

Andrews: Rohypenol. Prescribed to Dawn Barr as a sedative…

Heidi: Rohypenol. Otherwise known as…

BA: …the date rape drug?

Heidi: Unsurprising that you’d be the first person to volunteer knowing that, Brad, but yes. The date rape drug.

[She smiles.]

Heidi: Yes, I went to Paris with Avarice. He guzzled champagne most of the way up, and wine almost non-stop while we were eating. By the time we went back to the hotel room, he was so drunk, he could barely stand up.

[Now, it’s the ‘good guys’ turn to snicker.]

Heidi: Avarice collapses into bed with – you guessed it – more champagne.

Andrews: The more things change the more they stay the same, eh Goodlife?

Heidi: Jeff, be quiet. Avarice thought that we would be having, ah, sexual relations. But – a bit of this in his champagne…

[Heidi holds up the little orange bottle.]

Heidi: …And he was out like a light.

[She smiles – a fake, incredibly saccharine gesture. Avarice’s eyes bulge as he stares her in shock and with vile, with a touch of rage.]

Heidi: Then I opened the condom wrapper he’s holding there, flushed it in the lobby bathroom, worked out in the gym until I was sweaty and disheveled, and was back in the room just in time for him to wake up, at which point I lied to him and told him we’d had sex all night, when we’d done no such thing.

[Avarice is saying nothing. Adam Delicious breaks the silence.]

Adam: But Heidi, why would you DO all that?

Heidi: Because Avarice there, has millions of dollars to throw around… on things like private investigators. But enough about that – the important thing is that I didn’t sleep with him. If the roofies hadn’t worked, I’d have kicked him in the face and run for it. Nothing that I want would have ever been worth sleeping with him. There are quite a few people in this hallway that I hate, and some of them more than him, but no one here is quite as loathsome as he is.

Avarice: [coldly] We take that as a compliment…[he stares at her] truly.

[Heidi returns the favour as she turns to look Avarice straight in the eyes.]

Heidi: Avarice, out of everyone in this hall, if I had to pick who I'd end up sleeping with, you'd be dead last.

[Out in the arena, the fans shout “OHHH” at the burn. Wrestlers, even some of Avarice’s on stablemates, smirk, but the Englishman is unmoved.]

Avarice: That means we’d be the last to contract an STD. Again we are grateful.

[He wants to give as good as she gives. His insult falls on deaf ears though.]

[Then suddenly everyone goes silent.]

[Jeff Andrews looks from Heidi – to Gemma Lockhart – and back.]

[Other people follow his line of sight.]

Andrews: Heidi…you... mean that? What you said?

[Heidi looks at Gemma, who, for her part, just raises one eyebrow. She then turns back to Avarice.]

Heidi: ...Yes. Yes, I do.

[WILD cheers from out in the stands. Grins from most of the men present. Heidi ignores all this though.]

Heidi: Basically, Avarice, you are about the most loathsome person I've ever laid eyes on. Every inch of you, from your greasy bald head to your stupid looking contacts, your roid-monkey, physique, all the pointlessly expensive clothes that say “My life is completely empty and meaningless”, especially the swamp-smelling Italian shoes… everything about you is repulsive. With no hyperbole at all, I would prefer to go against my sexual orientation, my personal preferences, morality and common sense, a lifetime of disgusting, boring jokes, and this damned conversation, and sleep with Gemma, then ever have to go through the pain of seeing you naked again.

[At this point, the dam breaks.]

[Jeff Andrews, Adam Delicious, Brad Andrews, Daeriq Damien and Dawn all explode into furious laughter. Cole Christenson, not losing his self control, still gives in to open laughter. On the other side of the hall, Big D and Karl Pace both work their faces, trying to hold laughter back as well. YAZ is grinning broadly, although that’s normal for him, the Kurosawa sisters standing behind him tittering. Impact smiles, his version of laughing. Gemma has a twisted little smirk on her face, much like she’s trying to hold back laughter as well. Only Thane looks uncomfortable.]

[He’s the one that knows what’s coming, you see.]

[As for Avarice, his chest swells and heaves at the laughter, but he himself takes her words in stride…for now. If he were to take out the red contact lenses though, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.]

[He speaks, in a voice surprisingly calm for the situation, but the rage that lays underneath is palpable.]

Avarice: Heidi. You are nothing but a slut. And always will be nothing but a slut.

[A muscle in the side of his jaw twitches, as he enjoys saying the pejorative descriptor aimed at the woman across from him.]

Avarice: YOU, who dare defiled yourself by the like of Jeff Andrews, you cannot use us for it is us who have used you…

[Heidi puts her hands on her hips and faces Avarice, smiling coldly.]

Avarice: Bloody Heidi means nothing to us. Nothing. We can still see you now at that restaurant, trembling for fear of some anonymous imbecile who would waste his life chasing after a gutter crawler like yourself. You are typical woman: hysterical and weak. You make us laugh, and you make us sick. Poor, pathetic Heidi. You believe that we were unaware of your using us? We got what we wanted, whether through intercourse or not, we tasted YOUR FLESH and you will forever live with the memory of our hands on YOUR sweet succulent BODY.

Andrews: You make it sound like she got into a gangbang with you and your ego.

Avarice: [Ignoring Jeff] When you go crawling back to Jeff Andrews someday, for you are unable to rise above your own self-imposed mediocrity, remember, repent, and regret that which you passed up – a taste of greatness.

[Smiling broadly, breathing heavily, he stares her down.]

Avarice: For that one day, you had that which you can never have, nor able to fully appreciate. For you were, and now by your own doing will forever be, NOTHING but a footnote in the annals of history, noted only for your wish to compete with men to overcome your female weakness…that, and your luscious chest.

[He winks at her.]

[And she laughs.]

[Perhaps this will enrage Avarice more than anything else that has happened so far. He has been insulted – this does not bother him. He has been provoked by a man whom he despises in Jeff Andrews into losing his temper… but again, while rare, it’s not unheard of, and anyone would have to admit that this is one thing he’s good at.]

[But being laughed at by the very person he wanted to make use of… this is untenable.]

Heidi: [still smiling, and rolling her eyes] …Whatever, Robert.

[She turns to Jeff.]

Heidi: As for you - If you ever want me to come crawling back to you, I suggest that you get off the roids. NOW. The rumors about them – I can tell you from unpleasant personal experience – are true.

[Jeff Andrews is grinning like the Cheshire cat.]

Andrews: Well alls well that ends well. Heidi exposes herself for the little pseudo-whore I knew she was when I left her, and Avarice gets his face rubbed in his own shit. I just got one thing to say…

[He spins on the ball of one foot, and then double points at Avarice.]


[As both factions stare at him in near disbelief, Andrews begins strutting back and forth.]

Andrews: YOU GOT SERVED! YOU GOT SERVED! Sing it with me now, y’all know the words! YOU GOT SERVED! YOU GOT SERVED!

[Holding one hand above his head, pointing at Avarice in time to his one man chant, Andrews dances around the hall.]

Andrews: YOU GOT SERVED! C’mon Sherlock-San, I can’t hear you! YOU GOT SERVED! YOU GOT SERVED!

[He switches to double finger points. By now everyone’s glaring. Even BA, who’d normally join in on this kind of assholicness, won’t, on account of who’s providing it.]


[Andrews steps too close to Avarice.]

[Avarice grabs two handfuls of hair and pulls Andrews’ face right up against his own.]

Avarice: SILENCE.

[Andrews pulls away from Avarice’s grasp.]

Andrews: Heh heh. So who thinks that War Games just got a li’l bit more interesting?

[He leaves through the door he came from, slamming it behind him.]

[It looks like Avarice may say something else, if not flat out attack, but his stablemates now step in front of him. Thane leading the way, the mass of Iconoclasm wrestles slowly makes its way off screen, leaving the nameless unofficial stable of former Youngbloods, Children of the Damned wrestlers and Cole Christenson standing there.]

BA: …Wow.

Delicious: Yeah. Wow.

Damien: I can’t help but agree. Wow.

Dawn: Totally. Wow.

Heidi: [sighing] Jesus Christ you guys.

[A bit of silence. Then…]

Gemma: You know… I still hate you, Heidi. But for the first time in 3 years, I can honestly say that I respect you just a little bit more than I used to.

Heidi: …Thanks. …I think.

[Cole just sighs and shakes his head.]