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*Originally from the desk of winwin95*

The History of The Site

It all started when.....

I watched the second episode of DiGimon the television series on August 21, 1999. I was amazed and loved it. I decided to go surf the net to look up on DiGimon stuff. All I saw were websites for DiGimon the handheld game! I was very disappointed. Then...I had an idea.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade!!! I decided to make my own website full of facts and stats about Digimon. Since I only found sites for the handheld DiGimon, I decided to call this site the Unofficial Digimon Domain

I hope to keep this site up and running. I hope you enjoy this site and find everything you want to know about Digimon here. Any questions, suggestions or broken links please email me at

As I said in on the Main Page, there's gonna be links within links. Here you can also read about my family and yours truly. My Family & I

Pick and Choose Your Destination!

Read Up On The Series

Email Me