Flare vs Top Dollar vs Loki

[Before the match starts, all three wrestlers stare at each other in the ring. Flare stretches, Top discusses strategy with Terrance, and Loki skips around. Finally, they assume wrestling positions, still staring down each other, a thousand tactics and plans running through their head.]


[And it's all promptly forgotten as the bell rings, and all three jump on each other and start throwing fists and kicking. This continues for about a minute before the ref finally tries to break them apart, after his verbal threats and a count-out didn't work.]

[Finally, the three are separated, and assume more typical wrestling stances. Top Dollar begins by charging towards Loki, who quickly responds with an arm drag. Flare lionsaults onto Top before he can even recover. As Flare gets up, Loki dropkicks him in the back. Flare rolls with the blow, quickly recovers, and takes the fight to Loki. The two trade blows and holds, until Loki flips out of a suplex attempt and runs for the ropes. This is interrupted by Top Dollar, who nearly crescent kicks Loki's head off.]

[With Loki out for now, Flare lunges for Top Dollar, who sidesteps out of the way. Top tries for a wheel kick, but Flare ducks it, letting Top Dollar roll over him. As Top recovers from his missed attack, Flare grabs him from behind to deliver a German suplex. Top recovers from the attack, and the two begin to trade blows. Several times, Top tries to overpower Flare, with only marginal success. Rather, Flare's speed and experience serve him well, and he gains the upper hand.]

[Flare's momentum is stopped by Terrance quickly and subtly grabbing Flare's leg, just enough to make him stumble. Which gives Top the opening he needs to poke Flare in the eyes. With Flare reeling, Top lays into him with a scoop slam, a suplex, and a piledriver in the span of eight seconds. Seeing Flare rattled by the rapid assault, Top begins dancing. He doesn't get in
very many steps before Loki leaps onto Top, knocking him to the ground, and begins gnawing on his forehead.]


[Loki takes his time removing himself from Top Dollar, having not tasted Hartwig Forehead in quite a while. Top rolls on the ground, clutching his forehead in pain. Flare, meanwhile, has recovered, and catches Loki by surprise with a Full Nelson lock. Loki is having none of this, though, and twists out of it, elbowing Flare in the gut before nailing him with a DDT.]

[Before Loki can capitalize, Top Dollar grabs him from behind, and hefts him up for a backdrop. The feisty Norseman proves too cagey for this, and flips out of it. Loki then grabs Top Dollar's arm and tries to wrap it around his head, obviously looking for the 'Wailing Egret' Cobra Clutch. Top Dollar, in a blind panic upon realizing that a submission hold is being applied, wrenches forward, actually THROWING Loki over his head. Loki rolls with the landing, though, and manages to quickly recover.]

[Top Dollar calms down, and sees that both Flare and Loki are standing, on both sides of him, and are bouncing off the ropes, running towards him. Thinking quickly, Top does the splits... And Loki and Flare both stop. The two look at Top, stuck doing the splits on the ground. Top seems momentarily confused. Then, Loki and Flare both deliver stiff kicks to either side of Top Dollar's head. Top's eyes roll up in his head before he flops over on the ground limply.]

[Loki and Flare turn again towards each other. Loki bounces off the ropes and comes at Flare with a clothesline. Flare ducks it, and throws a chop. Loki dodges it like a boxer, and responds with a kick. An impressive display of agility and speed follow as the two throw out attacks that the other dodges or counters. Finally, Flare manages to get in an arm wrench, and delivers a few solid hits before finally grabbing Loki and hitting a backbreaker.]

[Flare rests for a moment before hoisting Loki back up. Flare grabs Loki from behind, looking for another German Suplex. Top Dollar, however, grabs Flare from behind and delivers his own German Suplex. It ends up a three-man German suplex, Loki tossed by Flare, tossed by Top Dollar. Loki lands on the ropes, and gets bounced back into the ring, landing rather painfully on top of Flare.]

[The ref begins a count out. Top is the first to get to his feet, though it's obvious the double kick to his head is still affecting him, as he teeters. Rather than take the offensive, Top leans in the turnbuckle, trying to get his bearings. Terrance comes up to offer encouragement. Meanwhile, Flare and Loki begin to stir. All three are again on their feet, and all three are woozy, though Top seems to be in better shape.]

[Top runs at Loki. Loki ducks under what he suspects is the attack. Top, however, rolls over Loki's back to wheel kick Flare back to the ground. Now with momentum, Top Dollar tears into Loki, battering the young man with chops, scoop slams, and a stalling suplex. During a break in the action, Top subtly grabs something from the pocket in his tights. Loki gets to his feet, only to be met by the Sweet Scent of Success. Top Dollar squeezes Loki's face for a few seconds, before Loki escapes by delivering an eyepok... sorry, the 'Snake-Dripping-Poison-Into-Eyes-Crazy-Wife-Moving-Bowl-Burning-Eyes.']


[What's even more noteworthy is that Top claws at his own face after Loki does this, forgetting about the 'treated' hundred dollar bill he holds in that hand. Top begins to look a little weak-kneed, though he still has enough sense to stash the bill in his pocket until he has a better opportunity. Still, Loki and Top Dollar look woozy as they turn back to each other. The two weakly reach out to engage in a grapple... before Flare leaps from the top rope to deliver a corkscrew press to the two men, sending all three crashing to the ground.]

[Flare, now charged, rolls off the two men and kips up to his feet. Looking at the prone figures of Top and Loki, he considers his next move, before looking at the turnbuckle.]


[The gleam in Flare's eyes says it all as he climbs up to the top rope a second time. He looks at the prone figures of Loki and Top, neither of them moving. Standing to his full height on the ropes, Flare pauses for a moment to soak in the crowd, and Styles begins screaming and joining in with the fans.]


[Indeed, Flare tosses himself off the top rope, twisting his feet around and above him as flashbulbs go off around the building. He seems to hang in the air for an impossible length of time before finally finishing the rotation and crashing on top of Loki.]


[The crash took a lot out of Flare, and he struggles to get into a pinning position.]



[Top Dollar pulls Flare off of Loki before the ref's hand comes down a third time.]

[Top Dollar pulls Flare to his feet. Flare repays Top's gesture with a chop to the chest. The two exchange chops for a while, but Top's low threshold of pain bites him here, as he clutches his beet-red chest and cringes. Flare quickly bounces off the ropes and comes running at Top Dollar... Who catches Flare and hits Paydirt!]


[Top doesn't even let go, simply holding the move as they land and slightly adjusting to cover for the pin]



[Flare, however, kicks out easily, as Top's chest is still in pain, preventing him from locking in the pin properly. Top rolls away, still clutching his chest, as Flare gets to his feet. Flare reaches out to grab Top Dollar, but gets an elbow to the groin for his troubles. The ref was distracted by Terrance, who was frantically pointing out a still-unconscious Loki.]

[With Flare doubled over, Top Dollar gets behind him, grabs him in a waistlock, and tosses him overhead for a German Suplex. However, Top doesn't let go when Flare hits. Rather, Top maintains the hold in a bridge position, flips OVER Flare's folded form, pulls Flare back to his feet, and delivers another German Suplex.]

[With Flare now out, Top Dollar stands and begins dancing in victory, though his weariness makes it a rather slow, clumsy dance. Finally, Top paces over to Flare... who catches Top in a small package, and rolls him up for the pin!]






[The ref was rather distracted, as he was facing the other way, tying his loose shoe that Terrance helpfully pointed out. Strange, that shoe was tied when he came to the ring...]

[The ref turns around to see Flare holding Top in the school boy, and quickly slides down for the count. He only gets past the '1' before Top Dollar forces his way out of it. Flare pounds the mat a few times in frustration. Finally, Flare gets up, and knocks Top Dollar back down with a dropkick so high it hits Top Dollar in the head!]

[Top flops backwards and rolls before bouncing off the lowest rope and sprawling out on the ground. Flare starts stalking towards Top Dollar... until Loki clotheslines Flare from the side. Flare drops down as Loki struggles to collect himself after that one move. Flare and Loki lock up, the two struggling for control, until Loki slips under and behind Flare, lifts him up for a back-drop, and...]


[Ragnaroks Flare's head right into the canvas! Flare flops down and lays limply on the ground. Loki begins crawling to cover Flare... and gets rudely kicked off and away by Top Dollar, who quickly drops down and covers the dazed Flare.]

[Loki rolls back to his knees and turns towards Flare and Top Dollar...]


[Loki makes the leap to stop the pin...]


[But his other leg is grabbed by Terrance, who nearly yanks Loki out of the ring!]


[Either way, Loki didn't make it.]




[Loki looks on the scene, somewhat stunned. Flare is barely stirring. Top Dollar painfully gets up to his feet before falling back into the turnbuckle. Terrance hops into the ring and offers a bottle of Perrier to Top Dollar, who eagerly drinks it. Top looks out at the audience somewhat confused, not expecting anybody to really cheer for him.]

[Loki, having stood up and recovered, is beckoning for a microphone, which is tossed to him. Flare, meanwhile, is slowly and painfully making it to his feet.]

Loki: I'd like to thank you all. It's been a wonderful ride, and I've had a lot of fun, but all good things must come to an end. This crazy Norseman has had his fill of the business. I've done all I wanted to do, won my titles, earned my respect, and made you laugh. And I even got to munch on Top Dollar's forehead one last time before I left!


Stanton: Loki stepping out of the business.

Conarri: I'd say after a match like that, its a great time to step down.

Loki: So thank you all for your support... or the jeers, as the case may be. But the time has come for this Viking to sail his longboat back home.


[Top lightly claps in respect as Loki makes his way down the steps and up the ramp.]


[Before Loki disappears backstage, he turns around and looks at the audience one last time...]



Conarri: Short, but to the point. Loki stepping out of the wrestling world.

Stanton: And even Top Dollar applauded his long-time nemesis. What a show of class.

Styles: Hold on, Flare's back on his feet, and looking mighty peeved!

[Flare, having grabbed another microphone, now stares at Top Dollar.]

Flare: Great, so my idiot ex-tag team partner decided to betray me, and now walk out of wrestling. Well, I say good riddance!


Flare: But at least I have you, Top Dollar! At least I can take out all my rage on you. 'Cause Loki may have had enough, but I've only begun! And I can tell you right now, Hartwig, that it is far from over between us! Lazy moronic slack-asses like you who surf by without a care in the world piss me off! I bust my butt daily making sure I'm in top form, reviewing strategy! And people like you have no business in a wrestling ring with people like me! You are an insult to everything wrestling stands for! And I intend to prove it by pounding your ass straight out of OLW and back into that little mountain retreat of yours! But rest assured, this isn't over!

Top Dollar: Oh, I do believe it is over, Flare. Terrance, the forms, please.

[Terrance, standing at Top Dollar's side, opens up the briefcase, and begins digging through files. Eventually, he picks one out, and hands it to Flare.]

Styles: What the hell are those?

Flare: What the hell are these?

Styles: Hah! Great minds think alike.

Stanton: Oh, give me a break.

Top Dollar: Well, the first sheet of paper is what I believe the working class refers to as a 'pink slip.' In other words, its a statement of employee termination. For you, Flare.

Conarri: What?

Styles: Can he do that?

Stanton: Considering the connections and money Top Dollar has, is it really that surprising?

Top Dollar: Just in case that wasn't clear enough, that first sheet of paper is saying that you're fired from Old Line Wrestling, effective immediately. No compensation, either. And the next page? That's a form stating your bank account has been frozen... Again.

Conarri: I've seen post-match beatdowns, but rarely in a style like this!

Top Dollar: And the next three pages I believe you'll find particularly interesting. Deportation notices.

Stanton: Deportation?

Top Dollar: That's right... Mabon! It's time for you to go back to Wales!


Styles: Wales? Mabon?

Conarri: For those of you unaware, Flare's old rival Llewelyn yr Penaig supposedly revealed that Alex 'Flare' Richardson is actually a Welshman named Mabon.

Flare: How... How did you DO this?

Top Dollar: You know as well as I do that you can outwrestle me any day of the week, twice on Saturdays. You're more talented, more skilled, and more focused. But I have talents of my own, as you can see. And, of course, an incredibly large bank account. What it all means is that you can beat me in wrestling... but I can beat you in Life.

Styles: Money makes the world go around.

Conarri: This is not right.

Stanton: Tell that to Top Dollar. He's got the money, he decides what's right!

[Flare stares on, almost slack-jawed]

Top Dollar: Oh, and by the way, the last page... It just says you're arrested.

[Rather suddenly, a dozen police officers start making their way down to the ring]

Flare: Arrested!? What the hell for?

Top Dollar: Err... Barratry, I believe.

[The police begin to pile into the ring, surrounding Flare.]

Flare: What the hell is Barratry!?

Top Dollar: Damned if I know. All I know is that you're guilty of it. Now take him away!

[The officers grapple Flare, and begin to drag him out of the arena]


Top Dollar: Who cares? I'm rich!

[Top's theme music cues up as he begins smoothly packing up and making his way out of the arena.]

Styles: 'Who cares, I'm rich!' I like that line...

Conarri: We now go backstage to Duane “Double-Decker” Eckelbury, who’s standing by with the reigning OLW Trios Tag Champions, NGN. Over to you, Double-D.

Double-D: Thanks Cito. I’m actually here with two thirds of the champs. Leon Maddox and Raymond “Buster” Keaton, to be exact.

[Maddox is wearing his letterman’s jacket over his ring trunks, his third of the titles around his waist. Buster, in full gear, has a black towel over his head, his third of the titles over his shoulder.]

Double-D: So welcome back to the Old Line, guys. I think the first question to ask is – what’s going on? Where have you guys been?

Maddox: It’s like this, Eckelbury. You toe the line, everything goes fine. You step out, you’re out.

Double-D: What do you mean by that?

Maddox: The Keep it Real Kid, Eckelbury! As long as we’re doing that old school routine, everything’s fine! But try and stand up for some guys who committed the unthinkable act of wanting some time off because they’re burned out, and he’s got no more time for us.

Keaton: What Leon’s saying here, is that KIRK wanted to use NGN, to embarrass Kid XLatch when they were leaving OLW. But since Leon and Renae wouldn’t go through with that, KIRK’s been taking it out on them, not in the ring, but by the contract.

Double-D: By the contract?

Maddox: He. Wouldn’t. Book us.

Double-D: Well, why didn’t you gate crash then, and tear things up?

Maddox: Good question. Let me ask you this – you seen my tag partner anywhere?

Double-D: Renae?

Maddox: Yeah, you seen her?

Double-D: Not lately…

Maddox: And that’s the thing! She’s fine with not wrestling! What the hell can a tag team champion do if his partner won’t show up? What use is two thirds of NGN?

Double-D: Uhh… is she here tonight?

Maddox: Yeah, she was contractually obligated to show. You better believe me that’s the only reason she bothered.

Double-D: So, you’re saying?

Keaton: You seem to be hard of understanding, son, so let me explain. Miss LeRoux doesn’t want to wrestle anymore. For her, this is the last night, and she just wants to get it over with.

Double-D: She wants to quit? That’s a real shame there, guys – no offense, but she was the one that got you guys noticed.

Maddox: You think we don’t know that? Hell, we know that, we’ve told her! She just doesn’t give a damn.

Double-D: And that manager of yours didn’t try to talk her into staying?

Maddox: You see Jenkins-Smith around here anywhere? We’re on our own here tonight.

Double-D: So LeRoux’s out after tonight… what if you guys retain?

Maddox: I guess if that happens we’ll be down a man. Maybe this is all karma for how we won the belts.

Double-D: And if you don’t retain, what then?

Maddox: Are you stupid? KIRK wants us gone. If we don’t have the titles, there’s no reason for him to keep our contracts. This match is make or break for us, Eckelbury. And if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go prepare to break some heads.

[Maddox storms off the scene. Keaton looks at the camera, then follows him.]