Jeffy Andrews vs Freddy Phoenix

Conarri: Well I don’t know about you two but I’ve been waiting for this one all night. Freddy Phoenix and Jeffy Andrews haven’t locked up one on one since way back in the IWA and each man has been chomping at the bit to get at the other.

[The lights in the arena go out signaling the eminent arrival of the first competitor in the aforementioned match. The fans anticipation starts to grow as they recklessly await the arrival of a legend. Suddenly the sound of drums comes over the PA quickly followed by a guitar, Seether’s “Hang On” now blaring through the sound system. A lone spotlight shines on the entrance, waiting for someone to step out. The crowd erupts as Freddy Phoenix finally makes his way through the curtain with the first words of the song.]

# Well now I found myself #
# Wish I was someone else #
# My hands are stained with love #
# Wish I could take it away #

Ferraro: Now making his way to the ring... he hails from Avalon, Kansas

[Freddy usually pauses to acknowledge the fans after he takes those first couple of steps through the curtain, though tonight that isn’t the case. He never stops his slow march to the ring, staring at the structure with every step.]

Ferraro: He is a former IWA Heavyweight Champion, and a former CAL WORLD CHAMPION…!

Stanton: Phoenix hasn’t even taken his eyes off the ring since he emerged from the back, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him like this.

Conarri: That’s focus Leslie and if I’m Jeffy Andrews that’s the last look I’d want to see on his face.

Ferraro: Weighing in at two hundred forty-five pounds... FREDDDY PHOENNNNNIX!!!!!

Styles: I don….


Stanton: What was that Styles… I couldn’t quite make it out over the crowd.

Styles: I said I’d rather not see his face period if given the choice.

# I hid behind the shell #
# In time the pain will melt #
# My heart is stained with love #
# Wish I could fake it #

[Freddy doesn’t take his eyes off the ring as he continues his approach. His only motion on his way down the aisle is the adjustment of the tape on his right wrist.]

Conarri: Whatever the case may be Phoenix seems to me to be a man who is just sick and tired of the way things have been working around here. I think that was evident at the end of that match this past outrage when he seemed to snap. I can’t say I blame him after all the aggravation he has suffered at the hands of the Unforgiven II these past few weeks. Most of it orchestrated by the man he’ll be facing shortly.

Styles: The man indeed Ceet.

Conarri: What have I told you about calling me that?

# I gave my life away #
# There’s nothing left to say #
# I gave my life away #
# You take it in your way #
# You take it in your way #
# My selfish enemy #
# Still has the best of me #
# Empty and feeling numb #
# Wish I could take it away #

Stanton: All past history aside this match has been brewing for quite awhile now here in OLW, I mean these two have crossed paths a few times already.

Conarri: True, first they were on opposite sides of that huge six man tag before Line One and then of course who could forget how Andrews ran in and cost Phoenix as he fought valiantly, down three to one, in that elimination tag not too long ago. Not to mention that brutal encounter this past Outrage in the tag team main event.

Styles: Seriously, what the hell got into Phoenix?

[Once ringside, Freddy rolls into the ring under the bottom rope.]

# I can’t control the need #
# To weak to not concede #
# Wish I was deaf and dumb #
# Wish I could fake it #

[There is no playing to the crowd in the slightest as Phoenix just grabs the closest rope and stretches in preperation.]

# I gave my life away #
# There’s nothing left to say #
# I gave my life away #
# You take it in your way #

[Freddy turns his attention toward the entryway.]

Conarri: I guess it goes without saying that Phoenix is ready to get this underway.

Styles: Then why did you say it?

# I gave my life away #
# There’s nothing left to say #
# I gave my life away #
# You take it in your way #

[He begins to look impatient in the ring, rocking from side to side with anticipation.]

# I can’t pretend we’re the same #

[Those words repeat a couple more times, growing fainter as the music fades out. All the while Freddy continues going side to side as he waits.]

Conarri: Phoenix waiting in the ring, and that means that we’ve got the former leader of The Unforgiven II on his way out…

[The crunchy guitar chords of "Catarax" by Reveille hits the PA system like a ton of bricks.]

Styles: Yep, that’s the Jeffer – wait, no. Jeffy Andrews would never use rap for his theme song.

Stanton: We’ve seen a new kind of Jeffy Andrews ever since he lost the rematch to TJ Killingbeck and was put through the side of the cage by Cole Christenson. He’s out of control, he’s angry, he’s bulking up – and he’s not winning very many matches.

Conarri: Not everything Jeffy Andrews does is smart…

# C'MON! #
# Suckers! #

[The vocals interrupt Conarri, and he waits for the introduction.]

Ferraro: And his opponent! He hails from Wildwood, New Jersey, and is a former IWA Heavyweight Champion, CAL Tag Team Champion, and the rightful CAL World Champion…!


Stanton: For the love of God, Andrews…

Ferraro: Weighing in at two hundred forty-two pounds… he is JEEFFFFFFY… AAAAAANNNNNDDDDRRRREEEWWWWSSSSS!!!

# You better back up off this sucker punch #
# Consequence, consequence, fuck it #
# No more waiting for the world to turn #
# Bloody as my smile, dripping ear to ear #
# I haven't lived for a moment and #

Conarri: As I was saying, Andrews has been making some bad judgmental calls lately. But he’s one of the most talented wrestlers OLW or the CAL before it has ever seen, and with everything that’s been happening lately, he’s a volcano ready to erupt.

# So just flush it down #
# Lie down forever, never had a dream #
# A symmetric reflection of my soul #
# Now disinfect yourself or just pretend to scream #
# Got a low self esteem from all these guileful lies #
# Carry me there, I can't stand to stand on my own #
# But I'd rather be hated than forgotten #
# Cos it's a long way down, and it's a long way home #

[And as song's chorus hits, Jeffy Andrews steps out to the top of the ramp. He’s wearing long silver trunks. On the left leg, his symbol, a crimson A inside a circle. On the right, “The Man” written in jagged black letters. Over all this, he wears one of his hooded shirts, The Unforgiven II logo visible on the back as he turns around to check behind him.]

Styles: Thar be the man, Cito, Les. Thar be THE MAN.

# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# I got a bone to pick, I'm gonna pick that bone #
# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# Because we can't stand to stand on our own #
# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# I got a bone to pick, I'm gonna pick that bone #
# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# We don't play like that, We don't play like that #

[Andrews, the hood of his shirt hiding his face, begins storming down to ringside.]

# They always said to keep my head on my shoulders #
# Both feet on the ground #
# Been living more like one foot in the grave #
# Tell myself everything I need to hear #
# Time to face the music because #

Conarri: Andrews and Phoenix have met in the ring before. Andrews has a pinfall or two over Phoenix dating all the way back to the LBWF. To my knowledge, the only time they met in IWA, was when Andrews defended the IWA Heavyweight Title against Phoenix unsuccessfully.

Styles: They were both completely different back then. Phoenix had only just dropped the Flashy Freddy routine, and Andrews was doing that damn Low Man Immortal routine. He also had some seriously messed up ribs at the time as I recall.

Stanton: He has some seriously messed up ribs NOW. Heidi did the damage back at CAL Coronation III, but Andrews hasn’t given himself a chance to recover. And all the additional mass he’s put on hasn’t helped.

# ...Fiction addiction #
# Outer darkness is calling, it's your goodnight kiss #
# Six hundred sixty-six ways to fall #
# Cataracts are blind, but can you hear this, BITCH? #
# For every sin there's a time to burn #
# It's near too late, so don't press your luck #
# Now focus, do you really know what I mean #
# And do you really think you'll be forgiven #
# Cos I think I'm fucked! #

[Andrews, stopping to shout an invective at some fans, reaches the ring and rolls in under the bottom rope before throwing the hood down.]

# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# I got a bone to pick, I'm gonna pick that bone #
# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# Because we can't stand to stand on our own #
# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# I got a bone to pick, I'm gonna pick that bone #
# Cataract scratch we don't play like that #
# We don't play like that #

Conarri: Of course, both these men former CAL World Champions. Although you heard Tracie Ferraro announce Andrews as the rightful champion – she did not want to do that, fans, but KIRK insisted – a better argument could be made for Phoenix as the rightful champ.

Styles: They should just put the CAL World Title on the line. Killingbeck’s too retired to do shit about it.

Conarri: It doesn’t work like that, Styles.

# When it rains it pours, we tug of war within #
# We talk of endlessness, we cry to purge our sins #
# A chance to re-begin, eliminate the scars #
# Fuck the sky, or merely count the stars #
# With every shade of night descending into me #
# I'm in the dark for life, but now at least I'm free #
# From my own apathy, and from my own decay #
# I'm un-remissible now, but I got my way #

[Andrews stands, and throws his shirt out of the ring, before moving up into a staredown with Phoenix.]

Stanton: Jeff just getting right up into Phoenix’s face and the bell hasn’t even rung yet.

[An inaudible verbal exchange ensues between the two men as they stand face to face. The war of words appears to be growing more and more heated with each passing second. Then much as these things always do it is brought to a sudden end… not with a shove, a punch, or even a slap across the face.]

Conarri: Phoenix just pulled Andrews down into a side headlock!

Styles: That’s not something you see everyday.


Conarri: And with that we’re officially underway.

[Phoenix’s grip tightens around the head of Jeffy. Andrews manages to push Phoenix toward the ropes in an attempt to escape the hold. No dice as Freddy drops down to his knees and cinches in the hold even more. A couple of more seconds pass before Andrews tries to get free of the hold again in the same manner, though again to no avail as Phoenix falls to one knee.]

Stanton: He seems intent on keeping Jeffy in that headlock.

Conarri: Good solid strategy on Phoenix’s part. If the grip is tight enough that hold can cut off some of the blood flow to Andrews brain, not to mention the energy he has to waist to get free.

Stanton: So in other words it’s a wear down tactic.

[Apparently at his wits end and having had enough of the situation, Andrews just powers Phoenix up into the air and sends him crashing down to the mat with a back drop suplex.]

Styles: So much for that “tactic”.

[The enraged Andrews starts laying the boots into Freddy Phoenix, one after the other they come crashing down on him. He then jerks Phoenix up from the mat by the hair, draping his arm over head in suplex position. Andrews then hoists Phoenix up for a suplex but Freddy manages to flip free in the air and land behind him. He then quickly rolls Andrews up from behind.]






Conarri: This one was almost over in a hurry there.

[As both men get to their feet Andrews charges recklessly toward Phoenix and is met with a very crisp armdrag, another charge by Andrews and another armdrag follow.]

Conarri: Phoenix is trying his best to do what he does best here… wrestle.

Stanton: Andrews doesn’t seem too interested in that.

Conarri: Phoenix with another quick cover!



Styles: Only a one that time, he should know it will take a lot more than that to keep Jeffy down.

[This time when both men get back to their feet Andrews is quick to grab Freddy and plant a couple of stiff knees in his midsection. Then after Phoenix staggers back to the ropes Andrews whips him the opposite direction and on the rebound gives him a taste of his own medicine with a nice armdrag.]

Conarri: Nice move from Andrews, good to see he still knows how to wrestle.

Styles: That would explain why he’s still in the ring, unlike some people.

[Meanwhile Andrews has maintained his hold on Phoenix’s arm after the maneuver.]

Stanton: Looks like Andrews is trying to slow this down a bit now.

[Phoenix gets to his feet and tries to roll free of the armbar, only to be sent crashing back down courtesy of a handful of hair. This time Andrews is the one who goes for the quick pinfall.]



Conarri: What was that you said earlier about it taking more than that Styles?

[Andrews goes to grab the rising Freddy Phoenix again and suddenly finds himself rolled up in a small package]




Conarri: Andrews manages to shift his weight and now he has Phoenix pinned!





Styles: Another close one for Phoenix there.

[Andrews appears to have had enough judging from his reaction as the two men stand. He rushes toward Freddy and unleashes a massive clothesline, catching nothing but air in the process. Jeffy’s momentum is enough to send him ricocheting back off the ropes and into a drop toe hold from Freddy. Perhaps from a rush of adrenaline or rage… maybe a combination of the two, Andrews is quick to recover. Though he rushes right into another drop toe hold from Freddy and yet again he gets up quickly.]

Stanton: Freddy seems to be trying to keep this as much a wrestling match as he can, much to the chagrin of Jeffy Andrews.

[Andrews continues to press Phoenix, charging at him again like a bull. This time Phoenix counters with a hiptoss but somehow Andrews manages to flip completely and land on his feet. Unfortunately for Freddy he turns around to find that out.]


Styles: That concludes the wrestling portion of the evening.

Conarri: Vicious superkick from Andrews… Phoenix could be out cold! Jeffy with the cover.






Stanton: Somehow Freddy managed to get his shoulder up at the last second.

[That does little to help Andrew’s rage as he just grabs Freddy’s head and begins to repeatedly slam it into the mat!]

Conarri: Looks like Andrews is just looking to beat the fight completely out of Phoenix here.

Styles: At this rate it shouldn’t take too long.

Conarri: I wouldn’t count on it Styles.

[Andrews just jerks Phoenix up with him, though Freddy doesn’t get to enjoy being on his feet too long. A brutal belly to belly sends him flying across the ring.]

Stanton: There’s some of Andrew’s new found power on display.

[“The Man” waits for Freddy to bring himself to his feet as Phoenix drags himself up in the corner. He then rushes toward him with a head full of steam. Somehow Freddy manages to get out of the way at the last second as Andrews own momentum sends him over the turnbuckle to the ring apron.]

Conarri: Phoenix managed to use Andrew’s own aggression against him there.

[Phoenix walks over and pulls Jeffy to his feet on the ring apron, he then suplexes him back into the ring.]

Conarri: Smart move on Freddy’s part, he doesn’t want to take this outside right now. The best thing he can do is keep it in the ring.

Styles: Spineless move is more like it Cito.

[Phoenix picks Andrews up and scoops slams him right back to the canvas and almost immediately he follows that up by dropping an elbow on the downed Andrews.]

Stanton: Another cover.





[It appears as if Freddy waits on Jeffy Andrews to start up and then intercepts him in what looks like an attempt at a piledriver but Jeffy counters into a back body drop sending Freddy over the top rope and onto the floor.]

Conarri: Now Freddy Phoenix is exactly where he didn’t want to be.

[Jeffy steps out on to the apron and hits a missile dropkick on the recovering Freddy.]

Styles: And that is exactly why… SHOW HIM WHO’S BOSS JEFFY!

[Andrews obliges the request of Steven Styles by ramming Phoenix’s head into the guardrail a couple of times. Jeffy then grabs him by the head and plants him with a running bulldog on the outside!]

Stanton: Ouch, he is definitely going to feel that one tomorrow morning.

Styles: He probably can’t feel anything right now, with the force that Andrews nailed that bulldog Phoenix might be out cold.

Conarri: Despite the disapproval of most of the fans Andrews just climbed back in the ring. I think he’s looking for the count out victory here.

Styles: Now that’s why he’s The Man Cito. Andrews is always thinking.

Conarri: Didn’t you call a similar move from Freddy Phoenix spineless just a little while ago.

Styles: Totally different situation.

[The crowd screams for Phoenix to get back in the ring as he struggles to recover on the outside. Meanwhile Jeffy Andrews couldn’t look happier at his own handiwork. Freddy manages to pull himself up on the ring apron and is just about to roll in to beat the count when Jeffy Andrews rushes at him looking for a baseball slide.]

Conarri: Phoenix somehow had the presence of mind to avoid the baseball slide as Andrews went all the way through to the outside.

Stanton: More importantly though, that breaks up the count.

[The two men begin to exchange punches on the outside and Phoenix gets the better of that to a roar of approval from most of the crowd. He then drags Andrews over to a corner and bashes his head against the ringpost before rolling Jeffy back into the ring.]

Conarri: Looks like Phoenix is finally getting this match back in the confines of the squared circle, exactly where he wants to keep it.

[Phoenix picks Andrews up by his hair hard and then executes a very sudden snap suplex.]

Conarri: Beautiful snap suplex by Phoenix, which will knock the air right out of you. Believe me I know.

[Once again Freddy jerks Andrews to his feet and this time he locks him up in reverse DDT position under his left arm.]

Styles: Noooooo!

Stanton: Looks like he’s going for The Fury.

[Jeffy doesn’t seem to like the sound of that as he somehow manages to slip slightly free and fall reversing the move into a modified jawbreaker of sorts.]

Conarri: Nice reversal from Andrews.

[Andrews quickly capitalizes as the still staggering Phoenix turns away from him.]

Styles: Now that’s what I call a German suplex.




[Andrews waists little time, quickly ascending the corner turnbuckle.]

Conarri: Jeff hasn’t gone to the air this entire match. It’s untelling what he’s looking for here.

[With that last word out of Cito’s mouth he launches himself into the air toward the rising Phoenix.]

Stanton: Now we’ll never know.

Conarri: Devastating superkick from Phoenix, caught him in mid air. That may have just knocked out a couple of Andrew’s teeth and here’s yet another cover from Phoenix.

Styles: More of a collapse really.





[The two start exchanging punches yet again when they get to their feet, a knee to the midsection is enough to turn that battle in the favor of Andrews. He punches Phoenix, another punch, Irish whip… and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!]

Styles: Now that’s the Jeffy Andrews we all know and love.

[Phoenix begins to stagger up to his feet.]

Conarri: Looks like Andrews is sizing him up for another super kick.

Styles: He’ll show him how it’s properly done.

[Just as Conarri predicted Jeffy goes for the superkick on the standing Freddy, though at the last split second Phoenix ducks and Andrews destroys the referee with the move!]

Stanton: I’d say it’s safe to say that referee Sean O'Meara is out.

[Andrews turns around into a boot to the gut from Phoenix that is followed by a sudden scoop. Freddy then clinches his hand between the legs of the now inverted Jeffy Andrew’s.]

Conarri: Andrews is in no man’s land here, Freddy has him in position for that evil variation of the tombstone he likes to do.

[Phoenix then jumps, sending Andrews driving into the mat.]

Conarri: Firebird Spike from Phoenix!

Styles: Where the hell is the rest of the Unforgiven II when you need them?

[Freddy Phoenix covers Jeffy Andrews, even hooking the leg to boot.]

Conarri: Phoenix looks more than a little frustrated at the lack of a referee right now.

Stanton: Well the crowd has been doing the cadence for him and they’re up to about five now.

Styles: They can count to a hundred Leslie, it doesn’t mean a thing if they’re not the guy with the striped shirt.

[Phoenix finally lets up on the pin as he goes over to try and revive O'Meara.]

Stanton: I don’t think Freddy even notices that Andrews is starting to come to behind him.

Conarri: Not only that, he’s crawled out of the ring.

[Jeffy Andrews doesn’t stay gone too long, returning shortly with a chair in hand he found at ringside.]

Conarri: Andrews with a chair, Phoenix needs to turn around. This match doesn’t need to end like this.

[Freddy Phoenix does turn around, right into a brutal chair shot from Jeffy Andrews!]


Styles: Ask and ye shall receive Cito.

Stanton: Andrews just slung that chair aside and now he’s going for the cover.

[There isn’t an immediate count, referee Sean O'Meara still recovering from the shot he took. Though he does finally manage to crawl over and begin to make the count.]





Conarri: Looks like Andrews is going to steal one.



Styles: There’s no way, Freddy got his shoulder up at the last second!

[Styles isn’t the only one who can’t believe it, Andrews now heatedly arguing with a half conscious O’Meara over the count. Meanwhile Phoenix has crawled over towards the chair that Andrews threw down after that vicious shot.]

Conarri: Jeffy can argue all he wants, that still isn’t going to change anything.

[Andrews storms over to the downed Freddy Phoenix and grabs him by the hair. He starts to pull Phoenix back to his feet…]



Conarri: I don’t believe it, Phoenix just waffled Jeffy Andrews with that chair.

Styles: Right in front of O’Meara to boot, he has no choice but to call for the bell.

Conarri: Are you smiling Styles?


Ferraro: Your winner, via disqualification… Jeffy Andrews!


Stanton: Well that makes it official, Phoenix just lost this match by DQ.

Conarri: I don’t think he really cares, he looks like he’s totally lost it.

[Freddy Phoenix starts to assault Jeffy Andrews with the chair, one after the other the vicious shots come crashing down into Andrews, the crowd cheering him on the entire time!]


Styles: Where the hell is the rest of the Unforgiven II at?

[The beat down continues, Phoenix now concentrating his attacks on the already hurt ribs of Andrews. The chair shots are now well into double digits and Phoenix isn’t showing any sign of stopping! Still the crowd is cheering on the assault.]

Conarri: Somebody needs to stop this!

[That somebody comes in the form of a slew of security and other officials, including the rest of the OLW referee crew. Phoenix suddenly calmly stops the onslaught, not harming any of the men who came out to stop him.]



Stanton: I thought this was over but Phoenix just leveled referee Spaz Easton with a chair!

Conarri: He told Easton that he better never see him ringside again… I guess he meant it.

[Phoenix now slowly backs away from everyone, calmly exiting the ring as if nothing has happened. On his way back to the entrance he passes the EMTS as they rush out to check on Jeffy Andrews.]

Styles: I don’t even have the words for this.

Conarri: Me either Styles.

[Freddy makes his way toward the entrance curtain where he stops and turns to look back at the carnage he left in the ring. He glances to the crowd that he didn’t even acknowledge on his entrance and raises the chair up into the air.]


[He just throws the chair down on the ground before disappearing into the back.

[Duane Eckelbury stands in the back in front of the OLW banner.]

Eckelbury: After what we just witnessed out there in the ring, I’m going to try to get some words with Freddy Phoenix.

[He looks to the side at the sound of someone approaching.]

Eckelbury: Here he comes now. Freddy, can I have a word without about what just happened out there… Freddy?

[Freddy Phoenix doesn’t even acknowledge Duane’s presence in the slightest as he continues right past the man. Not to be deterred Eckelbury quickly takes off down the hall in pursuit, well as quickly as a man of his size can manage. The microphone stretched in front of him, leading the way, he continues to try and get his interview.]

Eckelbury: Seriously Freddy, what was that all about?

[He might as well be talking to a brick wall, apparently Freddy Phoenix just has no time for it right now.]

Eckelbury: Come on… tell me something, anything.

[Suddenly Freddy stops before turning to face OLW’s main interviewer. Eckelbury takes a couple of steps back, slightly intimidated by the gaze of Freddy Phoenix.]

Freddy: You want to know what that was all about Duane?

[There’s a pause as if he’s waiting for an answer, though Eckelbury remains silent.]

Freddy: That was a message, plain and simple.

[He inches closer to Duane, getting right in the man’s face.]

Freddy: I’m sick and tired of all the bullshit… I’m not going to take it anymore.

[With those words he leaves the speechless Eckelbury standing alone in the hallway as he continues on.]