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Here you will be able to find all you need to know 
about the wonderful band, Saves the Day, yay! This 
site includes news, tour dates, bio, discography, 
lyrics, pictures, interviews, articles, reviews, etc.

Thanks for stoppin' by! take a look around! go ahead, 
have some fun kid! click on the bottons on the left

i review CDs when i'm bored check it out! i have also 
added a new section where i share with you a few 
songs that i like, that section will be updated regularly!

Freakish will be the next single off of Stay What You 
Are. oddly enough i cried when they played that song 
the last time I saw them. can we say DORK? Also, STD 
will be on the last half of the Pop Disaster Tour w/ 
blink-182 and Green Day during this spring. check out 
the tour dates to see if they're goin to be playin 
your city. more news...

If you are looking for Saves the Day tabs, has tons of STD tabs.

Take a sec. to sign my guestbook if you wanna cause, 
yanno, you ARE a guest. It will only take a sec, come on!
oh yeah, if you happen to like this here site please 
feel free to send the link to a friend!

OK, I know that the graphics and all makes the site 
look messy, but I did that intentionally. I like the 
way this site turned out and I spend hours making all 
the buttons and such myself! I'm tired of all the 
sites that all look the same...

curious, eh? view my guestbook!
pretty pleeeease sing my guestbook!
