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New Guy, Or Is It An Old One?

New Guy, Or Is It An Old One?

You may notice that I do not give extremely informative descriptions of new characters. I do this because what makes sense to me may not make as much sense to you so I give you enough to get a picture in your mind of what it looks like. You may not think it looks the same way I do but that doesn’t make a difference. Whatever you make up is better in your minds eye.

This story has no definate time frame of occurance. If the show remains on earth afer Myotismon is destroyed I will find a way to write about the real world but as it is they are still in the Digiworld.

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon. If I did I would be filthy rich and be to busy flying around in my private jet to bother writing fanfics.

Tai: Well here we are again.

Matt: and where is that.

Tai: The woods, where else?

Saura: but we haven’t been to this place before.

Tai: Well we know just about as much of it as any other place we’ve been.

Joe: are you trying to say we’re lost?

Tai: I was getting to that.

Mimi: well that’s just great.

TK: What do we do now.

Tai: we keep going and try to find a campsite.

Izzy: Hrmmmm

Joe: What? What’s going on?

I’ve noticed since we’ve been here we seem to be getting attacked at regular intervals. About once every 24 hours in fact.

Matt: What are you talking about?

Izzy: You may not have noticed since you don’t have a watch but whatever leads up to our attacks seem to happen at approximately 4:30, 3:30 central

Joe: What do you mean? The suns hardly ever at the same place when they happen.

Izzy: That’s because this planets rotation is different from ours. The day is several hours shorter or longer than ours I haven’t figured out which, but by our time they happen during the same half hour period.

Matt: this is crazy I don’t see what your trying to make of this.

Patomon: hey what’s that? (fly’s over to tree) It looks like there is a camera hidden in this branch!

Joe: its just a hollow branch Patomon, besides.... (looking over Izzy’s shoulder) your laptop says its about 4:29 now so than shouldn’t there be somethi- he is interrupted by a crashing noise in the bushes

Joe: is this creeping anybody else out? A figure dashes in front of there path to quickly to really make out any features. Before they can react a large digimon follows the same path at a slightly faster speed.

TK: What was that?!?!

Izzy: (bringing up analyzer program on laptop) its a rekcohsmon (more typing) its the next stage of eligmon.

Patomon: I thought he looked familiar!

Saura: what was it chasing?

Izzy: I only know that it isn’t a digimon

Tai: Only one way to find out.... Lets go!

The two figures had stopped in a nearby clearing and the digidestind showed up momentarily. the bright light coming from rekcohsmon’s attack was still making it hard to see though.

figure: (finally noticing digidestined) who are you?!

a second figure they hadn’t noticed before suddenly leaps up.

Second (nonhuminoid) figure: Poison Sing!

A small stream of a greenish fluid comes from the second figure and hits rekcohsmon, but it has little effect. The first figure is knocked into tree by a bolt of electricity while it was distracted by the new arrivals. The electricity begins to clear and the group begins to see the three figures more clearly.

Rekcoshmon looks a lot like eligmon except larger with more spikes and an even more pointed attitude. The first figure looks like a boy about Joe’s age maybe older with unkempt hair and an outfit with several holes in it patched with various plants.

The second looks like a somewhat large snake its length cannot be determined because it stretches out and becomes skinnier and longer and contracts again whenever it moves, its not moving like an earthworm its just not retaining the same width and length.

Then suddenly.... tnepresmon digivolves to..... reliomon the snake thing suddenly gets a lot bigger, it gains one of those hoods cobras have and its design changes to become more colorful and now has a lot more reds and yellows in it.

Reliomon: Acid Spray!!

A steaming foul smelling substance sprays from the digimons mouth hitting rekcohsmon in the face and the evil digimon howls in pain and runs from the clearing.

The snake returns to normal size and begins to slowly make its way over to the boy that had hit the tree.

Tai: well..... what just happened?

Matt: I looked kind of like what we do when we encounter a digimon

Saura: are you saying this could be another digidestined?

Izzy: well I’m not getting a reaction from the digivice.

Mimi: Maybe he doesn’t have a digivice?

TK: but then how did that snake thing digivolve?

Joe: maybe we should leave we don’t know who this person is or why He’s here.

Matt: Your right but we’re never going to find out unless we ask him!

Agumon: I say we do it!

Biomon: I’ll go look at things from above.

Saura: be careful.

biomon fly’s overhead and looks at the new person at the scene. it and the snake (Tnepresmon) start to look at her and then they go underneath a tree and her view is blocked. but then she noticed that he seemed to be coming toward the rest of the group but they cannon see him because of the thick foliage.

Biomon: (lands near Saura) I didn’t get a good look but I think He’s headed this way. the new guy and tnepresmon come out of the bushes.

Goli: Hi I guess I should speak first my name is Goli (author note: I know it sounds weird but think about it. Does it sound any less weird than "Izzy" or "Tai" keep an open mind) and this is

Tnepresmon who are you and how did you get here?

Tia: this is (introduces the people and mons) and we come from Japan. We got here from some sort of portal during summer camp. Everybody here says we’re the digidestined.

Goli: digidestined?! sigh..... I haven’t heard that one in a while.

Matt: What do you mean by that?

Goli: Hold on did you find one of these before you were transported here?

Goli holds up something that looks like a digivice but its the size of a wallet and it looks out of date.

Tai: yes we did but they look different.

Goli looks at tai’s digivice and then back at his.

Goli: that’s interesting... yours displays where your friends are but not me. I guess they arrant compatible. how long have you been here?

Izzy: about 2-3 months why?

Goli: I’ve been here about 13 months....... maybe I should explain. It was camp Tiowanas wasn’t it?

Tai: well yes it was.... how do you know all this?

Goli: well I was there but not at the same time you were, and the same thing happened to me and four others. some digivices fell from the sky along with these (held up a tag) We landed here and met up with different digimon like Tnepresmon (who at the time was bored by all the talking and was asleep coiled around one of Goli’s legs) here. We eventually became stronger and learned about the digidestined myth. Later Something called geni told us about the source of evil in the Digiworld at the time. So we found and we tried to take down the main overlord of the evil digimon in the area but we weren’t as strong as we thought we were. We were able to defeat him (pauses to take several deep breaths) but I was the only one who survived it...... and I just barely made it. I got lucky and managed to escape his final attack before he went down. the others were weakened in the battle and his final strike finished them. I escaped through a rift that opened due to the large amounts of released energy. I ran threw it before I got hit and its been a year since then that me and tnepresmon wandered around here just trying to get by, survive and find a way to earth. That’s about all that happened until I ran into you guys. what’s your story?

The digidestined begin to tell about what has happened to them and Tnepresmon wakes up because now it can hear a story it doesn’t know like the back of its..... its umm....back.

Afterwards it has become dark and they begin to set up a camp.

Goli: You had go find the tags too? Ours just came with the digivices. I guess its cause that demon guy hid them

Joe: so Geni hasn’t tried to talk to you since the battle?

Goli: No he probably thinks I died with the rest of them. I don’t know much about the portal but when I got out of it I realized I hadn’t moved in space but I seemed to have gone forward in time. I noticed this because the trees were taller but the Landmarks were in the same places.

Tnepresmon: Not that I mind not seeing Geni that much. He could have told us more about what we were up against instead of just telling us to go destroy it.

Mimi: he didn’t tell you too much either did he?

Goli: only enough to keep us going in the direction he wanted us to. it sounds like He’s done the same thing to you guys.

Saura: Well lets talk about that later who’s hungry?

Gomamon: I’ll go get some fish from that lake over there.

tnepresmon: I’ll go see what I can get from the woods.

Biomon: Me and Patomon will get some berries and plants too.

Not much later they had accumulated a small pile of fish and a larger pile of berries and, another thing the digidestined weren’t used to...... a small pile of rodents and smaller forest animals.

Joe: I don’t get it.... where did they come from? all we’ve seen are digimon out there and they are usually a lot bigger than that.

Tnepresmon: You see fish that aren’t digimon don’t you? the ones in the woods are just better at avoiding things that make a lot of noise like a troop of 14 people going through the woods.

Matt: Well I guess that makes sense.

Goli: (picks up a fish) I haven’t seen one of these in a while I almost forgot what they tast like.

Biomon: aren’t you going to cook that? (pointing toward fire)

Goli: o sorry I’m not used to being able to use a fire.

Patomon: Why’s that?

Goli: I haven’t had a way to start one for a long time. tnepresmon cant start a fire like Agumon can and I don’t know where I could get flint or steel in this place so I just make due. You get used to it after a while.

Mimi: Ewwww you mean you’ve been eating things raw?!

Goli: its not that bad. besides some plants around here make great seasonings so you don’t notice after a wile.

Mimi: Still its just..... Ewwwww.

Palamon: I cant understand why either of you eat meat anyway. lets just stop this and eat ok?

Patomon: hey Tnepresmon.

Tnepresmon: yes?

Patomon: How come you talk like that?

Tnepresmon: talk like what?

Patomon: Well I just thought that when snakes talked they exaggerated their s’s and th’s but you don’t do that?

Tnepresmon: Let me get this straight. You think its odd that I talk correctly?

Patomon: Well..... O never mind..... goodnight.

Want a more detailed version of Goli's past? As well as some more story advancement? Well just read the next set of fics! digimon/pokemon crossover you know the drill

Digimon Fan Fiction

Digimon Analyser

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