Jesse James vs Garrett Davidson

Tracie Ferraro: The following contest is a no holds barred, falls counting anywhere!! Introducing first from Nashville Tennessee...he is the original Hellbilly himself....“The Outlaw” Jesse Jammmmessss....!!!!

[The sound of fiddles playing comes through the sound system in the 1st Mariner Arena as The Louvin Brothers classic bluegrass hit “Satan Is Real” begins to play.]

# Satan is real working in spirit. #
# You can see him an' hear him in this world every day. #
# Satan is real working with power, #
# He can tempt you an' lead you astray. #

[The music abruptly stops as the unmistakable laughter of the devil himself is heard eminating through the speakers followed by the sound of Hank Williams III’s “Straight To Hell”]

# Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha #

# Well my worn-out boots are taking me downtown #
# and I'm looking for trouble and I wanna get loud. #

# Serve me up a drink and I'll shoot it right down #
# and I'll jump up on the bar and holler "One more round!" #

[Finally, stepping out onto the stage to a mixed reaction from the crowd is “the outlaw” Jesse James. Jesse is very athletically built, keeping himself in excellent physical condition and sporting almost no body fat. He has a light natural southern tan, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and rugged yet boyish good looks. He is wearing a pair of black mid-calf-high wrestling boots and black full-length wrestling tights with silver lettering down the side stating "OUTLAW." He is also sporting a black Southern Comfort tee shirt and a black resitol hat with white athletic tape on his wrists and fists.]

Conarri: Here comes “the outlaw” Jesse James with new entrance music no doubt signifying his new attitude, as well as mocking Garrett Davidson by wearing a Southern Comfort tee shirt.

Styles: James is going to look to beat Davidson like a rented mule in hopes to finish the former CAL tag champion off once and for all.

# I'm going straight to hell #
# Ain't nothing slowin' me down #
# I'm going straight to hell #
# so you just better get me one more round! #

# Well back in the day with my uncle Jed, #
# he kept a lot of moonshine out in the shed. #
# He taught me how to drink - how to be real proud #
# of my hillbilly ways and my outlaw style. #

[Jesse James stands at the end of the stage just before the steel ramp that leads to the ring and raises his arms in the air and making the classic heavy metal “devil horns” with his fingers as three streams of simple white pyro flares shoot off on each side of the ramp just in front of him.]

# I'm going straight to hell #
# Ain't nothing stoppin' me now #
# I'm headin' straight to hell #
# so you just better get me one more round! #

[Jesse James begins walking down the steel ramp towards the ring, with an arrogant smirk on his face. Footage of his taking out Garrett Davidson on Outrage in December appears on the Line Two Jumbo-tron.]

Stanton: James letting everyone know that it was he who nearly ended Davidson's career and hopefully get into the head of Davidson.

Conarri: Davidson isn't going to let a little piece of video get under his skin...

Styles: Now if there was a needle attached though...

[Conarri rolls his eyes but says nothing while a small smile forms on Stanton's mouth]

# Well I'm racin' these backroads trying to save my life, #
# 'cause the sherriff wants to kill me 'cause I fucked his wife. #
# Always on the run with a gun in my hand #
# 'cause I like a good time and a one-night stand. #

[Jesse James stops at the time keepers table and places his black resitol hat on it before beginning to climb the steel steps into the ring. He climbs the steps and walks down the apron to the center of the ring ropes where he takes off his shirt, exposing his tanned and muscular physique as well as his full sleeve tattoos. He throws his tee shirt on the ground before sliding into the ring between the top and middle rope.]

# I'm going straight to hell #
# Ain't nothing slowin' me down #
# I'm going straight to hell #
# so you just better get me one more round! #

# So you just better get me one more round! #

[Once inside the ring, Jesse James stands attentive shrugging his shoulders and loosening up as he stairs at the stage waiting for his opponent to be announced.]

Ferraro: And his opponent hailing from El Paso, Texas he is “Shotgun” Garrett Davidsonnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!

Conarri: Looks like Davidson has gone back to his original nickname, dating back to his days in Maple Leaf Wrestling.

[A moment later the guitar work of Wayne Swinney kicks in the opening riffs of Saliva's Survival of the Sickest kicks in. Seconds after Josey Scott can be heard]

# 1 2 3 4! #

# I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's dress #
# I'm the smile on every criminal you'll ever acquit #
# I'm the things you've done you'll never admit #
# 'Cause one hand is on the bible and the others in shit #

[Red and blue lights start flashing across the stage and the Jumbotron comes to life showing the image of Garrett Davidson standing alone in a wrestling ring, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. A moment later the real deal steps out from behind the curtain and stares down towards the ring. James returns the glare with one of his own and a silent showdown begins.]

# Right now #
# Your face is in the crowd #
# I'm shouting out loud #
# The one you counted out of the game #
# Oh wow #
# Take a good look at me now #
# Should have never had a doubt #
# Is that you I hear screaming my name #

[Davidson is dressed in a pair of faded black jeans with a brace covering the knee that James damaged so many months ago. His bare chest glisten with water, and his muscles ripple as he moves back and forth across the stage. His blondish hair is cut shortly than normally but the ever present three day beard is on his face.]

Stanton: This is the best shape I have seen Davidson in. His new lifestyle is certainly agreeing with him.

# I'm a roller #
# I'm a rider #
# I’m number one motherfuckin' survivor #
# So move over#
# I'm the driver #
# And I'm high and I'm gonna keep getting higher #
# Yeah, yeah, yeah #
# Yeah, yeah, yeah #

[The crowd reacts to Davidson with a mixture of boos and cheers. Cheers for those who remember the Southern Comfort member from his tag team days, boos of course for those who follow the Outlaw and his ways.]

# I'm the one you thought that you could erase #
# But a predator that's faster than the food that he chased #
# When you fall off the horse you brought to the race #
# I'll be the one who's flying by you kickin' shit in your face #

[Slowly Davidson begins to walk down the ramp towards the ring, never taking his eyes off his opponent. For his part James starts to get under Davidson's skin early hurling insults at the Texan but Davidson ignores them and slowly walks around the ring.]

# So ease down #
# And wrap your legs around me babe #
# Move over baby #
# Get on your knees #
# I'm gonna drive this little red love machine #

[The music slowly fades away leaving a tense silence to echo throughout the arena.]

Conarri: Davidson and James continue to start at one another each waiting for one to make the first move.

Styles: I think Davidson isn't getting in the ring because he is scared of how bad his abilities have faded over the last few months.

[Without warning James rushes towards the ropes and slides under it connecting with a baseball slide that sends Davidson into the guardrail. James follows that up with a football tackle that slams Davidson hard into the security railing and nearly into the first row of the crowd.]


Conarri: James finally losing patience with Davidson and taking out his frustrations on the veteran by nearly breaking him in two with that hit.

Stanton: That was a horribly mistake by Davidson, letting James bring the fight to him.
[Davidson grabs the small of his back and stumbles away from James who keeps the momentum on his side by spinning Davidson around sending a kick to his midsection. Davidson folds in half allowing James to wrap one arm around his head and sending the former Natural High to the floor with a single arm DDT.]

Conarri: Wicked single arm DDT by James and this match could be over before it has barely started.

Styles: I doubt it. James wants to teach Davidson a hard lesson in life and won't be satisfied with a little DDT to accomplish that.

[True to Styles word James drops to one knee and begins to send hard punches to the side of Davidson's face. James then hauls Davidson to his feet and Irish Whips him into the stairs. Davidson hits the stairs at full speed and hurdles over it head over heals. Davidson end up in a heap against the security railing one leg caught between the bars the other tucked underneath him.]

Conarri: Davidson not looking good in the early moments of this match.

Stanton: That's an understatement, Davidson looks like a fish out of water right now.

[With a big grin on his face James slowly hauls Davidson to his feet. He then grabs Davidson by the hair runs him back towards the stairs and slams him face first into it with a modified running bulldog.]


[Davidson stand straight up after connecting with the stairs and maintains that position for several seconds before falling onto this back. As he falls the camera picks up a trickle of blood running down between his eyes.]

Conarri: Davidson busted open after that vicious bulldog to the stairs.

Styles: This is going to be the shortest match in Davidson's history in about three more seconds.

[James then drops on top of Davidson for the pin followed a moment later by Referee O'Meara with the pin count]




Conarri: NO! Davidson got his shoulder up at the last moment. There is still some fight left in the Texan yet.

[Grinning wickedly James rolls Davidson into the ring and quickly executes a Tilt A Whirl Slam. Without missing a beat James drags Davidson to the corner and slams his head several times into the turnbuckle. A second later Davidson is back on the mat one leg hooked by James courtesy of a inverted DDT.]

Conarri: Hard DDT and James going for the pin again....


Stanton: This could be over....

Styles: You think??


[James jumps to his feet in victory but that moment is short lived as he sees the ref pointing at Davidson's foot which is propped on the bottom rope. James shakes his head and stares at Davidson's bloody face for several seconds before deciding what to do.]

Conarri: Unbelievable! Davidson somehow had the presence to know that he was close enough to the ropes to break the pin. Smart thinking from a smart wrestler.

Styles: I'm thinking more along the lines of desperate move from a has been.

[James grabs Davidson by the hair and just as quickly tosses him over the top rope to the floor below. Davidson bounces into the security railing and slowly attempts to get to his feet but fails miserably and falls face first. Grinning wildly James slowly rolls out of the ring and approaches the prone Davidson. Grabbing Davidson by the foot he drags him over to the stairs and places his left leg on the stairs. Tossing the ring announcer aside, James grabs his chair spins around and slams it into the stairs where James leg is.]


Conarri: Davidson moved his leg. The Natural High was playing possum.

Styles: Not hard for a half dead man to play dead.

[Davidson rolls into James and takes his legs out with a modified tackle. James falls back into the security railing with Davidson on top of him. With a fury born of desperation Davidson launches several punches into James face before getting to his feet and staggering into the ring. As James gets to his feet, Davidson charges at him with a spear but James wraps his arms around Davidson and tosses the former CAL tag champ over his head and into the front row. Fans and chairs scatter as Davidson somersaults twice and lands hard on his back.]

Stanton: Whatever offence Davidson was hoping to achieve was quickly countered by that move.

Conarri: James climbing over the security railing as the fans scatter. I am really not sure how much more Davidson is going to be able to take.

[James picks up Davidson and executes a body slam back first onto the security railing. Davidson begins flopping around on the floor near the ring holding his lower back his blood soaked face contorting in pain. James climbs back over the railing, picks up Davidson and Irish Whips him towards the other side of the ring, Davidson though reverses it sending James into and over the railing.]

Conarri: Reversal by Davidson. He really needs to break contact from James and regroup.

Stanton: That would be the smart move but Davidson has other ideas.

[Davidson exhales deeply spraying blood then starts running towards where James landed. He leaps onto the stairs the launches himself in the air catching James across the head with a flying clothesline. Once again fans and chairs go flying as the two men take out parts of the first and second row of ringside.]

Conarri: Both men not moving, and the O'Meara is starting the ten count.

[Security circles the two men, keeping the fans away and giving the two wrestlers room to move.]


[James rolls over to his back and begins staring up at the ceiling. His eyes are a little unfocused and it is obvious he took a ugly hit to the head as he fell back. Davidson tries to push himself to his hands and knees but his body isn't cooperating and all he can do is push up with his arms. Blood continues to drip from his wound, leaving a small puddle underneath him. ]



Conarri: James is on his knees now looking a little stunned but not much worse for wear.


[Shaking his head James staggers to his feet and using the railing as support climbs over it. Turning around he screams at Davidson to get to his feet and waits as the former SoCo member attempts to get up.


[Davidson reaches over to the railing and slowly starts to haul himself up.]



Stanton: Davidson is just about out of time.

[A second hand grabs the railing and with great effort With a snarl Davidson gets to his feet and tumbles over the railing where for some reason James allows him to get back to his feet. The two men stare at each other, James with a hard smile on his face, Davidson's expression hidden under a crimson mask.]

Conarri: Davidson is starting to back away from James, moving towards the ramp and to backstage.

Styles: Coward.

[Davidson continues to back up glancing both at James and behind him to make sure he doesn't bump into anything. James slowly starts to follow, talking to Davidson hoping to goad the more experienced wrestler into doing something foolish. For his part Davidson just nods at his opponent but doesn't talk back. A look of frustration crosses James' face as he wonders what game Davidson is playing]

Conarri: James doesn't look happy with what is going on.

Stanton: I'm beginning to wonder if Davidson is actually trying to run or just waiting for the less experienced James to make a mistake.

[As it turns out it is the latter as James' patience snaps and he rushes at Davidson in an attempt to knock him down with a Thez Press.

Conarri: Davidson reveres that Thez Press and executes a perfect Spine Buster onto the ramp. Davidson was playing James like a fool and it worked perfectly.

[Davidson who has apparently got a second wind, hauls James up hooks his arm around James' neck and executes a snap suplex back onto the ramp and quickly follows it up with a pin attempt. O'Meara drops to his knees and slams his hand onto the ramp for the one count.]


Conarri: Remember fans this is a falls count anywhere match so a pin attempt can happen anywhere.


[James lifts his should and easily breaks the pin attempt. Davidson though is not finished with the man who nearly put him out of wrestling and hauls him back to his feet and just as fast executes a single armed DDT back onto the ramp.]

Conarri: Trip Hammer DDT by Davidson and now it's James turn to get busted open. Wait! Davidson isn't going for the pin like he should but instead is forcing James through the curtain into the back stage area. ]

Stanton: This is going to get a lot worse before this match is over.

[Davidson half drags half carries James into the back where the emerge into hallway where a row of display cases can be seen against the wall. Davidson spins James around wraps his arms around his waist and...]



Stanton: I haven't seen that done since the Nighthawk Mace match at Coronation years ago. James looks broken in half.

Conarri: I haven’t seen that since Quinn Tate did it to me at whatever show that was.

Styles: I think I might be sick.

[James flops out of the display case and rolls onto this stomach. His back is laced with several small cuts blood pouring from each one making the hallway look like an impromptu abbatoir. Davidson rolls James onto his back and hooks a leg for the cover.]


Conarri: There is no way James is going to break the pin. This match is over.



Conarri: NO!! James somehow managed to kick out at the last possible moment.

Styles: This is insane.

[Shaking his head Davidson gets to his feet and looks around for something, anything to use as a weapon against James. With nothing handy he hauls James to his feet and begins escorting him back towards the ring. The crowd starts roaring chanting the former MSWA superstar's name.]


Conarri: The crowd is really getting behind Davidson now.

Styles: Why I don't know. It's not as if he has dominated this match from the start.

Stanton: The fans appreciate a wrestler who can fight back from the beating he took at the beginning. Frankly so do I.

[Davidson tosses James back into the ring and rolls in after him. After positioning James in the middle of the ring, Davidson starts a slow climb up to the top of the nearest corner where he raises his hands to the fans. Slowly he turns around takes a deep breath and launches himself into the air.]

Conarri: Davidson going for the Natural High. Not many people can get the air that Davidson does when he executes that Five Star Frogsplash.

[But now it's James turn to play possum and just as Davidson starts to come down the Hellbilly rolls out of the way allowing Davidson to hit nothing but mat.]

Styles: HA!!

Conarri: James anticipating the move barely manages to get out of the way. But does he have enough in the tank to capitilize on it.

[Davidson bounces hard off the mat and flops onto his back. James rolls over drapes a arm over Davidson's chest and waits for O'Meara to start the pin count.]


Stanton: Both men have to be out of gas. With the amount of blood they have lost it's only a matter of time before someone goes unconscious


[Davidson lifts his arm before O'Meara's arm can drop for the third time. James in obvious pain from being thrown through the glass display case gets to his knees and stares up in disgust at the referee. Grabbing Davidson by the hair he drags both himself and Davisdon to their feet and attempts to execute a DDT.]

Conarri: Davidson reverses that DDT and both men are laid out on their backs. O'Meara once again starts the ten count.




[Both men slowly begin to move each man rolling towards opposite sides of the ring in an attempt to use the ropes to get to their feet.]



[James gets to the ropes first gets to his knees, grasps the middle rope with both hands and starts to haul himself up.]


Conarri: Time is running out for both men here.

[Davidson now on his hands and knees reaches the corner and begins to struggle to his feet.]


[James reaches up to the top rope with his left hand and starts to pull himself up. His right hand clamps onto the top rope and he looks up over it into the crowd who are screaming wildly at both men to get up.]


[Davidson is just about up and falls into the turnbuckles but manages to keep his balance...


[Before the ref can count ten both mean are on their feet ready to battle some more.]


Conarri: Listen to the crowd. They are loving how both of these men are putting it all on the line.

[Both men move into the middle of the ring where they begin exchanging punches that rock each man's head. James ends the slugfest with a knee to Davidson's stomach and follows it up with a Irish Whip into the corner. As Davidson bounces back James executes a Power Slam that once again leaves both men breathless. ]

Conarri: I think the ref is going to call this match very shortly.

Stanton: I agree Cito, both men are exhausted and are going to risk a serious injury if this goes on much longer.

Styles: And that would be a bad thing.

Conarri: Sometimes I wonder about you Styles.

[Sensing that Davidson is at the end of his rope, James hauls Davidson to his feet and locks in a 3/4 facelock bulldog.]

Conarri: James setting up Davidson for the Tennessee Slam. This is going to be all over.]

[Davidson somehow manages to counter the finisher by executing a atomic drop. A moment later Davidson drops down hooks one of James' legs with his arm and connects with a schoolboy.]





Conarri: Unbelievable!! After all the carnage inflicted on each other Davidson ends the match with the most simplest of moves.

Stanton: The element of surprise is a wonderful thing and Davidson just proved you don't need brute strength to win a match like this.

[As the crowd sits in some what stunned silence, James gets to his feet a look of utter surprise etched across his face. He then pounces on Davidson and begins to lay waste to him with several kicks to the head and shoulders. A moment later he tosses Davidson out of the ring and quickly follows.]

Conarri: Davidson may of won but it looks like James is going to get the last word in.

[James grabs a chair and sends it hard into Davidson's back]


Conarri: James is beating the living hell out of Davidson with a chair not letting the Texan get away.

Styles: Payback is a bitch.

[Tossing the chair aside, James hauls Davidson to his feet places his head between his legs, hooks Davidson's arms and nails him hard to the floor with a double underhook piledriver.]

Conarri: James putting the finishing touches on Davidson with that piledriver and it looks like Davidson has been knocked out.

[James motions for one of the tech crew to hand him something and the camera zooms in on a bag of what seems to be pills. James drops to one knee and carefully places the pills on top of Davidson's chest. He quickly motions for a mic and begins to speak.]

Conarri: That is completely uncalled for.

Styles: Classic Cito. That is classic.

James: Ya got lucky tonight Davidson. You know it, I know it and every damn person in this shit hole arena knows it. Tomorrow you are going to wake up and realize that you are going to need something to take away all the pain I inflicted. So I am going to leave you a little present to prove I am a gracious loser. A little something that you will need to help you forget about what I put you through.

[With that James drops the mic on the unconscious form of Davidson and raises his arms in the air. The camera zooms in on the bloody face of James then pans down to the prone form of Davidson with the bag of pills on him]


[The fans gasp as Jack Cross’ body goes flying from off camera, into the wall.]

[We’re backstage. Judging by the dingy gray color of just about everything, near the loading docks.]

[Jeffy Andrews walks on screen. His T-shirt’s hood is down, and he’s smiling.]

Andrews: It’s funny, isn’t it, Cross? For months… years, even, everyone hated you. But then it changed…

[He idly kicks Cross.]

Andrews: You learned you were a wrestler, started playing as part of the team. You were on the up swing for once, rather than being a joke. You did so well at it, that TJ Killingbeck decided that you were worthy of being constantly name dropped as Mr. CAL… you really managed to convince a lot of people you weren’t a douchebag after all.

[Cross is again, kicked.]

Andrews: Even me.

[Andrews pulls Cross up by the hair.]

Andrews: I’ve got a confession, bud. You remember that Red Axis/Unforgiven II match? I let you pin me, motherfucker. I care about OLW. I cared about your little emotional self loathing bullshit. I figured that it’d help you get your career back on track… I’m always looking out for my people, you know. But then… you go and pull this shit.

[Andrews throws Cross into the wall.]

Andrews: You know something? I think it’s pretty damn fitting that you leave the CAL, your last action having been to hit somebody in the nuts. That’s all you ever did, really.

[He pulls Cross up one more time, then drags him to a metal door. He kicks the door open.]

Andrews: Get the fuck out and don’t come back, bitch.

[Andrews lets Cross drop to his hands and knees. He then rears back and kicks Cross right in the ass. Cross goes head first out the door.]

Andrews: Todo es mientras que debe ser... Cross, tu pinche jota.

[Andrews slams the door.]