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FAQ of Digimon

Frequently Asked Questions About Digimon

Click on the question that you want answered, and it'll scroll down. Can't find your question? Email me and I'll do my best to answer it. If your looking for info on Digimon Cards and Merchandise, go to my NEWS Section for more info. There is only a little bit of info in my FAQ about them.

Who's Your Favorite Digimon and DigiDestined?

Lilymon or Lillymon?

Can You Send Me The Digimon Theme Song?

How Do The Crests Operate?

Tell Me The Ultimate Forms and Tell Me Every Little Detail You Know About the Crests.

Why didn't Gatomon and Kari hook up in the Digi World?

How did Gatomon and Kari hook up?

How did Myotismon digivolve to his WARP Ultimate form, Venommyotismon?

I wrote a Digimon Fan Fiction, Now What Do I Do?

Do You Hand Any Prizes or Hold Any Contests?

Why do the evil Digimon have a crest?

What is Kari's Crest?

What happened to the big poster of Matt and Garurumon?

Who plays the Digi-Destineds' voices in the show?

Where did you get those cool poster pics of Matt & Garurumon and that awesome pink and blue Digimon Background?!

How did you know Ikkakumon's ultimate form is Zudomon?

What is the Official Digimon Site?

Do you know anything about the Digimon Card Game?

What's with the transforming Digimon?

Why do you spell Digimon two ways?

Why does the Digimon game have a monster face on it?

What are the names of the crests and which Digi-Destined has it?

Can I use the pictures on your site?

Can I use some of your written material?

Why Do The Kids Each Have a Digi-vice? This also answers what a Digi-vice is

What does Digi-tize and Digi-volve mean?

What and Who Are the Digi-Destined?

What is a Digimon? And how do they Digi-volve?

In the show, the Digimon names are spelled differently; which name is right?

What's up with the crests and tags?

Lilymon or Lillymon?
I spell it Lilymon, but in the show it is spelt Lillymon. Sorry for the confusion.

Who's Your Favorite Digimon and DigiDestined?
My favorite Digimon has got to be Angemon, I mean look at the mon! Heavenly, handsome and real cool...I like a lot of Digimon, for me the Digi villian I like most is Myotismon. He has a certain air in him. I also like WereGarurumon, Lillymon and Gatomon. WereGarurumon looks great! Lillymon's cute, and funny too! Gatomon is a twist, she was once a bad Digimon now she's good. She has a smug look. My favorite Digi Destined is.....TK. He's so innocent. I also like Mimi, she's real funny. She brings a lot of comedy to the group.

Can You Send Me The Digimon Theme Song?
The answer to this question is no, I really just don't have the time to send everyone of you the Digimon Song. I'm sorry if it doesn't load well, but I've tried my best. You just need to download the QuickTime for Windows. Just go to my links and go to the first rank in the Digimon Music Chart and ask that webmaster. I'm sure he'll help you with your request and or any questions.

Why didn't Gatomon and Kari hook up in the Digi World?
Kari was sick with the a cold, and this prevented her from joining her brother Tai to summer camp and also from entering the Digi World. Meanwhile Gatomon's previous form "Nyramon?" was waiting for her arrival, but since she wasn't in camp and couldn't get her digi vice. Nyramon just waited and waited. She digivolved to Salamon and decided to travel around looking, never sure for what or for who. She met up with Myotismon and he captured her and made her into one of his hench'digimon'.

How did Gatomon and Kari hook up?
Gatomon met Kari in Central Park and Kari asked if she was one of Agumon's friends. Gatomon instantly had an odd feeling about her. Gatomon was about to destroy Kari, but was surprised of her sweetness. One night, while she was spying on Kari petting her cat; Meeko. Wizardmon dropped by and showed Gatomon the Digi Vice. He explained that the first time they met, Gatomon had saved him and Gatomon told him that she was searching for something. It was like she wasn't whole and she was always searching for something. The answer to the question is not something it was someone. Wizardmon tells her that she is the Eighth Child's digimon and that the Eighth Child is Kari. Wizardmon and Gatomon go to the balcony and Kari is there. Kari is explained everything and finally Gatomon's long wait is over.

How Do The Crests Operate?
It seems that the crests all have a different name, symbol and personality. What I mean by personality is what will trigger the crest to work. The character will have to undergo some sort of anxiety that will make the crest glow and they will have to find within themselve the 'personality' of the crest. For example with Matt, he has the crest of Friendship. When he saw how Joe had leapt down from a roof to hold off Veggimon to save TK, Joe got caught in the middle. Matt felt real bad for how he treated Joe before and he understood he can't do everything himself, that he needed his friends. He needs his friends and together they are strong. This triggered his Crest of Friendship and made Garurumon digivolve to WereGarurumon.

Tell Me The Different Forms of The Digimon and Tell Me Every Little Detail You Know About the Crests.
Crest symbol: A Sun
Crest Meaning:Courage

Crest Symbol: Two sections and a circle around them with points with curvy edges.
Crest Meaning:Friendship

Crest Symbol: A heart with a circle and a dot inside it on the right side.
Crest Meaning:Love

Crest Symbol: A circle with two other circles inside it connecting to a circle with a circle inside it
Element: Electricity
Crest Meaning: Knowledge

Crest Symbol: A teardrop with a two circles inside
Crest Meaning: Sincerity

Crest Symbol: A cross with slants in the crevices
Crest Meaning:Reliability

Crest Symbol: A minature sun with a cape covering the bottom
Crest Meaning:Hope

Crest Symbol: A circle with 8 spikes around it
Crest Meaning: Light

Thank You Izzy, for submitting this brief but detailed information of all the characters!

How did Myotismon digivolve to his WARP Ultimate form, Venommyotismon?
Myotismon has many secretive powers. One of them is using the last of his powers to become Venommyotismon. His destiny is to become this, thus said with the prophecy.

I wrote a Digimon Fan Fiction, Now What Do I Do?
You can submit your Digimon Story by email. Just copy and paste your story into the email. Email me at:

Do You Hand Any Prizes or Hold Any Contests?
Sorry, at the time I don't have any prizes to hand out. Also, I'm not holding any contests yet either. I need a financial sponsor, so that I can buy Digimon prizes to give out. But if I do have a contest, I'll post it on my main page and series page.

Where did you get those cool poster pics of Matt & Garurumon and that awesome pink and blue Digimon Background?!
I went to this ALL JAPANESE website: This is where I got all my cool poster pics. This website is in my LINKS Section also. Along with the PINK AND BLUE BACKGROUND website. You might ask me how do I know all this, well I went to Digimon Central's Links (which is also in my Links Section) and clicked on any of his Japanese only Digimon sites. Try it! Sorry, but I don't know Japanese.

Who plays the Digi-Destineds' voices in the show?
*TAI* Joshua Seth
*MATT* Michael Reisz
*MIMI* Philece Sampler
*TK* Wendee Lee
*JOE* Michael Lindsay
*IZZY* Mona Marshall
*SORA* Colleen O'Shaughnessy

I got the information from FOXKIDS

What is Kari's Crest?
Kari's Crest if the Crest of light. In Japanese Kari's name is Hikari which means Light in English.

Why do the evil Digimon have a crest?
Myotismon has the original crest, he made copies of the crest to find the 8th digi-destined. The crest will react with the digi-vice, so every evil digimon will be out to look for the 8th child.

How did you know Ikkakumon's ultimate form is Zudomon?
Many webmasters know this because on FOXKIDS' website, it just so happens to say it. Who better to trust then the company that airs Digimon. So maybe FOXKIDS' saw the episodes first and they plan on giving us the answers first. Through FOXKIDS' this is how we know.

What is the Official Digimon Site?
The URL for the Official Site of the Digimon Site is: But it's all in Japanese though.

Do you know anything about the Digimon Card Game?
The Digimon Cards are going to come out before Christmas 1999. Anyway, I don't know much about how to play. But I can say that they look really nice, great pictures of all sorts of Digimon. Click here for more detailed info on the Digimon Card Game There are six cards in a pack with one silver holographic card in each pack. There are also rarer holographics, the Gold Holographics, but they are harder to get.

Why do you spell Digimon two ways? DiGimon & Digimon?
I like to be unique. I usually see the show (Digimon) on TV, and they spell it all capital letters. I just can't make up my mind on it, so I use both. The DiGimon game spells it this way "DiGimon", with a monster face in place of the 'o'.

The label of my DiGimon 'tamagotchi'-like game has a monster face in the 'o', is that normal?
Yes, that's the label for DiGimon the 'tamagotchi'-like game. Kinda looks like a smiley face gone wrong. It represents the DiGimon.

Can I use the pictures on your site?
You can use the pictures only if you provide a link back to my main page which is

Can I use some of the written material on your site?
Only if you write me an email that has the following:
- your homepage
- a nice plea
- what written material you want
- and your email ;
Also PLEASE give me credit!

Why Do The Kids Each Have a Digi-vice?
This question I will anser in two parts one is the general the other is the spoiler. First is the general. Before entering the Digi World, each kid got some electronic device. It's the size of a palm. All they can figure out is that each digi-vice comes with a Digimon. Now skip the next part if you don't want me to spoil everything.

What the digi-vice really is, is a symbol of the Digi-Destined. Izzy and Mimi and their digimon found that out from Centuramon. These Digi-vices are what enables the Digimon to digi-volve using some of their human partner's evergy. Furthur along, these Digi-vices give off an extreme bright light to those possessed by evil or are evil. It's sort of a good luck charm to jinx away the evil. The Digi-vices will shine a bright light directly at the evil and the evil being will run away from the bright light.

What does Digi-tize and Digi-volve mean?
Digi-tize and Digi-volve are much the same thing; actually...they are the same thing. Sometimes you here the kids say "come on digi-volve!". Mostly you will here digi-volve. What both means is the stage where the digimon will grow bigger and stronger. The stage where data is absorbed in their bodies and makes them grow bigger and into a different Digimon. Like Agumon digi-volve to...Greymon. To see the different stages of Digi-volving for any of the Digimon, go chek out my characters page.

What and Who Are the Digi-Destined?
The Digi-Destined are the blessed that receive the Digi-vices. Their goal and destiny is to vanquish all evil in the Digi-World. The Digi-Destined are: Tai, Joe, Matt, TK, Mimi, Sora and Izzy. They each have a 'guardian' Digimon that can digi-volve when any of the kids are in danger.

What is a Digimon? And how do they Digi-volve?
Digimon are Digital Monsters. They live in the Digi-World. These Digimon are good, evil or neutral beings that can speak english. They are much like monsters, but they are made out of Digital equipment. The main Digimon in the show are: Agumon, Gabumon, Gomamon, Palmon, Biyomon, Patamon and Tentomon. They protect their seven kid friends. When the time comes, these Digimon can Digi-volve. Even they don't know how they do it. They digi-volve when their human friend is in danger.

In the show, the Digimon names are spelled differently; which name is right?
I'm sorry, but some of my names are wrong and I will name them, Biyomon and Devimon. They are supposed to be spelled Biyomon...Piyomon and Devimon...Devamon. I spelled them off right off the bat. I already wrote the episodes, so hopefully you will know who is who. I apologize for the confusion.

What's up with the crests and tags?
A mysterious being named Gennai, told the group through a hologram that their Digimon will Digi-volve more with special crests and tags. Devimon hid the tags somewhere and the group must find the crests that are scattered everywhere in Jedi's home of the continent of Server. The crests and tags work together to Digi-volve the Digimon even more, to the next level.

What are the names of the crests and which Digi-Destined has it?
Crest of Courage=Tai
Crest of Friendship=Matt
Crest of Hope=TK
Crest of Sincerity=Mimi
Crest of Reliability=Joe
Crest of Love=Sora
Crest of Knowledge=Izzy
Crest of Light=Kari

What's with the transforming Digimon?
Once the Digimon digi-volves to their ultimate stage, the screen lights up with a 3D image of the crest and digi-vice. The light from the digi-vice shines through the crest, special characters of information insert itself into the Digimon. A 3D image of the Digimon is shown and we see it digi-volve into it's ultimate level. Special gadgets, extra clothing, extra body parts etc appear on the Digimon. I love watching the 3D digi-volving, very effective. Once the Ultimate level runs out of energy, the Digimon digi-volves to it's most previous level like Metal

What happened to the big poster of Matt and Garurumon?
After putting the pics of Matt and Garurumon and Izzy and Kabuterimon, I have retired them to the Digimon Gallery. You can look at them anytime you want by clicking on the link to them in my Digimon Picture Gallery.

Want to know what the Digimon look like? Check out the Picture Page!

Who are the characters of Digimon? Well click here and find their pics and stats.

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