[And we open up backstage with Kaos.]

[Kaos is large, bleeding, and angry. Techies and backstage crew fall over themselves getting out of his way.]

Kaos: [under his breath] When I find that sonofabitch…

[Kaos slams open a door, and his eyes dilate. Brad Andrews is past the door, one leg up on a foot locker, deep in conversation with a random backstage person and laughing his head off.]

Kaos: YOU!

[BA looks up. That’s all he has time to do before Kaos’s right boot impacts his face, sending him spinning off the foot locker to land on his front in the hallway.]

Kaos: This funny now, Brad? Get the fuck up!

[BA does. Kaos promptly throws him across the hall. BA slams into a heap of chairs, and slumps as the chairs land around him. Snarling, Kaos grabs him by the neck and pulls him to his feet.]

Kaos: Still laughing?

BA: …Not now.

[BA’s foot shoots up between Kaos’ legs. The big man doubles over.]

BA: I was waiting to do that first. Now I laugh. Ha. Ha. Haha. Ha, ha.

[It’s the worst fake laugh ever. BA kicks Kaos in the side of the head – but Kaos grabs his foot. Standing, he shoves, sending BA head over heels again.]

Kaos: We’re not playing these games this time, you little shit. Get over here.

[Kaos hauls BA to his feet, and then presses him overhead, before dropping him on the footlocker. BA groans and flops onto the floor.]

Kaos: What the hell are you up to this time? Tell me and I’ll quit kicking your ass.

[BA coughs.]

BA: You really think I’m going to tell you, Chaos?


[Kaos now grabs BA around the neck with one hand, and slams him up against the wall.]

Kaos: The fuck you think you are, kid?

BA: I’m…. I’m… *cough*

[Kaos lets loose enough for BA to get both feet on the floor.]

BA: I’m…

Kaos: Don’t piss me off any worse than you already have.

BA: I’m… I’m the JUGGERNAUT, BITCH, and I got a BITCH with me! .... or more accurately, a BITCH all up in my SHIT! Get the FUCK out my SHIT, bitch!

Kaos: …you have NO IDEA how much I hate you.

[Kaos hits a big knee lift, doubling BA over. Setting him up in powerbomb position, walking over to the foot locker, he swings the smaller wrestler up over his head….

[…and topples over backwards.]

Daeriq Damien: Stupid son of a bitch.

[Damien is holding one of the steel folding chairs that dropped. He drove the chair into the back of Kaos’ right knee, causing him to topple over backwards.]

[BA landed in a seated position on the foot locker.]

BA: Thought you were never gonna get here, mon ami.

Damien: Well. I had to check in on Gemma before her match, right? I assumed that you’d be smart enough to keep out of his way before I was around.

BA: You know what they say. Assume makes an ass out of u and me.

Damien: I’m not the one who just got my ass kicked.

BA: Point. Anyway, if you’ll excuse me for a minute…

[BA picks up the Yield Sign of Doom, and turns to Kaos.]

BA: Nigga, I’ma fuck you up wit’ my YEIL’ SIGN!


[BA hits Kaos on the face with the sign. He’s going back for another swing when Damien intercepts his arm.]

Damien: That’s not going to do it, Brad. He’ll just get up angrier than ever and hunt you down again.

BA: Any ideas?

Damien: Well, since you mention it…

[Damien walks over to the footlocker and opens it. BA grabs Kaos, and throws him over so that his head is resting on the edge underneath the lid.]

[Both men slam the footlocker lid down on Kaos’ head, and he immediately quits moving.]

Damien: That’ll be enough to keep him out of our business for the rest of the night, I think.

Danny Vicious vs ?????

Conarri: Well guys, this next match has "conspiracy" written all over it. And I couldn't be happier.

Stanton: Yes, Ceet, this one should be good. Despite trying to dispell rumours all week, it'll be Danny Vicious facing off against Adam De... erm... a mystery opponent. And this one won't be for the weak at heart.

Conarri: No way, Les. Things have been heating up between these two for ages now, and Danny finally seemed to put an end to things a while ago. Adam Delicious hasn't been seen around OLW in months, and Vicious has been on a tear. But any betting man has put money on the former half of the tag team Vicious 'n' Delicious to be here tonight, under that mask.

[The lights go out, and the fans scream in anticipation. The screams turn to boos as "All Out" by 2 Pac and Outlawz begins. The chopper blade sound cuts through the air as the red and white strobes flash and the ramp fills with smoke. The video screen begins playing scenes of Danny Vicious obliterating opponents over the years.]

# We going all out, (aiiiiiight), we going all out, (aiiiiiight), we going all out #
# Watch your mother fucking mouths niggas #

# That's right #
# Fuck these fag Niggas Pac #
# Do it, Do it, Do it #

[The bell rings. Tracie Ferraro watches the ramp for her cue. The crowd boos. The announce team waits in silence. And the anticipation... the tension... the animosity... is almost as thick as the smoke bellowing across the stage.]

# Come hell or high water, down to slaughter opposers #
# Just another lost soul, stuck, callin Jehovah #
# Outlaw 'til it's over, brandish my strap back like a cobra, #
# I stay drunk, cause I'm a mad man whenever sober, #
# on a one man mission my ambition to hold up #
# the rap game while I pluck holes in niggaz like donuts #

[Danny emerges from behind the smoke, wearing his black trunks with gold trim, his North Carolina Tarheels cap and jersey, and a smug look. His eyes are hidden behind his silver Oakley shades. He stops on the ramp and raises his arms with a cocky smirk as his silver pyros rain down behind him.]

# I'm similar to Saddam, sometimes I question Hussein #
# Like fiends frantic for that last vein, stuck in the game #
# I hit the scene like sandstorms, then transform, watch me #
# I take the figure of dirty niggaz, who all got me #
# While bitches wonderin who shot me #
# No love, keep a grudge, shootin sluggs like Muammar Quadaffi #

Ferraro: This match is schedualed for one fall. Introducing first, hailing from Hamilton, Ontario and weighing in at 260lbs. He is a member of The Unforgiven II. Ladies and gentlemen, he is "The Sensation", Dannnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy VIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCIIIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

Conarri: This man may be one of the most hated in all the sport. His recent attitude change took him to that from one of the most beloved. But you have to give Danny credit. Whether you love him or hate him, there's never room for an in between. And he makes you feel those ways very well.

Stanton: I can't stand his attitude. He's gorgeous, of course, but his attitude is disgusting.

Styles: Well, guys, I have to admit, I love Danny Vicious. His attitude change has served him well, freshened him up, and given him a new lease on life. Danny's main goal now is to kick ass and take names. And he's done very well at it.

#Murder my friends, build a new posse#
#We takin shots at paparazzi, go and fly now, nigga like Rocky#
#You got a lot of nerve to play me#
#Another gay rapper, bustin caps to Jay-Z#
#And still avoid capture, while y'all caught up in the rapture#

[Danny slowly struts towards the ring, occasionally jaw jacking with the fans. He stops at the ring, looking inside and begins laughing. He lifts the ring apron up, looking underneath the ring before shrugging his shoulders and sliding in under the bottom rope.]

Stanton: Danny looking under the ring for something.

Styles: Well, when you're facing someone like the dreaded Mystery Man, you have to look for him in mysterious places. HA! Danny kills me!

[Styles laughs hysterically as Vicious walks around the ring, removing his shades, bandana, cap and jersey. His song plays out, and immediately the fans begin cheering. Their cheers grow louder as the lights go out in the arena.]

Conarri: That's odd. Usually most of the lights go out but there's a few stage lights when the wrestlers enter. It's completely pitch black in here now.

Styles: Yeah, I can't even see my hand in front of my face.

[There's a muffled smack sound, and Styles cries out. Stanton begins laughing.]

Stanton: Did you see it then?

Styles: (wimpering) By nodse.

Conarri: What's the hold up?

[Suddenly, a spotlight shines down on the entrance. And it is accompanied by the opening to D-12's "American Psycho". The fans ERUPT in a massive chorus of cheers.]

Conarri: The fans seem to recognize the theme song Adam Delicious used when he was the Mystery Man!

[A figure dressed in all black, sporting a black mask as well, emerges from behind the curtain. He slowly walks to the ring, never taking his focus off Danny Vicious. Danny leans against a corner, faking a yawn as the Mystery Man slides right in under the bottom rope. He stops in the center of the ring as the house lights come back up. And this is where things get confusing. The music stops, Danny furrows his brow, and the arena silences in confusion.]

Styles: What the hell is that!?

[The Mystery Man, who everyone considered to be Adam Delicious, certainly does not fit the figure of the former IWA Heavyweight champion. Everyone, however, forgets that Tracie Ferraro is still in the ring. She frowns, trying to read his description.]

Ferraro: And his opponent, from Parts Unknown, and weighing in at 210lbs... The Mystery Man.

[Ferraro leaves. Nobody makes a sound. Except Danny. And he's clearly heard above the silence.]

Vicious: What the fuck are you!?

[The Mystery Man stands in the center of the ring, motioning for Danny to fight. The ref calls for the bell, and Vicious slowly walks to the center of the ring. He continues to question the Mystery Man, who just stands there. Danny continues to talk until the Mystery Man slowly pulls his hand back where Danny can't see it, and unleashes a hard right handed slap to the jaw. Vicious jerks back, slowly turning his head back towards his opponent with the ugliest snarl ever on his face. He rears back and swings, but the Mystery Man, who stands 8 inches shorter than Danny, quickly ducks and heads to the ropes behind Vicious. By the time Danny swirls around, the Mystery Man has springboarded off the ropes and hits a back elbow on Vicious. Danny stumbles back, and the Mystery Man comes back off the same ropes and hits a tornado shoulderblock. Danny stumbles back into the opposite ropes. The Mystery Man takes a running start and clotheslines Vicious over the top to the outside. Half the fans erupt, and the other half are still in shock. So are the commentators.]

Conarri: I can't believe what we're seeing. Who the hell is that!?

[Before anyone can answer, the Mystery Man dives over the top rope, hitting Danny with a twisting corkscrew plancha. Vicious is wiped out and the Mystery Man begins stomping on Danny's chest as Spaz Easton begins making the manditory 10 count. The Mystery Man rolls back in at 6 and watches Vicious as Easton warns him to stay in the ring. Vicious slowly makes it to his feet, clinging onto the ring apron. Once he straightens himself out, his face turns to straight anger. He slides in the ring and is on his feet quicker than a hiccup, charging at the Mystery Man. Danny misses a clothesline, but the Mystery Man grabs his arm and swings around into a crucifix. Danny fights and is about to drop onto his back, but the Mystery Man swings around and nails a DDT instead. Vicious and the Mystery Man are both up quick, and the Mystery Man goes for a dropkick, but Vicious swats his feet away. The Mystery Man hits hard, and Vicious is right there to grab him by the head. Picking the Mystery Man up, Vicious jaw jacks. The Mystery Man smacks Vicious' hands away from his head and unleashes a hard kick to Danny's left thigh. Danny howls out in pain as three kicks follow up in succession. The Mystery Man dropkicks Danny's left knee, and follows up with a shining wizard. Vicious goes down hard and rolls out of the ring again as the fans, now totally into the match, erupt.]

Conarri: And that shining wizard just took Danny right off his gameplan!

Stanton: It seems Danny's entire gameplan revolved around this Mystery Man being Adam Delicious. And now that it's not Adam, he seems lost.

Conarri: That's true, Les, and it seems as if... INCOMING!!!

[Cito is cut off by the Mystery Man moonsaulting off the top rope and onto Vicious on the outside. Vicious goes down, and the Mystery Man rolls on top, hammering down punches into Danny's face. When the Mystery Man stands up, Danny's face is covered in blood.]

Stanton: Ewww! Danny's bleeding!

Conarri: It looks to me like the Mystery Man's knee caught Vicious on the nose. Danny's nose may be broken. Let's check out the replay.

**************INSTANT REPLAY***********************

[The Mystery Man steps throught he ropes onto the apron, jumps up to the top rope with catlike quickness, and gets massive height as he leaps from the top, completing a perfect moonsault onto Danny. Just as he hits, his left knee connects with Vicious' shoulder while his right slightly misses it's mark and comes down across the top of Danny's nose.]

***************END REPLAY***********************

Stanton: Yup. Knee to the nose.

Styles: Danny's not going to be happy about that one.

[Vicious slowly rises to his feet. If he wasn't pissed before, he sure is now. He slides into the ring, where the Mystery Man charges. However, he didn't anticipate Danny's size 14 boot connecting with his face when he attempted to leap onto Danny. The Mystery Man falls back, his head smacking hard against the mat. Vicious smirks through the blood and reaches down, grabbing the sides of the mask and picking the Mystery Man up to his feet. Danny spits in the masked face before picking him up and spinning, delivering a devistating spine buster. With the Mystery Man down, Danny begins choking him. Spaz administers the five count, with Danny breaking on four. Picking the Mystery Man back up, Vicious whips him hard off the ropes and catches him with a belly to belly overhead suplex that sends the Mystery Man flying across the ring and sliding under the bottom rope, thumping hard on the ground. Danny follows him outside and picks him up over his head, dropping him chest first across the announce table.]

Conarri: I think Danny just broke this poor guy's sturnam.

Styles: GO DANNY!

[Picking the Mystery Man back up, Danny nails a punch to the head that sends the smaller man airborn. Vicious follows him, and picking him up again, sets him up to irish whip the Mystery Man into the stairs. However, at the last possible second, the Mystery Man reverses, sending Vicious crashing into the steel steps. The crowd erupts as Danny howls out in pain, clutching his right shoulder. The Mystery Man takes a second before running at Vicious, who remains dazed, and dropkicking him in the face, sending the back of his head crashing against the stairs!]



[The fans voice their approval as Spaz Easton ushers the Mystery Man into the ring and checks on Vicious, who is slumped back against the stairs with his eyes closed. Easton, however, becomes distracted when the fans begin to boo the presence of Impact walking down the ramp. Easton quickly runs around the ring as Vicious begins to stir awake. The Mystery Man also watches Easton try to send Impact to the back, and doesn't notice Vicious stand up, reach under the ring, and pull out a trash can. A very pissed off Vicious slides into the ring with the can, and makes it about half way into the ring before the Mystery Man turns around. Other refs empty from the locker room to help usher Impact backstage, and nobody notices Danny run at the Mystery Man with the can. Before he can strike, though, the Mystery Man drop toe holds Vicious, who falls face first onto the garbage can. Looking around, the Mystery Man notices Easton distracted and pulls Danny into the corner, sticking the garbage can in between the bottom and middle ropes, right in front of Danny's face. Running quickly to the other side of the ring, the Mystery Man climbs out onto the apron, springs up to the top turnbuckle and flies.]


Conarri: COAST TO COAST! The Mystery Man just dropkicked from one side of the ring to the other, nailing that trash can into Vicious' face!


[Just as the ref's get Impact to head back, the Mystery Man pulls the can out from in between the ropes and tosses it to the outside of the ring. He pulls Danny out from the corner and makes the cover as Easton turns back around. Seeing the pin, Easton runs to the ring and slides in, making the count.]





[The fans erupt, but Easton notices Danny's foot on the bottom rope and calls the count off. The Mystery Man, frustrated, kicks the bottom rope. Easton pleads his case, and finally the Mystery Man gives up arguing and climbs outside to the apron again. He heads up to the top turnbuckle again, and makes a slashing motion across his throat. Finally, he leaps off with a frog splash, but hits nothing but mat as Vicious slowly rolls out of the way. Both men lay flat on the mat as the ref makes the standard ten count.]






[The Mystery Man begins moving slowly.]



[Danny lifts his head.]



[Mystery Man is on his knees. Danny begins crawling towards the ropes, grabbing Easton's leg. Spaz looks down at Danny and tries to kick his leg free. The Mystery Man moves in towards Danny, who uses all his power to trip Easton's leg out. Spaz falls to the mat, but on his way down cracks his head off the Mystery Man's knee.]

Stanton: Ref bump!

[The Mystery Man jumps back after the connection, grabbing at his knee. Vicious finally reaches the ropes, pulling himself up. The Mystery Man rushes towards Danny, who pretty much just falls forward, outstreatching his right arm and nearly ripping the Mystery Man's head off with a falling clothesline. Slowly, Danny pulls himself back up as the Mystery Man rolls off to the side. Danny, finding his second wind but probably concussed, pulls the Mystery Man up and whips him across the ring. As the Mystery Man comes back off, Danny misses with a clothesline. The Mystery Man springs off the opposite ropes and twists, locking in a bulldog from behind on Danny, but Vicious powers his way upright and grabs the Mystery Man for a back suplex. The Mystery Man fights back with punches, and Danny drops him, but the Mystery Man turns around and is caught with a boot to the midsection. Danny signals and picks his opponent up onto his shoulders.]

Conarri: Canadian Bombshell set up! If he hits this, it's over!

Styles: YES! GO DANNY!

[Danny takes his running start. However, the Mystery Man locks his legs around Danny's head and delivers a hurricanrana, dumping both men over the top rope and ouside the ring right in front of the announce table! The Mystery Man hits hard off the apron, and Danny lands almost on his feet before falling back on his rear.]

Conarri: The ref is still out! Danny's down in front of our table! And so is the Mystery Man! WHAT A MATCH!

[The fans are on their feet for this one. Danny is up first, and grabs a steel chair from Tracie Ferraro. The Mystery Man stands just as Danny turns around, and seing the chair, kicks Danny in the thigh. Danny drops to one knee, and the Mystery Man goes for another shining wizard. But as he begins running at Vicious, Danny stands upright and swings the chair downward, crushing it on the skull of the Mystery Man.]

Styles: Danny just shortened the Mystery Man from about 6 feet to 4!


[The Mystery Man crumples to the ground in a heap, out cold. Danny drops the chair and slides into the ring, nudging Spaz Easton with his boot. Easton begins to stir, and Danny pulls him to his feet. Easton leans on the ropes as Vicious slides back outside the ring. Picking up the Mystery Man, Danny press slams him over the top rope and into the ring. Sliding back in, Danny covers. Easton drops and counts.]



3... NO! Danny pulls the Mystery Man up off the mat.

Conarri: Oh come on. It should have been over.

[Vicious smirks sadistically under the dried blood from his nose. He drops the Mystery Man's head and climbs out onto the apron. Heading up to the top turnbuckle, Danny flashes a smile to the crowd, who boo in response. While at the top, Vicious takes his time raising his arms before leaping off.]


Conarri: Look at the HEIGHT!

[Danny soars almost three and a half feet up from the top of the turnbuckle before gravity takes over and sends him crashing down, landing the point of his elbow into the heart of the Mystery Man. Danny bounces off, while the Mystery Man seemingly is engraved deeper into the mat. Vicious covers again.]




[Everyone is in shock.]

Conarri: WHAT!?

Stanton: HOW!?

Styles: WHO!?

[Vicious looks down, shocked. He shakes his head, and picks the Mystery Man up by the head, who counters into a roll up!]




[Vicious rolls out and the Mystery Man rolls over, but it's too late. Danny simply powers the smaller man up onto his shoulders and begins running, diving forward and nailing the Canadian Bombshell. The Mystery Man bounces a foot off the mat before Danny floats over and makes the pin.]




[Ding ding ding!]

Ferraro: Here is your winner... "The Sensation" Dannnnnnny Viciousssssssssssssssssssss!!!

Conarri: Mercifully, it's over. But that was one hell of a contest!

Styles: Really? Doesn't look over to me.

[Vicious has pulled the motionless form of the Mystery Man into a seated position, and begins ripping at the mask. The fans erupt, but Danny pays no attention as he works the mask off the face. The mask won't rip, so Danny begins clubbing the Mystery Man in the face with forearm smashes before moving to the back and beginning to untie it. There's a clank behind Vicious, but he doesn't notice. Finally, he finishes with the strings. The fans are going insane. Vicious pulls the mask up and off the face. A second later, a chair connects with Danny's back. He falls forward.]



Styles: In the mask!?



Conarri: Delicious came from the crowd and nailed Vicious!

Stanton: Who's that in the mask?

[The Mystery Man, sans mask, has slumped forward and is face down on the mat. All that's visible is some shaggy dark brown hair. Meanwhile, Adam Delicious goes to town on Vicious with the chair, smashing it on his back, head, legs, everything that is hitable. Finally, Adam tosses the chair away and walks over to the Mystery Man. He puts his hands under the Mystery Man's arms and pulls him up to his feet. The fans burst into cheers.]

Styles: Oh God, no.

Conarri: That's Dave Cocca! Adam's younger brother! He was in the IWA! Most prominently known as The Amphibian.

Stanton: Eww, gross. Reptiles are disgusting.

[Delicious embraces his barely conscious brother and drags him out of the ring. The two head into the crowd, while Adam drags Dave away as refs rush the ring to check on Vicious.]

Conarri: That was one hell of a contest! Vicious picked up the win over the Mystery Man, aka "The Rookie Superstar" Dave Cocca, but Adam Delicious got the last laugh! Fans, let's go backstage!