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A Story of Joe and Mimi [an error occurred while processing this directive]

A Story of Joe and Mimi

This is based on Joe and takes a couple parts, but..ehh, if it's all in one Email, this'll be HUGE..let's move on. Oh, this is from Joe's POV..

We all settled down in a small cave off a small beach with large sand dunes. We would keep going, but I wouldn't risk it. I didn't want anyone falling asleep on the spot, so I told them to take a rest. That's the Crest of Reliability for you..haha. we sat, we told stories to help us fall asleep.

Tai came first, unfortunately.. "Then, as the couple walked up to the car, he found the bodies of their parents, covered in blood and their own body parts lain over them," Tai said, "but the couple got hungry so they enjoyed a lovely dinner!"

"EEEEEEEEWWWW!!!!" We all hollered and groaned. I tried hard not to wretch, but I failed and heaved my lunch on the stone floor. Some backed away.

Mimi was nice enough to bring me a napkin to clean my face off with. I took it, embarrassed. I cleaned my face, and the mess I left on the floor. The others drifted off to sleep, their digimon alongside. I stayed awake, as I usually did.

"Yo, Joe, you need some sleep!" Gomamon commented.

"That's alright," I replied, "you go ahead without me."

"Alright... 'night, Joe." Gomamon lied down on the floor and fell fast asleep.

Noticing the other asleep, I creeped over to Mimi and tapped her arm gently. She muttered and turned over to her other side. I leaned over to her ear. "Mimi...come on." I whispered to her, hoping she'll wake up and the others didn't hear.

She opened her eyes at half mast. "Zzzz--...Ohh..Joe?"

"Come on. Remember?"

"Oh alright.." She sits up and puts her hat on, then stands up. We walked to a quiet hill and sat.

Ok, here's what happened: We were all eating dinner, and I told Mimi to come with me to the hill when the others were asleep. I told her without anyone else knowing, of course! *ahem*..

"I was having a nice sleep...why'd you wake me up?" Mimi asked softly, a little drowziness in her voice.

"Well, I've been meaning to talk to you," I replied, with the same drowziness. I've never been so tired...

"Well? Let's talk!" Mimi chimed.

"Okay. Umm..Okay. Since I first met you at summer camp, I've had this feeling..."

"What kind of feeling? Another allergy?"

"Ehh, no. I sort you...and..." I blushed. Mimi blushed, then looked down at the ground.

"Go on, Mr. Kido."

"Well, uhh...I like you. You've got beautiful eyes and hair, lovely singing voice, and--"

"You can stop now. You're just trying to flatter me!"

"No, I'm not! I'm telling you how I're just beautiful all around.."

I was very embarrassed. I had that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling. I was sweating lightly, and was on the verge of running away, until..

"Well, maybe I have something to say, too." Mimi spoke up and took my hand. I went to a slight blush to a deep red, sweating nearly heavily! "You may be to most people a nerd, worry wart, or a scaredy-cat..but I looked past that. You are sweet at times, and worry for others, which makes you very reliable. Unlike me, whose crest might never glow...!" Mimi said, biting her lip when she mentions her crest, which has only glown once. I took her other hand and started to relax the tiniest bit. I blushed lightly and managed to stop stressing out.

"Don't say that!" I answered back, then blinked, "your crest will glow when the time is right. I'll help---!" I was cut off from my sentence when I noticed Mimi taking my glasses off.

"You won't be needing these.." she said. I was about to open my mouth to ask why, but Mimi "told" me. She leaned over and kisses me! I swear, if a person's whole body could blush, I would have been doing it right then.

A full 10 seconds later she pulls away, leaving me panting. Mimi notices this and giggles. I laugh a bit nervously, then without thinking, kissed her back. Not only until 5 seconds into the kiss did I realize what I was doing. I pulled away, then stood up.

"Ahh, umm..s-sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

"It's alright," Mimi said like nothing happened. But.. "You're not a bad kisser."

"You're not so bad yourself," I replied, not knowing what else to say. Something in my mind told me to sit back down, so I did. I kissed her again.. You's not so bad... I thought at the time. The whole night passes by without us. We were too busy holding hands, telling little stories, and kissing on occasion. Now that I remember that, maybe I'd like that to happen again. Maybe tonight.

Maybe next week. Doesn't matter. As long as Mimi's with me, I have almost no worries in the DigiWorld...except giant evil digimon that could kill us, my allergies, or even bottom less pits...D'oh..


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