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The Enlightened Young Gentlemen Of The Man's Guide Program

Here are the best of the best of the Man's Guide Program. These fine young gentlemen are the very finest examples of sensitivity and thoughtfullness. Truly, The Man's Guide To Sexuality has helped these once hapless souls, and it can help you as well!
These Two fine gentlemen are Al and Andrew. They currently hold top honors in the Man's Guide program. They are caring, considerate young men who are not afraid to discuss their sexuality or their bodies. They truly have bright futures ahead of them.

Here Matt, a fine addition to the Man's Guide Program, relaxes while studying the manual. Learning about our bodies and how to express our feelings is the only way to succeed in the Man's Guide Army, and studying the manual is the only way to learn the time honored techniques that the Man's Guide has to teach.

Onward to gander at some more fine young gentlemen