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Welcome to the The Lonely Galaxy, home of the band Orchidelirium,
the band The Nothing Nothings and Planet George

The Orchidelirium CD "...from a lonely galaxy..."is ALMOST FINISHED!(Oct. 2, 2002)
We are starting the mixing process this week and then it will be handed over to the masterful
hands of James Weeks for mastering. To inquire, use the email below.
We would love to get you a copy...for free!...or at very least for shipping/cost.
If you like Trembling Blue Stars you'll probably like Orchidelirium...I think!

HEY! Please bookmark this site or add it to your favorites list.

Here's a song list for the new CD:

Please come back soon. But before you go rushing off, check out the other parts of
this site (some of which actually work!) and the links on this page and others.

To inquire about the music or order
the CD ...from a lonely galaxy...
email us at mail@orchidelirium.
Thank you for your interest.

All content on this site copyright 2002. It may not be reproduced without written consent.
For permission to use any portion of this site, email us at

Friends & Lovers:

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Trembling Blue Stars

Lonely Galaxy Page 2: Planet George

A Galaxy of Beautiful Things