[The camera opens to the HUGE grin of Duane Eckelbury, standing by in the OLW interview area. Because this is Line Two, Duane is wearing a suit. His grin slowly fades into misery until Phil McKracken walks past the interview area, accompanied by Remo.]

Eckelbury: Phil, any comments before your match?

McKracken: Well, hello there, Duane. Sure, I’d be glad to offer some witty repartee. But, fair warning, I don’t want to talk about Boxcar Willie.

Eckelbury: Well, about that, Phil, what happened between you two?

McKracken: Well, that little ingrate got all riled up about something that did not concern himself. And, now he’s making idle threats in order for me to lose tonight. But, he, along with everyone else in the OLW, has another thing coming. I am ready to take care of Big D once and for all and take another step toward wrestling glory in capturing the Mid-Atlantic Title tonight.

Eckelbury: Sounds like you’re ready for your match, eh? But, Phil, what if Boxcar Willie DOES come down to the ring to mix it up with you?

McKracken [annoyed]: Well, I have a contingency plan of sorts in place, which I do not care to share with you.

Eckelbury: I just want to see if you’re prepared for what could be inevitable, Phil. I mean, it’s a big night for you. Your sidekick/companion/whatever is at odds with you. It just seems like he’s going to be gunning for you tonight.

McKracken [pissed] Duane, do me a favor and pull your lower lip over your head and swallow, okay? I have told you that Boxcar Willie will be a non-factor in this match tonight. I’m coming into Line Two with an 0-and-2 record, but I’m leaving a champion! Good night, Duane.

[Phil and Remo walk away from Duane and the interview area.]

Eckelbury: Well, I don’t think I can get my lip over my head, but we’re just heard from Phil McKracken that he expects nothing less than a championship around his waist at the conclusion of Line Two. We’ll see!

[The camera fades.]

Phil McKracken vs Big D (c)
OLW Mid Atlantic Title Defense

Conarri: Well, fans, as I mentioned at the top of the card, Tommy Shanahan was called out of state on personal business and is not in attendance tonight. Therefore, the Mid-Atlantic Championship match will be between Phil McKracken and defending champion Big D of the Unforgiven II.

Styles: Because YOU'RE Unforgiven, too!

Stanton: It's gonna be a long night... over to Tracie.

Ferraro: The following contest is set for one fall, and it is for the OLW Mid Atlantic Championship! Introducing first…!

[“Better Than You” by Metallica hits, and the fans begin to cheer.]

# I look at you, then at me #
# Hungry and thirsty are we #
# Holding the lions share, holding the key #
# Holding me back ‘cos I’m striving to be #
# Better than you…(Better than you) #
# Better than you…(Better than you) #

Ferraro: Hailing from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and weighing in at 228 lbs! Accompanied to the ring by Remo… this is PHIL… McKRAAAAAAACCCCKKEEENNN!!!!

# Lock horns, I push and I strive #
# Somehow I feel more alive #
# Bury the need for it, bury the seed #
# Bury me deep when there’s no will to be #
# Better than you…(Better than you) #
# Better than you…(Better than you) #

[Phil McKracken walks out to the top of the ramp. Accompanied by the security guard uniform wearing Remo, he walks steadily to the ring, completely focused.]

Conarri: McKracken’s not wasting any time making his entrance. He’s had a falling out with his long time manager, Boxcar Willie, as we see him accompanied by Remo instead. He’s also stated that if he can’t win the Mid Atlantic Title, he’s going to leave the wrestling business. This match is very important for Phil here.

# OH! Can’t stop this train from rollin’ #
# Oh, yo! Nothin brings me down #
# NO! I can’t stop this train from rollin’ #
# Rollin’ on and on #
# No, no! From rolling all day long #

[McKracken raises his hands to the fans quickly, then turns to wait on his opponent.]

Ferraro: And his opponent!


[“Hurt” by Johnny Cash begins to play.]

Ferraro: Hailing from Vero Beach, California, and weighing in at 285 lbs! He is a former CAL World Tag Team Champion! Accompanied by the monster dubbed Impact, this is BIIIIIGGG… DDDDD!!!!

# I hurt myself today #
# To see if I still feel #
# I focus on the pain #
# The only thing that’s real #
# The needle tears a hole #
# The old familiar sting #
# Try to kill it all away #
# But I remember, everything #

[Impact is first out onto the ramp. He steps to the side and points as Big D walks out. D smirks as he looks around the arena arrogantly, the Mid Atlantic Title strapped around his waist.]

# What have I become #
# My sweetest friend #
# Everyone I know #
# Goes away #
# In the end #

# And you could have it all #
# My empire of dirt #
# I will let you down #
# I will make you hurt #

Conarri: Big D is a monster in every meaning of the word, Les, Styles. He’s literally wrestled all over the world, and he’s done just about everything there is to be done in both the CAL, and LBWF before it.

Styles: D’s a former stablemate of mine, you know. And although he’s best known in the CAL for teaming with Impact, he’s a damn good singles wrestler too. Former IWA South Atlantic Champion, and get this – THREE TIME LBWF Heavyweight Champion.

Stanton: McKracken’s a former BWWa Champion himself, though, and a former CAL Tag Champion as well, having teamed with James “Slim” Vincent as part of the Sinful eXperience.

# I wear this crown of thorns #
# Upon my liar’s chair #
# Full of broken thoughts #
# I cannot repair #
# Beneath the stains of time #
# The feelings disappear #
# You are someone else #
# I am still right here #

[D walks down the ramp and steps over the top rope and into the ring. Taking off the MA Title, he raises it over his head with one hand before handing it to the referee.]

# What have I become? #
# My sweetest friend #
# Everyone I know #
# Goes away #
# In the end #

# And you could have it all #
# My empire of dirt #
# I will let you down #
# I will make you hurt #

[The music fades.]

Conarri: And here we go!


[The match begins with the much larger D and the challenger circling around the ring, with McKracken's new associate Remo at ringside. The smaller McKracken lunges first, going for D's legs, only for the champion to break off and lift McKracken to his feet, then shove him back to the corner.]

Stanton: Great assertion of strength by the resident enforcer of TU2, who has almost a foot and sixty pounds on his challenger tonight!

Conarri: McKracken gets back up and paces around D before rushing in... kick to the ribs, forearm to the face and now an armtwist! An elbow to the head and neck, and ANOTHER elbow... and now he switches to the side headlock!

[However, Big D manages to align himself with the ropes and whip the smaller challenger across. On the rebound, Big D bounces himself on the ropes and shoulderblocks McKracken to the mat, then goes for the cover.]

Conarri: Not even a one-count! And the champ is stomping the challenger's chest!

[McKracken gets to his feet, only to get his arm twisted in return. McKracken, however, makes a forward roll to his feet, then twists D to the mat before launching a few stomps of his own to the back.]

Conarri: Beautiful counter by the challenger, and he's making himself known tonight!

Stanton: I wonder if he'll get some drink specials at the local gay bar with moves like that tonight.

Conarri: Leslie! Nice haymaker by Big D sends McKracken back... but he rushes back in with fists and feet of his own!

[D and Phil are pounding each other, but D gets the clear advantage, and wins the exchange courtesy of a boot to the ribs and a vertical suplex.]

Conarri: And Big D with the suplex! McKracken back to his feet, tries to dropkick D but D blocks, and lifts him back to his feet, following up with an attempt at another suplex... but NO, McKracken blocks it and punches D in the gut.

[An attempt to perform his own vertical suplex is blocked as well, and D eventually lifts Phil up. However, McKracken lands on his feet behind the champion and gets a knee clip in, after which he locks in a single leg crab.]

Conarri: McKracken with the submission locked in, and D seems to be pretty calm about this, but you can see the pressure he's feeling.

[After half a minute or so, McKracken releases the hold and elbowdrops the back of D's head, then rolls him over for a one count. McKracken goes back to the offensive almost immediately, getting a few kicks in on D's back. However, D has had enough, and when he gets a clear opportunity...]


Conarri: Ooh, nice clothesline out of that jab!

[Taking the advantage, he lifts the challenger back to his feet, and then gets in another clothesline, and following that, a whip into the ropes and a big boot. McKracken stumbles out of the ring, and D follows.]

[Outside of the ring, D lands a kick to the side of McKracken's head, then scores a whip into the ringpost. A dazed Phil McKracken spins about before finding his way back into the murderous embrace of the OLW Mid-Atlantic Champion, who then traps his challenger in a bearhug before ramming him into the post again, this time back first. Big D proceeds to rip a closeby mat from the ground, and then tease the Everlasting on the concrete. However, his attempt to get Phil in a piledriver position is met with a desperation fist to the groin, followed by a RESOUNDING DDT to the concrete, which is them followed by a legdrop. D is clearly out, and McKracken takes advantage of this by rolling D back into the ring, while climbing up the turnbuckle himself.]

Conarri: McKracken got the advantage he desperately needed with that DDT on the concrete, let’s see if he can capitalize…!








Conarri: Not enough.

[McKracken then stands in the corner while Big D gets to his feet and is met with a dropkick to the knee, followed by a single-leg takedown into a cradle attempt for one. Slightly miffed by this turn of events, the challenger lands a standing elbowdrop for two, before Big D picks up what seems to be a second wind. McKracken goes to the second rope and leaps off, only to meet the raised boot of the MA Champion, who then proceeds to get to his feet and lands a legdrop for two. With several forearms to McKracken's neck, a knee to the face (his good knee)…]

Styles: D’s gonna try and put it away here. O-Zone coming up!


Conarri: The cover!







[Slightly disgruntled, D decides to wear his opponent down, and locks in a full nelson. McKracken is defenseless while Remo just looks on and gets the crowd to root for the challenger. Big D further wears down on McKracken by shaking the full nelson, which only causes the crowd to root for the challenger. After about a minute, Big D releases the hold and whips McKracken into the opposite corner, and Stinger Splashes him for two.]

Conarri: D using his size to just squash McKracken in the corner. Whips him cross ring, tries it again…

Stanton: No! McKracken to the top rope, kicks D… TORNADO DDT!

[McKracken quickly cradles D.]







[The recovery leads to D attempting another O-Zone, only for McKracken to land onto his feet and dropkick D's already damaged leg. As D tries to get to his feet, McKracken bounces off the ropes repeatedly, and as the champion gets to his feet, he is suddenly thrown back down courtesy of a bulldog for a two-count.]

Conarri: McKracken has really taken the advantage here. He’s beckoning for Big D to get to his feet, looks like he’s looking for the Coming Out Party.

[But as McKracken grabs D’s head and jumps, D catches McKracken around the waist…]

Styles: D brings him up! Running… LIGERBOMB!!










[However, McKracken is on FIRE now, and he goes buck wild with fists and kicks, which D takes with slight aggravation. A whip to the ropes results in D receiving a dropkick, but D immediately recovers, and whips McKracken into the ropes himself. McKracken goes for a sunset flip, but is unable to get the giant champion down. D sits on the challenger's chest and hammers him with fists, before getting off and signaling for the Everlasting.]

Stanton: If Big D lands this, it will be over. Two hundred ninety pounds or whatever landing directly on your ribcage is enough to put just about any wrestler in the game away.

Conarri: D trying to step over the arms, McKracken’s fighting it…


Conarri: And McKracken counters into the Coming Out Party!

[While being held upside down, MrKracken manages to do a situp, grab D by the head, and drive his face into the mat.]









…McKracken rolls into the cover on D!






Conarri: If McKracken hadn’t taken so long to make the cover there, he could have put this one away.

Stanton: Both men trying to get to their feet… D’s up first, he’s trying for the Everlasting again!

[There’s something called going to the well once too often.]

Conarri: McKracken with a knee to the ribs! Dropkick to the knee… no it’s a flying small package!









Stanton: HE GOT IT!!!



[McKracken releases his grip on D and rolls to the side. D gets to his knees, resting his hands on his hips and looking at McKracken like he’s not sure whether to congratulate him or squash him.]

Ferraro: Here is your winner, and NEW OLW Mid Atlantic Champion… PHIL! Mc! KRAAAACKEN!

[McKracken is handed the OLW Mid Atlantic Title. He briefly cradles it in his arms, and then raises it over his head, still on his knees in the ring.]


[Big D picks himself up, looks darkly at Phil, and heads back up the ramp.]

Styles: What a night for Phil McKracken. He wins a title off TU2, and doesn’t even get his ass kicked for it!

[The camera, focusing on the departing D, picks up a small man in dirty clothes running down the ramp.]

Conarri: That’s… that’s Boxcar Willie, McKracken’s former manager.

Stanton: And he’s got his boot in his hands. …damn, I can smell him from all the way over here.

Styles: Really? I’m amazed you can smell anything over that gallon of perfume you’re wearing.

[Willie climbs into the ring over the bottom rope. Having not gotten a big reaction, Phil doesn’t know what’s happening as Willie runs up behind Remo and hits him in the back of the head with the boot!]

Conarri: …wha?

[The cheers for McKracken subside as he turns around to face Boxcar Willie. Willie just stands there looking at Phil.]

Conarri: Get some mics in there, see if we can hear what’s going on.

[Willie continues to stare up at Phil. Phil looks at Willie strangely, and then points towards the outside of the ring.]

Stanton: Phil seems surprised to see… ACK!

[Willie swings the boot, clocking Phil square in the face. McKracken falls over backwards, dropping the MA Title. Holding the boot, Willie runs out of the ring and starts up the ramp, tears streaming down his eyes.]

Styles: What’re we seeing here?

Conarri: I don’t know, but I have a feeling we’ll find out in the coming weeks… Phil McKracken is our new Mid Atlantic Champion, but he doesn’t get to enjoy his victory here. Fans, we’re going backstage while we get the ring ready for our next match!