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More of the Fine Gentlemen of the Man's Guide Program

Confused young men flock to the Man's Guide Program, where they receive expert instruction from the Man's Guide itself and from our bevy of talented, and most importantly, nurturing instructors. These fine men below have successfully completed the program and now try to spread the happiness that they found through the program to young men around the world.

This fine, hairy specimen of a man is Yasir, our part-time physical education instructor. His is an important job because if we want our young men to be in touch with their bodies, we must make sure that they are proud of their bodies. That's where this dusky, burly man comes in. He spends long hours with the young gentlemen, whipping their bodies into shape. Even after a long, sweaty day, Yasir still wears a smile and he always has his Man's Guide handy.

This big, friendly giant of a man is Ronald, our headmaster. Ronald was actually the first graduate of the Man's Guide To Sexuality Program and he never ceases to support the program, talk to youngsters, or share a few words with some of the less zealous students of the program. Indeed, Ronald sometimes does the work of three people; a father, a mother, and a disciplinarian. And he enjoys them all.

Onward to the fun activties available to Man's Guide recruits