[Backstage Cameras walk in on an Unforgiven II meeting. KIRK is sitting behind his desk, leaning back in his executive’s chair.]

Keep It Real Kid: Tonight has been a tough night so far for The Unforgiven II, but you three came through – that’s a good thing.

YAZ: I agree. When Avarice does the same, we’ll really have something to celebrate.

Paco: I'll drink to that.

KIRK: Well, since you mentioned it… this was supposed to be for Big D’s retaining of his title. But since that didn’t happen…

[KIRK pulls out a bottle of champagne and four glasses.]

YAZ: Sorry, I don’t drink.

KIRK: Oh, right. Well, go buy yourself a Perrier. Here, my treat.

[He throws two singles to YAZ, who pockets them. Losantio has picked up his glass already, and KIRK does – but Jeremy Winters does not. KIRK turns to him.]

KIRK: You know, it was my idea to bring you into the fold. You came as a high recommendation, but it was still my call to recruit you. You should be very grateful for the opportunity, and the champagne, you're being given.

Winters: Well. You see… The thing about that is, well, I don't think I’m going to be sticking around The Unforgiven II.

[KIRK freezes.]

KIRK: Wait. What?

Winters: I appreciate the chance you've given me. I just don't think I’m going to run with it... and I was never much of a Metallica fan.

Losantio: Jeremy, are you sure you want to do this?

Winters: It's not you guys... it's kind of the whole overall thing. I'm more of a loner.

KIRK: You can't do this. I brought you into this group. I gave you the contract! You can't just quit!

[Winters sighs a little bit before answering.]

Winters: I never said I was quitting OLW. I believe I’ll be sticking around. I will fulfill my contractual obligations. But, I triple checked the contract. No where does it state that I must be a member of The Unforgiven II in order to be employed.

[KIRK looks, first at Paco Losantio, then at Yoshikazu YAZ. The former shrugs, the latter just looks back at him.]

KIRK: Fine. But no one crosses me. I'll see to it that for the remainder of your contract, your life will be hell. Courtesy of the Keep it Real Kid and The Unforgiven II! Now give me your champagne!

Losantio: Boss… seriously, chill.

KIRK: Don’t YOU start!

[Winters puts his glass down and walks of the OLW locker room. As he walks down the hallway, he stops by Gemma Lockhart's locker room. He goes to open the door. But stops and turns at the Camera.]

Winters: Turn that shit off... I said turn that shit off!

[Camera shuts off]

Conarri: Fans, we've just seen Jeremy Winters abandon The Unforgiven II, in yet another blow to the stable's integrity. We have the anticipated Keith Edwards Jack Cross match coming up next, but before that, we've had... well Les, you want to fill us in?

Stanton: *sigh* Right, Ceet. I ran into Keith Edwards, or he ran into me rather, earlier in the day... we have some pre-taped footage to show you while they get ready for the match. So if we can go to that...


[We find Leslie Stanton backstage by a snack table chatting on her cellular phone.]

Stanton: Yeah, definitely, tell Marty I said hi too!...Oh, by the way! Ask him if he's heard anything about a National Pr--

[Leslie is cut off abruptly as a hand shoots out and snatches the phone from her ear. Caught off guard, she turns in the direction of the hand, agitated.]

Stanton: Hey!

[And as she turns, she becomes face to face with one of OLW's newest acquisitions and former CAL World champion, Keith Edwards. He's not dressed to wrestle just yet as he wears a powder blue polo shirt that seems to grip his muscles, black slacks, and dark sunglasses. Next to him is his girlfriend, Kristy Harper. She wears a white t-shirt with the words "YOU CAN PUT IT ANYWHERE" written across the chest in black and ripped blue jeans. Next to HER is Vanessa Dodgson. She wears her usual grey pinstriped buisness skirt suit. Leslie is even more caught off guard seeing Vanessa in Keith's company.]

Stanton: (dryly) Wow, the one and only Keith Edwards. Jumper of barriers, breaker of necks, and now apparently, stealer of cell phones.

[Keith smirks and shrugs in quiet agreement before flipping Leslie's phone shut and dropping it into his pocket.]

Edwards: You know Leslie, that little introduction there was a lot better than the one that you gave me when I showed up at the last Outrage.

Stanton: What do you mean?

Edwards: Well, I went back and watched the tape, and while I'm usually a fan of yours Les, seriously...I just wasn't impressed with the work you did during my segment.

Stanton: I've been doing this for a very long time. I think I know when I'm doing a bad job, and I think I did just fine on Outrage, thank you very much.

Edwards: Oh no, you were great for the entire show...except for when I was on it. You had one of the biggest names in Coalition history jumping the barrier and piledriving Paul Dodgson's head somewhere deep into his colon, and you shrugged it off like it didn't even matter! What's up with that, Leslie?

Stanton: I hardly think I made it seem like you didn't matter.

Edwards: Oh really? Kristy, you've got the transcript, right?

Kristy: You betcha!

[Kristy reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a folded up piece of paper. She unfolds it, clears her throat, and reads from it.]

Kristy: 'I don’t even know why Edwards is in OLW… anyway, we’ve got some pre-taped footage of Tommy Shanahan for your viewing.'...then they cut to...well...Tommy Shanahan.

[Kristy makes a sour face at the mention of the name as she refolds the paper and returns it to her pocket. Keith shakes his head in disgust.]

Edwards: You brushed aside the arrival of Keith freaking Edwards to show some footage of Tommy freaking Shanahan? What the hell is wrong with you? Last time I saw Tommy Shanahan, I kicked his ass five ways to Sunday. Besides, you really think anybody gives a damn about what he has to say?

[Leslie sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger.]

Stanton: Well Keith, if I would have known that you were going to be there, I would have commentated accordingly! If you were really paying attention, you would have noticed that I was actually quite surprised to see you show up, and honestly, I had no idea why you were there! It's hard to elaborate on something when you know nothing about it. We had our format, and when I looked at it, I saw that the Tommy Shanahan segment was scheduled to be next. You hear that? Scheduled. You've been in this sport for a very long time, and you should know as well as anybody that you can't just jump right into a new place and expect to be the main focus.

Edwards: Well sure, not if you're some regular suck ass like Tommy Shanahan or countless others on the Old Line roster...but when you're Keith Edwards, you do what you want, when you want, and you expect people to hang on every second of it.

[Kristy hooks her arm under Keith's and rubs it softly.]

Kristy: I know I do.

[Keith is probably rolling his eyes under his sunglasses, but it's quite hard to tell.]

Edwards: Look here, Leslie, I know what OLW is trying to do, and while you're just doing your job, I'm really disappointed that you're going along with it.

Stanton: What the hell are you talking about?

Edwards: Oh, I think you know exactly what I'm talking about...I know how OLW is trying to establish its own stars by shitting all over people who are already established.

Stanton: That's ridiculous!

Edwards: No, you are ridiculous! You guys think that people like me have already had their time in the sun, and we're just here so younger OLW talents can make names for themselves. I know all about it. I see right through it.

Stanton: I think you've taken one too many chair shots, Keith.

Edwards: Well explain to me why else they would put me in a match with Jack Cross tonight! Jack Cross is in the same boat I'm in. They want to just use him to establish their younger guys, but that little win streak he's on seems to be throwing a wrench in the works! And here they are killing his momentum tonight, because with all due respect to Jack Cross, I'm going to kick his ass all over the arena tonight and steal the show.

Stanton: I really, really don't think that's the case.

Edwards: That's all right, I'm sure you're on a gag order, and I won't try to force anything out of you. But just know...I know. But that's all right. They don't want to pay attention to guys like me and Jack Cross? Fine. We'll just have to make you pay attention. When you're out there tonight doing your job, which you do very well, don't get me wrong...I want you to take a look around all of the Edwards signs you see...and then I want you to run back and watch the replay later and see how many of them actually get televised.

Stanton: You can talk all day, Keith, but if you really, really want people to start paying attention to you around here, all you have to do is win. I'm sure of it....and while we're talking about conspriacy theories, do you mind if I ask exactly what the hell she (pointing to Vanessa Dodgson) is doing here...with you?

[Vanessa shoots Leslie a vicious glare, which takes a little bass out of her voice.}

Stanton: ...you know, since it's my job and all. I'd like to have a little extra info to take out there to the table with me tonight...you know, maybe give you the attention you think you deserve?

Edwards: Vanessa? Well let's just say that she made a very smart business decision.

[Leslie raises an inquisitive eyebrow.]

Stanton: And she's not the least bit upset about you breaking her husband's neck and ending his career?

[Keith snickers.]

Edwards: Let me put it to you like this...there's absolutely no reason to pay for bologna when you can get a steak dinner for free. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to change. Good luck tonight, Les.

Stanton: Can I have my phone back?

Edwards: Oh, right.

[Keith hands Leslie her phone, and he and the ladies begin to walk off. Keith stops and turns after a few steps.]

Edwards: Oh, Leslie, I forgot to tell you...you look absolutely gorgeous tonight.

[Leslie rolls her eyes.]

Stanton: You don't look so bad yourself. But you're still a nutcase and probably a bit of an asshole.

Edwards: There we go! That is the passion I wanna hear from you tonight!

[Keith turns on his heels and continues walking as Leslie shakes her head and dials a number on her phone.]

Stanton: Hey...yeah, sorry, I lost the call....now where were we?


Jack Cross vs Keith Edwards

Styles: ...so Edwards really thinks that OLW's all about holding down the veterans in favor of the young guys, just because you mentioned Tommy Shanahan? In other news, since BC hates me, I'll just be shutting up all match. Obligiatory fourth wall breakage for the win.

# Bend me, shape me, misdirect me #
# It’s all the same to me #
# Look at all this useless talk #
# Look at all this useless talk #
# Look at all this useless talk #
# Upon the cross #


[As the music of Keith Edwards begins to blare across the arena, the lights dim around the stage... and gold and white spotlights begin to dance. The jeers of the crowd hit the ceiling as the arena lights go out almost completely five seconds later...]

# You look at me #
# But still don’t see #
# Understand, I’m a sinner #
# Don’t corner me #
# Don’t lecture me #
# Raise your hands, you’re a sinner #

[... and rise in blinding gold colors to reveal two figures on the stage. One is gorgeous... and the other is [i]hated[/i].]



[Vanessa Dodgson stands in a form-fitting gold outfit beside a gold-robed, hooded figure with his back to the audience. Under her arm, Vanessa is holding the WPN Extreme title - the very title her husband held before his career was ended by her new charge. Vanessa holds it out a moment later with her forefinger and thumb, as if it were dirty, and holds a disgusted expression on her face... before dropping it on the stage. Moving in front of the figure, she pulls off the gold robe...]

# Is this everything you wanted #
# Find another dream #
# You never hear a word I say #
# You never hear a word I say #
# So pray! #


[Keith Edwards does not move, letting the crowd jeer him as much as they like. The initials W.W.E.D. written across his shoulders in Old English letters, Edwards stands motionless for some time... before slowly turning his head in a sneer. As the jeers grow louder, he turns and walks down the ramp with sudden animation, his mouth working all the way. Heading down the ramp way with Vanessa in tow - she drags the World Pain Network title behind her along the ground - Edwards makes it to the ring as the golden lights continue to flicker all over him.]

Conarri: Keith Edwards and Vanessa Dodgson arriving at ringside here... and that title she's dragging, fans, is a championship that belonged to her husband, Paul Dodgson. Edwards has actually held that strap himself in the past, but never cared for it. Clearly, this is simply a way for Vanessa and Keith rubbing salt into Paul's wounds.

Stanton: Yeah, but he's the MAN! A Keith Edwards on the edge is an exciting Keith Edwards, and that's the best kind!

# You look at me #
# But you don’t see #
# Understand, I’m a sinner #
# Don’t corner me #
# Don’t lecture me #
# Raise your hands, you’re a sinner #
# I’m a sinner #

[Edwards stands on a buckle in the ring, raising his arms as Vanessa struts behind him. As his music begins to die out, Edwards hops down and spins in the ring, his arms wide.]

# Look at all these people in front of me #
# Look at all these people in front of me #
# Look at all these people in front of me #
# Look at all these people in front of me...how #

Conarri: We're just waiting for Jack cross to make his w --

# When you’re ripe, you’ll bleed out of control #
# You’ll bleed out of control #
# When you’re ripe, you’ll bleed out of control #
# You’ll bleed out of control #


[As Jack's music hits, Edwards stands facing the entranceway, one foot on the bottom rope and one foot on the second. Whatever words are coming from his mouth remain unheard by the camera, but the sentiment is clear, as the look on his features strongly convey an dislike for his opponent. Edwards makes a long, cocky 'come hither' motion with his hand as he jabber-jaws.]

Conarri: Keith Edwards appears eager to get Cross out here tonight and get this thing underway. There's no doubt that he's an absolute wrestling animal, but it's always been arrogance like this that has gotten Keith into trouble during his career, and whether he admits it or not he's not the only wrestler in this match to wear a World championship before. Jack Cross is not to be trifled with.

Stanton: I'll agree with that... but let me add something here. Not enough people recognize that while Keith Edwards has always had a cocky attitude and a swagger in his step, he has consistently backed up that swagger with his in-ring work and countless victories. I do not believe that there is a better all-around wrestling package anywhere than "Corrupt" Keith Edwards, and I think he's proven that he deserves all the praise that can be heaped upon him. Cross is a fighter, but Edwards is a wrestler, and I think he'll continue to back up that mouth of his with win after win in as many matches as OLW gives him.

[In the ring, Edwards is still calling out Cross, and the spotlights are swirling around the stage. Behind Keith, Vanessa Dodgson folds her husband's WPN Extreme title over Keith's ring robe and places her hand on her hip, her smile wide....]

# You like attention #
# It proves to you you’re alive #
# Stop parading your angels #
# Confused, you’ll know when you’re ripe #


Conarri: One match at a time, Leslie... but there's a swell in the crowd here, as something's happening...!

[A spotlight appears over a small part of the audience. And in it, there's a man that's moving through the floor seats now...]

Stanton: Look! It's CROSS! He's coming through the CROWD!


# When you’re ripe, you’ll bleed out of control #
# You’ll bleed out of control #
# When you’re ripe, you’ll bleed out of control #
# You’ll bleed out of control #

[Jack Cross, eyes glowering at the back of Keith Edwards, hops the barrier at ringside with his black coat fluttering behind him. Sliding into the ring like a snake, he comes to his feet and faces a startled Vanessa Dodgson, who immediately backpedals with unsure footing. Edwards remains blissfully unaware of the happenings in the ring as Cross backs Vanessa into a corner, the woman finally falling right on her butt.]

Stanton: Cross backs Vanessa UP! And as she falls - HERE'S EDWARDS!

[Edwards turns at this bump in the mat, seeing Cross standing over his manager as she rolls fearfully out of the ring, and he hops off the rope in a flash. Charging Jack from behind, Edwards looks like he might try Paul Dodgson's own bulldog-into-a-hotshot maneuver... but Jack suddenly ducks, and Edwards misses! As Keith puts on the brakes and turns, Jack kicks him square in the midsection... before delivering an ace cutter that connects squarely!]


[The crowd is immediately alive as Edwards springs back up before falling to the mat, his head jerking back nicely before he clutches his neck. Cross is instantly up on his feet, throwing off his long black trench coat and revealing his FUCK JACK CROSS t-shirt. Pouncing on his opponent, cross straddles Edwards and grabs some of his hair before pounding his fist with rapid-fire jabs into Keith's skull. Edwards screams in pain as Cross pounds mercilessly on the skull, pausing only to pull Keith hard to his feet to fling him hard into a corner. Edwards, off-balance and reeling from the ferocity of Jack's attack, hits the corner hard and comes back out with his hand clutching his back in agony. Cross wastes no time in scooping Edwards up by the waist, spinning him, and dropping him over his knee in a backbreaker!]

Conarri [over the din of an excited crowd]: Cross is showing nothing but intense ferocity here, and Edwards is on the defensive from the get-go! Cross now, pulling Edwards back to his feet... and ducking a surprise right hand attempt by Keith! Another kick to the stomach here as Keith turns... and a neck breaker takes Edwards DOWN AGAIN!

[The crowd is legitimately excited here, as Edwards flops to the mat again, once more clutching his neck as Cross works on the area. As Keith rolls slowly over onto his stomach, Cross is up and throwing himself into the ropes, coming back to land a high-flying knee drop right on the small of Keith's back. Once again, Edwards screams out in pain... and, a short moment later, Jack once again has Keith on his feet and slammed back-first into a corner. With Vanessa Dodgson looking concerned, Jack climbs the ropes in front of Edwards.]

Stanton: Cross is focusing his attack on the neck and back of Edwards, who's yet to mount an offense here, Ceet! Jack's entrance has caught Keith COMPLETELY off-guard!

Conarri: You can say that again... and he's laying in those big, brawling punches of his now!

[Cross, pounding his fist down hard into Keith's skull from above, hammers harder and harder with each below as he traps him in the turnbuckle. Keith, roaring in agony, suddenly picks Cross up by the waist and steps out, trying to drop him in a reverse atomic drop.. but as he lands, Cross does not bend his knees, and remains unharmed as he drills Edwards back into the corner with a left hand! Climbing back up onto the buckle again, Cross keeps the fists flying, and Edwards lifts him out again...]


[... and this time, drops him backwards behind him, delivering a 'hotshot' clothesline as Cross' throat lands on the top rope! The crowd instantly jeers this twist in fortune, and Edwards rolls slowly over towards the ropes as Cross clutches his throat. Vanessa pounds the mat near the apron, trying to rally her new man.]

Conarri: Desperation move for Edwards here, and one he needed to pull off in order to try and turn this around. Cross looks hurt, but it's going to be something of a race here to see who gets to their feet...

Stanton: This is exactly the kind of thing Keith Edwards can do at any given moment in the match! In addition to being a kind of technical genius that can systematically dismantle an opponent in the ring, he's got the ring savvy to turn it around at any time.

Conarri: And he'll get to his feet a second before Cross here, and deliver this series of blows! Edwards now, driving Cross back into a corner, and firing him to the far side! Here comes Cross, out of the buckle -- and a Tilt-A-Whirl drives him into the mat, as Edwards asserts his control here!

[Edwards seems a little energized after driving Cross down, and spins up to his feet after a moment, looking down at Jack with venom in his eyes. After dragging him up to his feet, Edwards scoops Cross up again in backbreaker position... before taking some quck steps towards a buckle. In an impromptu maneuver worthy of his stature as a scientific innovator, Edwards runs up to the second buckle with Cross under his arm, leaps back with a spin, and drops him hard down to the canvas in a sidewalk slam off the second rope! There's a huge crash, a second ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! from the crowd, and Cross writhes in agony as he rolls over and clutches his back, his feet kicking against the mat. Edwards spins back to his feet again, raising his arms to the crowd.]

Conarri: A very impressive maneuver by Edwards there with that maneuver, and Cross is hurting here!

Stanton: Yeah! I'm sitting way back here, and I felt that one!

[Edwards cockily poses for the crowd, double-thumbing at the W.W.E.D. tattoo across his shoulder blades. Looking down to Cross, Keith suddenly falls on the man, ripping off his shirt violently before holding it up. Showing everyone the FUCK JACK CROSS writing, Edwards drops back down and wraps it around Jacks neck, strangling him with it until the referee reaches a four-count. Tossing it away like so much garbage, Edwards lifts Cross back up to his feet and places him in suplex position. Without too much trouble, Keith lifts Jack overhead...]

Conarri: Cross, over the back - and landing on his feet! Pushing Edwards chest-first against the ropes -- and rolling him back over! Here's the count! 1! 2 --

[Instead of kicking out of the reverse rollup, Edwards pulls Jack's legs out from under him, rolling backwards himself so that he's now the one doing the pinning. Cross kicks out at the two count, and Edwards hits the ropes as Cross springs back to his pins... before clotheslining Edwards down! Edwards is up in a flash and is clotheslined down again, Cross driving him back into the mat. Still quick to his feet, Edwards is up and reeling back into the ropes as Cross clotheslines him a third time... sending them both over the top rope and to the floor!]

Conarri: The fight spills out here to the concrete, as both men flip over onto their feet and crash into the guardrail! Edwards is down, and Cross is stomping on the small of his back... and pulling him up now to throw him shoulder-first into the ring post!

[Edwards rolls off the post, falling over the steel steps to the ground before crawling along the floor. With Vanessa shouting at him but maintaining a discreet distance, Cross comes off those stairs with a big fist that connects on the back of Keith's skull. Throwing him back into the ring, the former CAL World champion rolls in after him and drops the elbow across his neck. Flipping him over, Cross wins a two-count before Edwards forces the shoulder up. A moment later, Cross is flinging Edwards into the far ropes, and heading the opposite way...]

Stanton: Vanessa Dodgson grabs Cross's ankle! Down Cross goes!

[Cross tips forward on the mat, crashing down as he's tripped up. The move doesn't hurt at all... but the baseball slide dropkick from Keith Edwards coming off the opposite side does. Jack clutches his face as the referee admonishes Vanessa sternly for grabbing his foot, threatening disqualification should she interfere again. Meanwhile, Edwards has forced Cross' skull between his legs, and lifts him upside-down for a sit-out piledriver!]

Conarri: Vanessa Dodgson being admonished here, as Keith Edwards delivers a little old-school piledriver to Jack Cross... and here's the cover! It's one, it's two -- but there's the kick out by Cross, to the delight of this crowd.

Stanton: I know I've praised Edwards today, but Cross is one tough sonofabitch, Cito! Never count this man out!

[Edwards, rising as Cross lays unmoving on the mat, senses a glimps of victory... and slowly pulls Cross up, pushing him into a buckle and throwing him hard to the far side. Cross hits it chest-first and staggers back out backwards, turning as Keith crouches and waits... before delivering a devastating superkick to the jaw! Cross is nearly knocked out of his boots as the foot connects with his jaw, sending him flat to the mat! Edwards falls himself with the force of the maneuver, but kips up to his feet with renewed energy, smiling arrogantly to the crowd as the jeers commence.]

Stanton: Vanessa Dodgson is ecstatic for her new charge, Ceet, but he's wasting time here by not covering! If he's going to finish off Cross, he can't underestimate him like this!

Conarri: Well, Cross isn't moving, and you're right... Edwards is wasting time! He's headed to the apron now... and it looks like he wants to go upstairs!

[It does not appear to be necessary, for the piledriver and superkick seem to have done their job on Cross, and he looks extremely ripe for the picking. Nevertheless, Edwards steps out of the ring, jaw-jacks at the crowd, and climbs to the top rope...]


Conarri: Cross is up! Cross is up, and charging the buckle! A little 'possum-playing' by Jack cross, as he charges Edwards!

[Meeting a surprised Keith at the top rope, Cross fires three rapid-fire right hands into his head before hooking him in suplex position. Taking him right over, Cross releases Edwards in mid-air...]


[....and Edwards sails through the air, crashing into the mat three-quarters of the way across the ring! Sitting up a moment before flopping down again, it's clear that the battle has just been evened, as OLW's going to be showing this one on the highlight reel for weeks. Cross lays unmoving on the mat for a moment as well...]

Conarri: An absolutely insane release suplex by Cross off the top here, using tactics Edwards isn't going to expect from him to get this job done! Cross has been targeting that neck and back of Edwards all match long, and that wild shot might have done the damage he needs to win!

Stanton: Cross is up! CROSS IS UP!


[Getting to his feet, Cross lifts his head slowly up towards Edwards.... and the crowd comes alive. Looking into the audience for a moment - Cross is not used to cheers, one might think - Jack steps across the ring and grabs his foe by the hair. Pulling him into DDT position, Cross hears the cheers rise...]


Conarri: It's a "Crossroads", coming up right here! This thing is about to be --

Stanton [cutting him off]: VANESSA DODGSON!

[Climbing up on the apron behind Cross, Vanessa Dodgson is holding the WPN Extreme title - the hardcore title belt her husband Paul held before Edwards ended his career. Grasping it in both hands, she reels back... and Cross, through the same sixth sense that allowed him to duck Keith's first shot, turns and blocks her shot with his hand. Snatching it from her in his hands, Cross reels back with it - and drills Vanessa in the skull with the belt, sending her bouncing off the apron and to the floor!]

Stanton [over the din]: OH MY GOD! Dodgson is down, and she's not moving after that shot!

Conarri: Our referee's diving out of the ring!

[In the ring, Cross throws the belt down on the mat beside him, and looks down at the unconscious woman with one of those patented [i]don't fuck with me, I will hurt you[/i] looks only Jack Cross can do. Turning around to finish off his business for the night, Cross finds --]

Conarri: A snap kick to the stomach by Edwards, doubling him over! Hooking Cross into chickenwing position! It's "The Corruptor" --

Stanton: -- onto the WPN TITLE BELT!!!

[Cross collides head-first into the strap as Edwards, exhausted, drops him in the "Corruptor" piledriver. With the referee looking at Vanessa, Keith wearily slides the title out of the ring on the far side before climbing slowly to his feet... and grabbing Jack's legs. Rolling him over, Edwards kneels on the back of Cross's neck as he hooks him into his "Edwards Special" submission...]


Conarri: A belt shot by Edwards is going to win this one here as the garbage begins to rain down! But as Keith applies the "Edwards Special" here, our referee's back in to check Cross!

[The referee checks Jack over for about three seconds. Cross remains unmoving, completely knocked for a loop by a title belt shot to the forehead. With blood trickling out his skull and no fight left in those eyes, the referee makes his decision.... and calls for the bell!]



# Bend me, shape me, misdirect me #
# It’s all the same to me #
# Look at all this useless talk #
# Look at all this useless talk #
# Look at all this useless talk #
# Upon the cross #

[As soon as the bell goes, Edwards falls forwards and rolls out of the ring with his arms raised. Picking up the title and dragging it over to Vanessa, Edwards assists her slowly to her feet, eager to flee the scene of the crime before Cross wakes up. Cross begins to move slowly in the ring as Edwards departs with his damaged manager, pausing to look back at Cross in the ring before heading up the aisle.]

Conarri: Keith Edwards with the win here tonight, thanks to a little assistance from Vanessa Dodgson and her soon-to-be ex-husband's title belt!