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D I G I M O N 2018

Digimon 2018

By: Norbert Lee Slusher Wieland

17 years have passed since the digidestined fought their way to the digiworld and back. Their digimon, left behind. Their masters, on earth living like normal people. but that was all about to change...

March 18, 2018

The sky began to darken with an uncontrollable black fog. A low cackling was heard in the distance, along with a similiar dark rock-and-roll tune. Crash! The sky darkened more as a pitch black sillhouette began to form. Bats flew towards the now dark horizon...

"Crrriimson Lllliggghhtening!!!!"


"I want to sing a song... a song that will wake you up. So If you hear my voice, I hope you like the sound!" The hoots and cries of the audience rang into Mimi's ears, A welcoming sound for her so tiresome body. She slowly walked back stage, when her agent ran over. "I told you to lay off , Fugi! I am not going to do that show!" Mimi walked over to her show room. "Hi, Matt."

Matt was posted in the corner of the room."So, honey, how was your day?"

Mimi rushed into his tender arms. " It could have been better if you had been there." Her pink dress wallowed behind her. "Hey, Look out the window!"

Outside, the black mist blanketed Highten View Terrace. Suddenly, a giant blade slashed the bedroom in two."Matt!" Soon, they saw themselves staring at two forgotten faces. "Whaa?" ...

Gabumon, digivolve to: GARURUMON!

Palmon, Digivovle to :TOGEMON!

Now! Riding a motercycle, and attempting to jump the japanese Bullet train: Taimagochi ! Tai revved the engine twice. "It's all about courage, Tai." He murmered beneath his breath. Suddenly, He heard the loudspeaker blaring the count-down... 5,4,3,2,1 Lets GO!

He started towards the ramp, gaining steady speed. His mind seemed to slow down, as he left the ramp flying. "Pummel whack!"

Suddenly, Tai realized that he had made the jump, but also realized that some monster had just crumbled the bridge. "Aaahh, Heellp!!!" boom, boom. some smaller monster had just joined the fray.

"Don't worry, Tai! I'll protect you!"

Tai blinked twice. "What are you?" Suddenly, his belt began to glow.

"You're digivice is glowing"

He struggled with his memory remembering bits and pieces minute by minute "...Ah, Aaagumon, Augumon?"

"Yeah, Tai!" Then, he remembered the two words that had saved his hide so many times.

"Augumon, DIGIVOLVE !

"Hey, T.K, When are you going to come to bed?" Kari patted her husband's deserted pillow.

"As soon as I find out what's causing this fog, honey." Kari got out of bed in her white beddress, and patted T.K's back, to comfort him.

Bannggg! A deafening guitar chord ripped through the building. Through this, two words struck fear into both their hearts: "Digidestined, CONCERT CRASH! Another unbearable chord flew through the apartment.


"T.K" Two forms lept in front of them."Help us digivolve!"

"Well, Who are you, little cat?" The digimon's ferocity startled herself,"Gatomon!" Kari gasped, remembering her last time with Gatomon over 15 years ago. "T.K, These are our old Digimon, Rember the crests?!"

T.K Shivered with shock. "Patamon?!!" The small flying digimon nodded it's head.

"Yep, Sure am!" Kari and T.K Glanced at themselves.

They nodded simultaneously. "The Crests!"

"Sir," Izzy looked sharply at his laptop, then back at the president." I think you might want to get out of here, my calculations dictate that you may soon be in grave danger!" The President looked again at his secret service director.

"That's just cockamamey, I mean, we're in an old laberatory, with cemented walls. What could possibly get us from in here?" As if to answer his question, A small machine slung out it's metallic arm, and grabbed his leg with a sharp tug.

"Mr. President!"

They soon heard a buzzing in the distance. "What in the name of science is that?!!?" Soon, the small robot was scrabbling for it's life, as a large red beetle followed it around.


"Lined up, for a perfect shot, Saurataiko !!" Saura glanced sideways at the opposing team. "And... Now!" She dashed down across the field. "Okay.. OKAY SHOOT! She cracked the ball, sending it flying at the open goal.

UUUAAGGHHAAAHHHHHHHERERRRR! They heard a rumbling eminating from deep underground. BOOM ! The field erupted into a falling mass of dust, rising with it a large monster with two enormous tusks, and a red/black hide. "AAHH!"

Flying overhead, a new monster emerged. Pink and puny, This tiny bird probably couldn't hurt a fly, but it certainly seemed interested in Saura."Gggett Away, Dooaan'tt hhhuuuuurrt mmee!"

The bird looked sternly at her, and said: "Help me digivolve!" Saura gazed at the brim of her hat, directly at the little device on it. "Right!"

"Why did I have to do what my dad said? I don't even like the sea, What a loser." Joe looked wantingly at the land, as he drifted away on the S.S Sushi, a fishing trowler, bound for the open ocean. "I'm so... Gullible, I mean I let my own dad talk me into it! " He screamed a yell of utter hopelessness, and waved good-bye to his home town.

"NUME -SLUDGE!" AAhh! Joe was knocked over- board, as another blast of nasty green goo was shot at his head.

"Hheeellgglgggggppg!" Sinking ever so slowly into the water, Joe's body looked like a fresh corpse, Silent, still. Splashhh! Suddenly, his body returned to the surface, aboard a small furry body in the water.

"Marching Fishes!" A parade of fish swarmed the monsters, lowering them down, beneath the water.

"Aahh! What are you?"

The tiny little animal looked smug as he spoke. "Gomamon! Joe, You haven't changed a bit!"

Soon, the news of the attacks had spread to each of the original digi-destined.

At six the next morning, they met again . Seventeen years since they last saw each other... Matt, T.K, Mimi, Saura, Joe, Izzy, and Kari , It's been a long time! "Welcome to Digimon headquarters. Izzy created a link to the world network. We could go anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye!" Izzy beamed, but then returned to his serious face again. "I've made a computer network espessially for all of you, but despite this technological age, I'm going to have to hook up this." They all gasped as he took out his old laptop, the one with the information and technological wonders man could never hope to achieve, the wonders of the digital world. "Hey, That's funny, we have mail!" Izzy logged on quickly, opening up the page with awe. "Guys , you won't believe this. They all crowded around the computer, looking with a steady burn in their eyes.

The message read:

Hello again, been a long time. You may all be in grave danger without these bands. The screen showed them all what they looked like. These are a more powerful equivelent of your tags and crests. On it, put your tag and digivice in the spaces provided. These have the lite of good, that can make your digimon digivolve to the Mega-ultimate level! The other news is bad I'm afraid. Darkmon, Myotismon, and Metal Etemon are back, and they're looking for revenge. My opinion is you are in trouble for defeating them, and retreiving the 8th Digidestined. Use the Mega Bands to digivolve your Digimon to the Mega-Ultimate level. Signing off, Jennai

P.S- I've upgraded your Digidex.

The digidestind all looked at Matt and Tai, Smiling. "What?"

Even Izzy couldn't resist laughing. " It's just that the thought of defeating these Digimon again is Histarical!" Izzy doubled over as something terrible struck all their minds.

"What if, " Saura said with a glimmer of hoplessness " What if they're stronger?"

Izzy Imediatly stopped laughing, and turned to the teleporter. "Then we're just going to have to do something about that!

Tokyo, 5:35 P.M

"Shadow Scythe!" One of the japanese apartments ripped apart, as the attack Sliced through the building. Piedmon floated smoothly to the door of Mimi's room. From inside, He could hear a slight singing. " Open that door!"

A Bakumon soldier immediately opened the door just as Lilymon attacked. "Flower Cannon!" The shot blasted through the two digimon, as they had begun to peer through the door.

"Aauuhh! They're not playing by the rules."

"Mega Claw!"

"Aauhh!" Piedmon went sprawling, looking for a way out.

"Get 'em WarGreymon!" The giant Digimon gathered energy, staring into Piedmon's black face. "Now"

" Ahh! " A giant plume of bats lifted up Wargreymon, as if he weighed light as a feather, then dropped him into a nearby building .

Tai stared up, Gazing into the soulless eyes of Exo Myotismon, a digimon so evil, that he wore around his own neck a Band and crest . Around his neck he wore the crest of hatred, causing him to suck all the anger and fear, to cause him to grow. " You puny imputents! How dare you think that you could destroy me, Myotismon! Dark ruler of all Digiworld!" The two digidestined stood side by side glaring at Exo- Myotismon.

Their voices rising. " You can't win ExoMyotismon, you have to beat all eight of us!"

From behind them all, a tall figure formed behind them. " Make that nine!" They all turned around. "You may remember me from one of your first victories."

Tai gasped. "It can't be! Wizardmon?" The digimon waved his hand.

"Correction my friend, My name is White wizardmon. All of us together could defeat Exo Myotismon, PERMANENTLY!"

"Where are the others?" Just then, The giant loomed above them, cutting them off.

" Sorry to have to end your party, but playtime's Over! Red Bats, Coil strike!"

White Wizardmon stepped up. " Sorcerors thunder!" A wave of lite vaporized the attack Exo Myotismon had sent out, but even better is the fact that the brightness momentarily blinded the blood sucking behemoth. " Quick, into the portal, before he recovers!"

The Digimon ushered them in, staying to retrieve the other injured members of his kind. "Go, I'll stay here and keep 'im off your tail! GO!" Mimi and Tai leapt into the rift, arriving back at D.M Headquarters.

Izzy was working busily on his laptop as they rushed over to him." Guys, I've got a lock on myotismon-er, - Exo myotismon. He is just an exxoskelaton, but inside lies the old guy, myotismon( except several times larger). But he isn't the only problem. Two other old problems have arrived too. Just look."

The two adults stared gloomily at the scene before. The two digimon seen, caused fear in the digidestineds' hearts. " That's.. Darkmon and... Metal Etemon! "

The tw Digimon also had dark crests around their necks. "Where are the rest o' the guys?" Izzy stared at him. " They're at the Highten Veiw Terrace waterfront, fighting Snimon and Airdramon." Tai glared at Izzy furiously. " You let them go to the waterfront, AFTER I told them to stay here?!!"

Izzy cowered in the corner. " Hey, don't hurt me okay ?"

Tai resumed his running walk. " I'm not going to hurt you Izz', I'm just going to get my friends.

"Wizard..BLAST!" White Wizardmon shot a ball of energy towards the enemy.

"That's all you've got? Bloodshot Eyes!" Exo Myotismon's red beam pummeled white wizardmon, laeving it's creator beaming proudly. "Your foolish attempt to destroy me has failed! Crimson wing!" Exo myotismon then dissapeared in a wave of red bats.

"I've got to get Augumon and Palmon and return them to D.M.H.Q!" White wizardmon reopened the portal, and dissapeared in a flash of white light.

"WereGarurumon! "

"Garuru kick!" A group of digimon flew through the air as WereGarurumon attacked them. Suddenly, a giant silver digimon got behind them all.

"The Legend's back, better 'an ever, uhahuh! Digidestined conceert CRASH!" WereGarurumon fell down, Splayed across open wreckage.


Matt ran over to him, a tear caught in his eye. " WereGarurumon, Digivolve!"

Metal Etemon stared at the sight before him. "Your little dog's gonna be one sad pup when I'm done with him-Hey, Whered he go?"

From behind him, Metal garurumon laughed. " I may be one sad pup, but your spending the rest of your life in the dog house! Metal wolf claw! A long string of Ice bombarded the evil digimon, freezing him. Metal Garurumon laughed. " This is when you retire!" He then ran full speed at the Ice statue of Metal Etemon, Ducked his head, And then sent pieces of the digimon flying everywhere, and even vaporizing in mid-air.

Matt raised his hand in triumph."Yeah- Huh, Hey what are these?" lying at the spot of Metal Etemon's demise lied three wrist bands, or at least they looked like wrist bands. " These must be The Manga bands! But wait, There's just three, Where are the others!?" Matt looked around nervously expecting to find three more across the ashen ground.

" Matt!" Izzy's voice blared through Matt's headset.

"Hey, Izzy, I got That Metal Etemon dude! Metal Garurumon blasted him to pieces!"

Izzy paused shortly, then returned to the line. "That's just fine and good, But Joe and Saura need your help over at the soccer field! " Matt could hear the angst in his voice as he said Saura's name.

" I'll be over as soon as possible!"

Izzy opened the portal. "Okay Matt, you're clear for go!"

"Garudamon, Attack Darkmon!" Garudamon Stood up high, and then... attacked! "Wing Blade!" A red bird shot through the air at Darkmon, penatrating his chest. Darkmon doubled over as the attcked forced him to fall to the ground.

He smiled. " You have become worthy opponents since I last saw you, but you still cannot defeat Darkmon, ruler of server and spiral mountain! Dark sceptre!" A black staff raced toward Garududamon, hitting smack-dab in his back. Garudamon let out a cry of pain, but just then Zudamon rushed from under the ground slamming Darkmon with his Falcons hammer attack.

Darkmon once again toppled over. Saura saw something in the air then, riding what looked like a wolf. But she knew better."Hey, That's Matt!" Flying in the air, Metal Garurumon shot his metal wolf claw attack at the dark digimon's skull.

" Hah, Fools, You expect to defeat me with Ice-cubes, Hah! The attack turned to dust as Matt landed.

"Guys, Take one!" Matt gave them each a band. "Put your Digivices and crests in the slots, HURRY!" As soon as saura's was in, Both devices began glowing, almost too bright to see. "Whaa!"

Garudamon, Digivolve to... Falcomon! The giant digimon glared at Darkmon.

Joe looked at his band too. Zudomon, Digivolve to...Warriormon! Warriormon stood higher than any digimon seen, The hilt of his sword gleaming, his face. Menacing , his horn bigger then before.

Falcomon stood half a size smaller than he, with a mask adorning his head, and a sinister pair of wings ready to protect in an instants time. The two digimon stood before darkmon, ready for battle. "Ready to fight, Darkmon?"

The evil digimon stared gleefully, gritting his teeth. "Yeah!" The three whent into battle instantly. "Dark sceptre!"

Warriormon stood before Falcomon. "Sword of Justice!" His sword parrying the dark attack. Now it was Falcomon's turn.

"Falcon...Kick!" The giant digimon sent Darkmon sprawling, but he still came back for more. Just then another Menga Digimon ros from the ground.

"Terra Force!"

A ball of energy pummeled Darkmon, sending him flying. " Thatt, wass, unn faiiree…" Darkmon then dissapeared in a wave of black gears.

"Hey, guys!" Tai came running towards his friends. " That was awesome!"

Matt rushed to a giant black gear. " Matt, what are you doing?!"

Matt lifted the giant gear up, looking happily at what lay on the ground before him. "I'm looking for these." He picked up three more bands, and showed them to the others. "We have to get these to the others. "

"Izz' !" Tai's headset came on line.

"Yeah Tai?" Tai looked anxiously at the others. He then told Izzy all about how Matt had found the first three bands, and how Garudamon and Zudomon had digivolved to Falcomon and Warriormon, and then how Matt found the other three bands.

" Well Tai, Come back to base. The others need those bands! I'm opening another portal. See you at H.Q !" Just then, a circle of lite apeared in front of them.

"Okay, Let's head on in!" The three appeared at The Headquarters 2 minutes later.

"Hey, everyone, gather around. The other 4 Digidestined gathered around Tai, Joe, Matt, and Saura, gazing at what lay in their hands." We found them, everybody get yours!" Tai started passing them out to the others.

"Your digimon must really rock!" Saura smiled sheepishly at Izzy.

" Maybe!" Izzy glanced once more at his computer. " Hey, We got another E-Mail from Jennai!"

Dear digidestined,

By now you probably have the bands, if so your destiny must come to a close. That is, after you destroy Exo Myotismon. He is much more powerful than last time you met, so you may have to all fully digivolve your digimon. Be aware that after this, your digivice and crest will both shatter, but your digimon will still be with you. You will also have the choice to return to the Digiworld or not.

Please make me proud! I am now beaming you and your digimon to Exo Myotismon's Lair. Be careful.

Signing off, JENNAI

Instantly, all eight of the digidestined were taken to a dark damp cave, somewhere in Mt. St. Helens. "Hahaha! You came to meet your demise! Crimson Lightning!"

A stinging hot wave hit Izzy full in the chest as he attempted to save Saura."Auhh!" Knocked down, bleeding, and in emense pain from the attack, Izzy lied groaning in the darkness.

"It is not wise to protect others around me. It will just prove your death to come early!" Exo Myotismon rose from the darkness laughing.

"One other tried what you did, and he was destroyed!" From behind him a faint light shone.

"Wizard Blast!" A ball of white fire struck The evil digimon from behind. " On the contrairy, you only made me stronger!" White wizardmon rose behind Exo myotismon, smiling." The digidestined don't give up easily, fool!"

Suddenly a white mist arose from Izzy's wound. " Clar, gamuch, Fzar, lavuk!"

White wizardmon stared intently at Izzy's body. "You are healed, now go, fullfill your destiny!"

Tai looked up, a new look in his eyes. " Let's GO!" They all held up their bands. "Digivolve!"

Weregarurumon digivolve to...Metal garurumon,

Metal Greymon digivolve to...War Greymon,

Lilymon digivolve to...Petalmon,

Mega kabuterimon digivolve to... King Kabuterimon,

Zudomon, Digivolve to... Warriormon,

Angewomon digivolve to...Metal Angewomon,

Magna Angemon, digivolve to...ChromAngemon,

Garudomon digivolve to...Falcomon!

All eight digimon stared at Exo Myotismon, fearlessly. Warriormon stood forward. " You have Terrorized humans for the last time. I now ask you one more time, Do you ask peace, or do you ask for battle?!"

The black digimon grinned slyly." I think I'll battle!" Inside the dormant volcano, the digimon gave up all they had to battle with.

" Petalmon, leaf sword!" The attack pummeled Exo Myotismon's scaley hide, but still he came at them.

" Angel, wing!" Metal Angemon and ChromAngemon came together attacking the Evil other with their wings.

One by one the others tried, but one by one they all failed miserably.

" How do we defeat him!?" Izzy looked at his band. "Guys, come here!" They all rushed over. " Look at this, I think they're supposed to latch together, see!" He showed them the laches at the side of each of the bands. " Come on, we've got to do something!" They all fit theirs on, expecting the best, but nothing happened. " There's a space left in the middle, Maybe that's why they're not working !"

White wizardmon rushed over, carrying something in his hands. " JENNAI said you might need this, but he wasn't that enthusiastic about it, Here."

He handed over a circular plate with one crest and digivice on it. " Whose are these?" Tai asked.

White Wizardmon smiled at him. " Jennai's!" They locked it in place, and suddenly, a bright light shot through the room causing the digimon to come together.

" What's happening!?" All the digimon began forming together, becoming one large digimon.

"Awesome! Izzy, what's that?!" Izzy looked at his digidex.

" That's Megamon, A digimon formed by at least eight digimon, His attack is combo thrust, It's a combination of all the mega digimon's attacks."

Exo Myotismon stared sullenly at Megamon showing not a glimmer of help for the digidestined." You can't destroy me! Ultra, Black wave of darkness!" A black wave began toward Megamon, But megamon prevented that by using his extra hard shell.

"My turn! Commboo Thruussttt!" A red ball went flying toward Exo Myotismon screaming for his sweet body. It hit him at full force in the stomach. Crouching on the ground, the giant digimon ripped open a lava vent, causing Magma to rise into the core.

"We'd best get out of here, soon this place is going to blow! Megamon, return to the originals!"

As soon as the red digimon turnd back into the other eight digimon, every one came rushing out of the mountain as fast as they could.

Soon, the volcano erupted for the first time in about 50 years, and also came with it the black dust of Exo Myotismon's body, mind, and soul.

Saura rushed over to Izzy, who was still nursing his wound. " Hey, you doin' anything this weekend Izzy ?" Izzy shook his head no. "Well now you are!" She rushed over to him, grabbing him by the waist and kissing him softly, and then more intensly.

Suddenly, a hologram picture of Jennai appeared. " Digidestined, You have fulfilled your destiny, and now the answer to this question remains. Do any of you wish to return to the digital world?!" Only one person stepped forward.

"Joe, why do you want to return to the digital world?" Joe looked up high. " I guess it's because of the fact that the world doesn't have room for men like me. I would like it better if I could stay and train with the other digimon, to fight the rest of the evil digimon alongside Sabre Leomon and Piximon. "

Jennai smild back at him. " You have made the right decision ." The rest exchanged hugs with Joe and waved goodbye.

"I'm gonna miss 'im." Tai said with a tear to his eye.

The rest of the digidestined-er-freinds walked back to the mountain smiling and talking to their digimon. Their destinies fullfilled, they truly did walk off normal people. They have saved the world the 4th and final time. What does fate have in store for them now? Only God knows the answer.

T h e E n d

Digimon Analyser
