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Digimon List

Digimon Analyser

Thanks to all of your support and emails. Thank you especially to Grllawoyer and glmossberg for helping me on the list. Thank you so MUCH! I finally started on the list. Notice that I didn't put finished, cause you never know what Digimon will pop up next. For some of the Digimon....I have put their attacks in also. I hope you enjoy the list


NOTE: Digimon can digivolve out of thier usual forms, if they get cared for good by their digi-destined, they digivolve to their best stages. But if their digi-destined treats them bad...they can digivolve all wrong. Just like when Tai forced Greymon to digi-volve futhur, Greymon digi-volved to SkullGraymon!Thank you jasen for the note!


1. Protomon- No Information Availible

2. Nyaromon- No Information Availible

3. Salamon- a dog-like Digimon, this is Gatomon's rookie stage.

4. Gatomon- A cute cat-like Digimon. It's two front paws have a certain glove-like look. It's yellow with orange stripes and very sharp claws. White in whole, it's tail has a metallic alloy near the tip. Very agile and cunning. Her attack is Lightning Claw.

5. Angewomon- Gatomon's Ultimate Stage, also known as Angel of Light. Her Celestrial Arrow is very effective. When battling a very powerful enemy, Angewomon charges up with "Heaven's Charge!" She raises her arms high up and a ring of light arises from her arms. The other Digimon would give their attack power to her and she will form it into an arrow and aim it at evil.


1. Poyomon- This white jellyfish digivoves to Tokomon who Digivolves to Patamon. Poyomon can only say his name.

2. Tokomon - This cute little puff ball is assigned to be T.K's Digimon. He looks like an albino midget Pikachu. He can extend his huge sharp teeth to make him look fiercer

3. Patamon - Patamon is T.K's patner and Tokomon Digivolution. His appearence is a tan puffball with a cute face, hard head, three fingers on each paw, tiny bat-like wings and a white stomach. He makes a good friend, partner, and playmate for T.K. His main line of defence is a pretty weak attack called "Boom Bubble". He performs it by inflating himself up with air and shooting it [the air] out at the enemy extremely fast.

�Porkemon�- This made up pig Digimon was one of T.K's theorys of what Patamon digivolves to. Patamon got mad cause' T.K was saying he was a pig.

�Hogamon�- This was T.K's other theory of what Patamon Digivolved to. Patamon got really mad. T.K said that this pig could suck up enemys with his nostrils.

4. Angemon - This angel-type humanoid hovers in the air glowing with yellow light. He has six white bird-like wings and a blue garmit. He has long blond flowing hair and holds a golden staff. His attack is the hand of fate, where he charges his power and aims a bright energy at his enemies.

5. Magan Angemon- No Information


1.Botamon- This little black thing is what Digivolves to Koromon. It is uses it's glowing yellow eyes to scare off enemies and Mimi discribes it as "Gross".

2.Koromon - This little munchkin was assigned to be Tai's Digimon. He likes to eat a lot

3.Agumon - Agumon is Tai's partner and Koromon's Digivolution. His appearance is a three foot tall orange Tyranosaurus. He is a good friend to Tai and plays along with alot of the stuff Tai does. His "Pepper Breath" attack is his main defense. He does it by spitting a small ball of fire out of his jaws.

4.Greymon - This twenty foot tall dino is Agumon's Digivolution. He has a grey cow skull as a mask, and is completly orange exept for brown stripes on his back. His attack is called "Digi-Nova Blast". That's where he spits a huge molten dripping fireball made mostly out of lava at the enemy. It has some fire in it too.

5.MetalGreymon - When Greymon Digivolves, his helmet and one of his paws both turn metalic, he grows a couple thirty feet, and he grows six metallic wings on his shoulder blades. It is hard to see six, it looks like two, but trust me it's six metallic wings. His chest becomes metallic; it can shoot missles that home in on the enemy. That attack is called "Giga Distroyer". It is his most lethal attack.

WarGreymon - This is MetalGreymon's WARP digivolution. This happened when the Angels of Light and Hope shot arrows down at Tai and Matt. WarGreymon walks on two and can fly. He has golden armor around him and is very fast and powerful.


1. Punimon- No Availible Information

2. Tsunomon - This fella was assigned to be Matt's Digimon. He goes in and out of a British accent alot. He is very loyal.

3. Gabumon- Gabumon is Matt's partner and Tsunomon's Digivolution. His appearence is a four foot Saint Bernard-like Digimon with a unicorn-like horn and wearing a white animal pellet. He has a Japanese accent and is a mentor for Matt. His "Blue Blaster" attack is his main defence. He does it by prodicing a stream of high pressure water out of his mouth.

4. Garurumon - This twenty foot tall blue wolf is Gabumon's Digivolution. He has white stripes of his back, he stands on all fours and has a white main and sharp teeth. His attack is "Howling Blaster". He is very agile, he can run pretty fast and use his body as a weapon. Garurumon's fur is is very hard...he can body bash like a torpedo!

5.Weregarurumon - When Garurumon digivolves, he starts to stand on two legs, and his other two legs turn into big musculer arms. Weregarurumon wears long shaggy raggedy pants and I didn't catch the name of his attack where he swipes his paw forward, sending the enimies attack back. Weregarurumon is very muscular, he has raggedy dark jeans (that have the design of an X and a Skull on it), an ear ring, a strap from his shoulder to his hip and he is able to do powerful kicks and jumps. His attack is "Mega Claw". 6. MetalGarurumon - MetalGarurumon is the WARP digivolution of WereGarurumon. He first showed when the Angels of Light and Hope shot arrows at Matt and Tai. MetalGarurumon has an attack that freezes his opponents. Armed with metallic blue armor, MetalGarurumon flys and walks on all fours.


1. Nyokimon- No Availible Information

2. Yokomon - This baby bird was assigned to be Sora's Digimon. She looks alot like a radish.

3.Biyomon - Biyomon is Sora's partner and Yokomon's Digivolution. Her appearence is a two foot pink bird with feather covered paws and a little spiral shaped ribbin feather sticking up on her forehead. She sometimes can get annoying. Her "Spiral Twister" attack is her main defence and she does it by floating up in the air and moving her paws in a circle motion. That produces a spinning gust of green wind.

4. Birdramon - this thirty foot pheniox is Biyomon's Digivolution. She has a long pointy orange beak, a pair of flaming hot wings with a wingspan of up to 30 ft, razor sharp tallons, a red flaming body, perfectly cool orange featherless legs for Sora to ride on, and like every other champion stage so far, sharp jagged teeth. Her attack called "Meteor wings" is done by crossing her wings up to her shoulders and letting them back with lightning quick reflexes, shooting tiny flaming meteors at the enemy.

5. Garudamon - A giant woman-like digimon with red armor and a red partridge face. Long wisps of red with golden yellow writings flow from her head. She can fly and looks very much like an eagle. She digivolves from Birdramon. Her attack is a flaming bird missile called "Wing Blade".


1. Pabumon- green bubbly blob-like Digimon, that has black beady eyes and a sucking a pacifier, it blows clear bubbles

2. Motimon - This fuzzy ball of goop was assigned to be Izzy's Digimon. He sounds alot like Baby Animal from " Muppet Babies" or Waspinator from "Beast Wars"

3. Tentomon - Tentomon is Izzy's partner and Motimon's Digivolution. His appearence is a 4 foot metalic red bug with huge compound eyes and buzzing wings. Tentomon tries to get Izzy to lighten up often and his main defence is an electrical attack called "Super Shocker". {It's two purple bolts of lightning that come out of his antennea.}

4. Kabuterimon - This 40 foot alien-like slimy robitic flying dung beatle-like Digimon is Tentemon's Digivolution. With a horn for his nose, and purple all over, Kabuterrimon has protective exoskeleton on his head, hands and feet. It sort of acts like a rock hard helmet, gloves and boots. His attack, "Electro-shocker" is similer to Tentemon's only it is 10 tiny blast's of yellow electricity that come out of his tallens and form together to make a huge lightning ball that he shoots out at the enemy.

5. MegaKabuterimon- A mega version of Kabuterimon. He is brown with an large outershell covering it's back. A bigger and more fancy and powerful horn on the tip of it's forehead. It is powerful and very strong. It's attack is the "Horn Buster", a powerful energy blast. MegaKabuterimon looks very much like a reddish-brown rhinocerous beetle standing upright on it's hind-most legs.


1. Yuramon- No Availible Information.

2. Tanemon - This little walking sprout was assigned to be Mimi's Digimon. Kind and gentle.

3. Palmon - Palmon is Mimi's partner and Tanemon's Digivolution.Her appearence is a green 4 foot walking plant with wrinkling paws, sharp tallens, and a sprouting flower for hair. She tries to talk some sence into Mimi every so often but it usuly dosn't work. Her main line of defence is an attack called "poision ivy" She pulls it off by shooting poisonous vines out of each of her tallens. They can be used as whips, bridges, swings, or ladders.

4. Togemon - This 20 ft. walking catcus is Palmon's Digivolution. She has sharp pointy needles, a lot of attitude, and a pair of punching gloves. Her eyes are two black circles and her mouth is a horozontal black oval that expands and shrinks when she talks. She has a dead orange weed for hair and she looks like something from Super Mario World or Super Mario Bros. 3. Her attack is called " Needle Spray". That's where she extends her chest and shoots needles everywhere.

5. Lillymon- She is Palmon and Togemon combined, she blossomed from Mimi's love and sincerity for her parents. She can fly and manuver very well, her agility is great. Though she might be the smallest of the Ultimate stages, she packs a punch with her "Flower Cannon"


1. Pitchmon- No Availible Information.

2. Bukamon - Bukamon was assigned to be Joe's Digimon. He looks like a grey seal with a big crooked nose

3. Gomamon - Gomamon is Joe's partner and Bukamon's Digivolution. His appearence is a 2 foot white seal with black spots and an orange mohawk. He always tries to get Joe to lighten up and have fun. {good luck}For like the first ten or so episodes, Joe and Gomamon hated each other's guts. But afterwards they became friends. Gomamon's main attack is where he summons fishes to help him defeat his enemy. He calls out "Munching Fishes!", fishes almost always come out of a hidden water source. Also the fishes help him too, like.."FISH NET!" in Ep. 1, they formed a live fish raft for the kids to break their fall

4. Ikkakumon - This 20 ft shaggy white walrus with a umicorn horn and blue eyes is Gomamon's Digivolution. He walks on all fours and his attack is "Harpoon Torpedo". That's where he shoots his horn out like a rocket. then the outer coating of the horn falls off to show a torpedo. It homes in on the enemy and hits it.

5. Zudomon- This hard bodied marine Digimon is Gomamon and Ikkakumon combined. Zudomon is a very powerful Digimon with his giant spike shell, a jagged horn protruding out his forehead as a lightning rod , shaggy beard and his giant hammer. "Vulcan's Hammer" is quite powerful, it harness the power of eletricity which Zudomon deals out and bashes and shocks his opponents.


MachineDramon- This is one of the Dark Masters. MachineDramon is a very powerful Digimon made out of all metal, with rockets shooting from it's back.

Puppetmon- This is also one of the Dark Masters. He might seem less powerful but he has the ability to control his opponents, hence the name 'Puppet'mon.

Devimon- He was the ultimate bad guy on File Island, but was defeated by Angemon. He was the one that made the Black Gears and programmed them to turn good Digimon to good.

Ogremon- This ugly monster is Devimon's henchman and carries around a spikey club. He is the nemisis of Leomon.

Etemon- This monkey-like Digimon impersonates Elvis and is the master of the Dark Network. He uses his Dark Network to track down the Digi-Destined. He uses attacks like "Dark Network Concert Crash" and "Dark Network" to drain Digimon of thier power. MetalGreymon eventually destroyed him and the dark network.

Demidevimon- This little bat is the loyal henchman of the Myotismon. Likes to trick the kids into handing over their crests. Cunning and clever, Demidevimon is a trickster.

Gatomon- She was once a hench'digimon' of Myotismon. She tricks people into believing she's good and then backstabs them. A senile and very tricky Digimon, her agility is great. She was once Myotismon's most loyal servants, until she found out her real and true identity. She is the Eighth Child's Digimon!!! Seen here with fellow hench'digimon Demidevimon.

Myotismon-This vampire-like figure is the boss of Demidevimon. He is very powerful. He controls bats that attack his enemies. He looks very much like a vampire, with fangs and devilish eyes. He is pure evil, with a cape flowing behind him and a red mask covering his face.


Andromon- Andromon is an advanced Digimon that lives in a powerplant. He is 12 feet tall and a robot. He is extremely nice. He was a victum of the black gear. His attack is Lightning Blade.

�Attack Sludge�- This made up Digimon looks like normel sludge only 3 feet tall and has a mouth full of vicious teeth. Attack Sludge is very fierce and attacks people with it's jaws of sludge. At least according to Demidevimon who made it up to scare Izzy and Tentomon. He put up a sign that said "Beware of Attack Sludge" so Izzy and Tentomon wouldn't take a certain path.


Bakemon- These freaky ghosts celebrate a holiday worshipping their ruler, Lord Bakemon. They are extremely evil and once tried to eat Joe and Sora.


Centaurumon- This giant is half man, half horse and gaurds the ancient temple of the digivice. He is very much like a Centaur, but with a cannon as an arm on one hand.

Chuumon- Sukkamon's mouse buddy rides on his back. His is a litte smarter. Sukkamon and Chuumon share the same tiny brain.

Cockatrimon- It is a white bird and is a henchman of Etemon and has the power to turn other Digimon into stone. It knows how to drive a cruise ship. It decided to give up evil after Etemon was destroyed and was last seen going to a restaurant with Fridgimon and Monzeamon.


Datamon- Datamon is highly intelligent and went missing a few years back. He tried to kidnap Sora and clone her so he could use the clone to control Biyomon so he could get revenge on Etemon. I bet if he asked Sora, she would agree to helping him. Datamon was eventully pulled into the dark network and destroyed.

DarkTyrannomon- Was a good Digimon until he contracted a bad virus, which turned him evil. He is similat to a Tyrannomon, but his color is black with red scars along it's body with a very powerful Fireball attack. Lillymon countered the virus with her flower necklace and that made him better.

Digitamamon- This 3 foot fully digi-volved Digimon can grow in size or shoot out a black cloud at enemies {Known as "Nightmare Syndrome"} His attack sucks the enemy in and drains their power and spits them out. He is the evil owner of a popular restaraunt. His appearance is an egg with two lizard legs sticking out of the bottom and a hole where his eyes are. His eyes are beedy yellow ovals and you never see his face. It's shell can protect it and it bashes it's enemies with it.

Divermon- These are water swimming evil Digimon that serve MetalSeadramon. They have their powerful attack and fast swimming capabilities.

Drimogomon- This giant mole has a drill on his head and lives in the underwater caverns of Server. He was the last ever victum of the black gears.


Elecmon- This four-legged red mammal takes care of all the baby Digimon at Primary Village. It's like a daycare center for baby Digimon. Though very protective, he is the same size as Patamon. He shoots thunder at tresspassers.


Flymon- A giant metallic wasp that shoots thorn-like projectiles {NeedleBlaster}. He either is very aggressive or works for Demidevimon.

Fridgimon- Fridgimon is a walking talking giant friendly snowmon, and was a victum of the black gears. His "Sub-zero Ice Punch" can freeze anything into solid ice.


Gazimon- These two 5 foot rabbit-like digimon are henchmen of Etemon. On a scale of one to ten. Ten being the worst. These guys are twelve!

Gekomon- These wierd lizards adore music and live in a castle up in the mountains of Server. A tuba like instrument forms part of their body.

Getsomon- This little child-like rock Digimon is no taller than Matt. He loves to fool around and is often seen with best friend Pumpkinmon. Getsomon is made entirely of rock and has a humanoid figure. Favorite food: ice cream. Getsomon joined Myotismon into the Human World only because he and Pumpkinmon wanted to have fun. Getsomon doesn't know right from wrong and is often seen playing pranks and scaring humans.





Kuwagumon-Kuwagumon is a giant red beetle that stands on two legs that attacked the kids in the first episode


Leomon- a giant lion that walks on two legs and wears pants similar to Weregarurumon's. He is the leader of all the good Digimon on File Island and was a victum of the black gear. He is a good and just leader, and a role model to all Digimon. When he was taken over by a black gear, he became one of Devimon's henchmen.

Lord Bakemon- He is a giant Bakumon that all the other Bakemon worship. He was defeated and destroyed by Joe and Sora when they chanted "Bakemon loose your power" over and over.


Meramon- Meramon is a nice peaceful giant that appears as if he's on fire. His attack is throwing lethal fireballs at his enemy He's the first Digimon the kids met besides thier partners that could talk. Meramon's body is covered with red hot flames.

MetalSeadramon- This powerful Digimon can be seen in water or flying in the air. It is very large and his snout is covered in metal, like a metal mask. He shoots a ray of blue energy at his enemies through his snout. A Warp Ultimate Digimon, very strong. Not even eight Champion Digimon can beat him.

Monochromon- These Triceratops-like beasts of burden are usually calm unless another Monochromon threatens it's territory.

Monzeamon- This giant yellow teddy bear was a victum of the black gears. He is the founder of Toytown where all the abandoned toys on File Island live. He unleashes hearts that cover the person with a feeling of joy and happiness.

Mojomon- This peaceful mountain ape-like Digimon uses two attacks, Ice Shield and Boomerang Bone. He is peaceful and quite small.


Numemon- Numemon are icky green globs that live in the sewer and hate sunshine. The leader has a crush on Mimi. They attack with Nume Sludge.


Otamamon- These tadpoles live in harmony with the Gekomon up in the castle.


Pagumon- These tiny grey pranksters once took over a Koromon village to try to trick the kids. They speak in song to the kids. You can see the lyrics to their song, in my Digimon Fan Fiction.

Piedmon- Leader of the Mighty Four that rule the Digimon World when The Digidestined entered it the second time. This shape shifter's goal is to destroy the Digi Destined. Piedmon can take on any form and his true form is a clown-like evil Digimon.

Piximon- This little Pixy was a mentor to the kids and gave them unusual yet affective training. He has portals in the middle of the desert that leads to his secret tropical forest lair. He is the teacher of all champion Digimon, Leomon trained with him. Piximon is unually small, very much like the size of a grapefruit, put with pink fur arms and legs. He wears sandals and holds a staff. His Pixi Bombs are very effective, once he destroyed a giant Kuwagamon with it.

Pumpkinmon- A true trickster Digimon, joined Myotismon to enter the Human World only to have fun. Best friends with Getsomon. This little Digimon is only as tall as Matt. Pumpkinmon's head is a giant jack o' latern with an axe stuck in it. His attack is by placing giant pumpkins on top of his enemy's head.

Punkagumon- This 'mean and real bad' digimon is actually an Agumon in disguise!



Raremon- Smells like rotting fish, looks like the inside of a trash can and is someone you don't want to meet in a really dark alley.

Reggaepalmon- This 'mean and real bad' digimon is actually a Palmon in disguise!


Scorpiomon- One of MetalSeadramon's henchmen, this is a very scorpion-like Digimon. He was chasing Joe, Mimi and digimon but he was real slow on land. He travels better in sand, where he burrows tunnels.

Seadramon- Seadramon is a very aggressive Digimon. He is serpeant like. It has a yellow mask like face.

Shellmon - Shellmon is a wrinkly old giant shellfish that gets angered easily for no good reason.

Shogungekomon- He is the leader of the Gekomon and Otamon. He was asleep for 300 years. Legend said that he lost to in a music contest. He was so depressed. He went to sleep and won't wake up untill he hears a voice as pretty as the one of the little girl that he lost to. Eventully Mimi, woke him up. He caused terror to her and The Gekomon and Otamon because he was cranky from waking up. With the enforced help of MetalGreymon he went back to sleep. {in other words MetalGreymon knocked Shogungekomon out, but in the process destroyed the Gekomon castle. The debris collapsed onto Shogungekomon.}

SkullGraymon- This giant monster is what Greymon digivolved to when Tai was too greedy. It looses all emotions, and the abillity to speak. It growls and distroys everything. It even tried to smush Tai. All other Digimon run away in it's presence. Since it's so power hungry, it is constantly seeking battles.

SkullMeramon- A giant alter-ego of Meramon. This blue flames hothead, attacked Sora and Mimi, when the group was back in Japan. SkullMeramon is a humanoid digimon, his element is fire. Full of muscles and engulfed in flames, his attack "Metal Fireball" is an acidic fireball which he spits out. His chest is covered with chains and he packs a punch!

Snowballmon-first form of a digimon made up as a way of saying Happy Holidays from Fox Kids.

Snowmanmon-second form of a digimon made up as a way of saying Happy Holidays from Fox Kids.

Sukkamon- This Digimon resembles a lemon custard and with the IQ of a lemon. He is very unintelligent. But he'd think that was a compliment. He lives in the heart of the jungle and sits on trees throwing Nume Sludge at tresspassers. He has a crush on Mimi. Sukkamon and Chuumon share the same tiny brain.


Tyranomon- This red tyranosaurus is a loyal henchman to Etemon. He spits fire as his attack. After Etemon was destroyed, Tyranomon was sucked out of Digiworld into the real world and caused havok on Tai's home city.


Unimon- A wise old Digimon that lives up in the mountains. He is a giant white Pegasus with a red metal mask. A horizontal slit is it's eyes. It has a yellow mane and a horn like a unicorn's. He was a victum of the black gears. It seems that Gomamon is one of his friends.


Vademon- This Digimon tricks people into falling into his bottomless pit. The only way he would let them out is if he tells them to give up thier curiosity, and they do. Then thier curiosity turns into a pale colored sack and Vademon sells it for money. He then takes them to his Universe (that he created himself), where they become mindless drones that meditate all day. He tricked Izzy into giving up his curiosity.

Veggiemon- This walking salad is the evil co-owner of a popular restaraunt. His arms and legs are very long, so that he can wrap around his enemies. Very mean and gives new meaning to slave-driver.

Venommyotismon- This is Myotismon's WARP Ultimate form, he appeared like this when Angewomon struck an arrow in Myotismon's heart, thus killing Myotismon but he digivolved to a supreme form, Venommyotismon. Now Venommyotismon isn't very humanoid, but a beast with long shaggy blond hair, dangerous looking demonic wings with holes in them and a grotesque body. Venommyotismon's center of power is in his abdomen, where three pairs of eyes are seen. They emit dangerous energy rays that can destroy unsuspecting foe. The eyes will open up and reveal a small furry ball of hair with red eyes, which is Venommyotismon's true form. The Digidestined all fought together to defeat Venommyotismon.


Whamon- This giant whale swims in the oceans of the Digi World. He is enormous. He once accidently swallowed the Digi Destined.

Wizardmon- A mystical Digimon, he controls a lightning attack using his walking cane/weapon. He was rescued by Gatomon a long time ago and became friends. Gatomon gave him the meaning of life. He has the power to see the past and he helped Gatomon find her true identity as the Digimon of the Eighth Child. He joined Myotismon to help Gatomon out. He and Gatomon are best of friends, he sacrificed himself to save Gatomon.




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