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Name: Aragorn (last name hidden to keep the enemy unaware of his existence)
Aliases: Dunedan, Elfstone (after one of his forefathers), Elessar (after one of his forefathers
Race: Man, Dunedain of Arnor
Height: 5'8"
Alignment: Free Peoples
Parents: Arathorn the X, mother unknown
Status His wife, Elwyn
Physical Description: Stands tall and proud, skin is lightly tanned from years of wandering the wilderness of Middle-Earth. Eyes are a light blue and he has shoulder length dark brown hair. Has a small beard and mustache. Clad in green and brown of the Rangers of the North.
Biography: Aragorn was born is 874 of the Fourth Age. His father, the 20th Dunedan of the Dunedain, was killed when Aragorn was 8 years of age. His mother was lost to the hands of the same orc that killed his father. Aragorn became the Dunedan when he was just a young boy. He was immediately taken in by the Wood Elves of Lothlorien. He was raised, trained, and kept secret in the wood of old until he was 18. He left Lorien and traveled back to the North, where he became a ranger. He was skilled with an assortment of weapons ranging from the sword, to the bow. He was also given a ring, to show that he was the Dunedan of the Dunedain. Before he left Lorien however, he was gifted with Narsil, or Anduril, a sword that was re-forged long ago for one of his forefathers, Aragorn, who he is named after, he was only 10 years old when he got this awesome gift. He arrived at his destination and was gifted from one of the warriors, a bow of the Dunedain, who was rumored to be his fathers. He left Arnor and headed south, to Gondor. He made a stop in Rohan and met and fell in love with the beautiful Elwyn. They have been in love ever since. He left with a horse that he was gifted with, a brown stallion, he named him Brehol. He rode to Gondor and met his lifelong friend, Xavier, who was also a ranger of Gonder, like Aragorn. He spent 2 years as a ranger in Gondor and then left without notice. He has wandered the lands of Middle-Earth for 10 years, aiding people and spending time with his love, Elwyn. Most of the time, out wandering the lands. It is rumored that he and Elwyn traveled to the Forbidden Pool in Ithilen and became immortal.
Weapons: He carries a normal ranger sword of the Dunedain, he also has Narsil / Anduril as mentioned before, he carries a bow of the Dunedain. He also has an Elvish knife, which was gifted to King Aragorn of Gondor 800 years ago. He is skilled with various weapons, but prefers the ones just listed. He also has a brown stallion named Brehol.

Name: Elwyn Evenmoor
Aliases: White Lady of Rohan, Evenmoor
Race: Lady of Rohan
Height: 5'2"
Alignment: Good
Parents: Therond Evenmoor, Gwendolyn Thornfoot
Status Her husband, Aragorn
Physical description: She stands shorter than the average woman. She is fair skinned, she has hair of blonde, and eyes of deep blue. Graceful.
Biography: Shortly after her birth, Elwyn's mother, Gwendolyn Thornfoot, the White Lady of Rohan passed on. Elwyn was then raised by her father, a ranger from Rohan. He taught his daughter how to use a sword, a bow and an arrow, and a spear. As she grew older, she would fight in battles. At the age of seventeen, her father died in a battle. She had loved her father more than anything on this earth, and was in great dispair when he had passed on. This also left Elwyn to take care of herself. She then moved to Lorien. She had spent years there, aiding others and fighting orcs. She had to report back to Rohan for battles, getting terribly ingured in one particular battle, as she had to stay and heal for months. While in Rohan she met Aragorn and fell in love with him. She had called him her earth angel, as he took care of her like her father once had, and helped her heal in more ways then he could even imagine. She then wandered the lands with him, and currently resides in Lorien once more.
Weapons/ Materials Used: Her large white horse, Moondust. A spear, her mother's sword, and her father's bow and arrow. She also holds the legendary Evenstar, given to her by Aragorn as a gift. She holds gandal'f ring of power, Narya, given to her by her father.

Name: Vya
Race: Elf/Human
Age: 1,895
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Parents: Aradar (an elven king), and Evian (a human warrior maiden)
Mini Bio: Vya's mother, Evian, was murdered by an elf when Vya was very young. She grew up with her father and older half sister, Syody, in the palace of the Night Elves. Vya devoted her time to training as a warrior, and one day she left her kingdom in search of her mother's killer. Vya's attitude is serious, but cheerful at times. Her weapons are her two swords, also known as the twin blades "Meva and Mekrd" which belonged to her mother. She also has a bow and arrow, which she uses occasionally. Vya's loyal friend and companion is her white horse, Rain.
Little Known Fact: Vya and Legolas once had a relationship in the past. And even though she denies it now, she is still deeply in love with him.
RPer: Kristin

Name: Xavier
Aliases: Unknown
Race: Man
Height: 6 feet?
Alignment: Good
Parents: Unknown.
Status: None
Physical description: Tall, dark hair, grey eyes. Broad and muscular.
Biography: To be written.

Name: Cid
Race: Demon
Age: 19
Eye color: Blue and Red
Hair color: Red
Qualities: He is good with hand-to-hand combot and using energy blasts. He is in search to kill Raiden and get his two blade, Masune and Masamune. He helps people that ask for help. He loves to hang around with elves, but doesn't like drows.
RPer: Jim

Name: Norda Eveningstar
Aliases: So bnehlacc or my princess ( this nickname is only used by her father )
Race: Elf
Height: 5'8"
Alignment: good
Parents: father: Elnrod/ mother: unknown
Status: Norda has never been in love before..
Physical Description: Norda is tall like her father.She has wavy dark brown hair that reaches to her waist and deep blue eyes.
Biography: Unknown
Weapons: Norda carries a sword that was given to her by her father, and she was also taught by him how to use the bow and arrows that she keeps with her at all times.When she was traveling throughout Middle Earth, she learned how to fight in hand to hand combat( dat means no weapons whatsoever ); however she hasnt had any need to use those skills for a long time, she also has her friendly horse, Raven.