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Powers of Crests: Passion of Fire

Powers of Crests: Passion of Fire

By Debbie

Author’s note: This saga begins after ‘Sora’s Crest of Love’, when everyone I will call them the Eight - Yes, Kim is back! are back together. Ever wonder what are the crests really for? That’s one of the mysteries I ponder. I believe that the crests are ‘openings’ to the Eight’s true selves, giving their true power. Remember, the stories are not true. But they might be interesting to you. In each of the eight parts of the saga, each kids discover their hidden power behind their crests and use them to defeat evil digimon what else. Watch for the unbelievable ending when Myotismon is finally defeated.

Mimi rested her chin on her hands and watched Joe with observant interest. The tall, lanky boy stood still, silent in the stream, his knowing, dusky-colored eyes that seemed to hold deep thoughts, inspecting the crystal water behind his clear eyeglasses. The eyeglasses were sliding off his nose, but he didn’t move, like he was an unwinded robot. Mimi had a sudden urge to wade in the stream to Joe and push up his glasses. She hid a shy smile behind her peach-colored gloves. Her hazel eyes turned to Tai, who was also standing in the stream. He was wading around, his tan eyes impatiently flickering at the water, his face a frustrated visage.

Her digimon friend, Palmon was also watching the boys by her usual side as Tai’s partner, Agumon laid on his yellow belly, a bored gaze in his dark green eyes. Joe’s companion, Gomamon was silently swimming, the water a second home to him.

“Here, here, fishy,” Tai was coaxing. “Here, here.” He made silly fish sounds that made Mimi choke back a giggle.

Joe gazed at him with his thoughtful eyes. “Come on, Tai. That’s not how you catch fish.”

Tai straightened up with a grunt. “Oh? And what is the proper way to catch a fish, Joe?”

Mimi knew Joe was vulnerable to sarcasm, but he seemed to ignore it. He posed for Tai. “Well, all you have to do is stand still and wait until a fish comes to you. Be silent as the water. It’s simple, really.” His eyes caught a glimpse of a silver fin around his legs. His hands shot in the water, quicker than a flash. “Gotcha!” But the fish easily slid out of his reach, and he slipped on a smooth rock.

* * *Splash* * *

Joe shook his wet black-blue hair, shaking water from his hands. He sat in the stream, all soaking wet, as usual. Mimi and Palmon giggled behind their hands as Agumon and Gomamon laughed hysterically. Tai stood by Joe, smirking at him with amusement.

“Well, it does look simple, but I don’t think I want to do it.”

Joe raised a hand up to him. “A little help?”

Always helpful, Tai pulled Joe to his feet.

All looked up at soft footsteps behind them. Kim strolled up to them with her digimon pal, Iyumon. Her gentle brown eyes gazed at the wet Joe and asked, “What happened?”

Mimi grinned at the black-haired boy. “Joe fell in the water, asusual.”

Kim smiled. “Joe, I begin to think you are becoming like Gomamon.”

Joe laughed weakly at that. “Another Gomamon?” Iyumon said jokingly.

Palmon shook her head, pretending to shudder with horror. “I think one Gomamon is enough for us.” “More than enough,” Joe muttered.

Gomamon scoffed and swam past Joe and Tai. As he did so, he lifted a flipper and slapped it down to the surface, splashing water at them. Joe and Tai glared hotly at him, but no one made a move toward the seal-like digimon. Gomamon may be slow on land, but he can swim so fast that it’s nearly impossible to catch him.

Kim again smiled at Gomamon’s reaction. “Don’t worry about fishes. We have plenty of fruits and nuts.” She returned back in the jungle near the stream, Iyumon following behind.

Tai groaned as he and Joe stepped out the stream. “For once, I wish we would have juicy steaks.”

“Or pizza,” Joe added.

“Oh, or maybe cheeseburgers.”

“Stop it!” Tai and Joe turned to Mimi. “You both make me hungry again.” Putting on her pink hat, she left in the jungle with Palmon.

Tai and Joe putted on their socks and shoes before entered the jungle. They walked through a manmade path to a sizable clearing. They saw their friends already siting around a small fire, eating odd fruits and nuts on giant, wide leaves. Kim was sitting by Matt and his younger brother, TK. Iyumon, Gabumon, and Patamon were at their human partners’ sides, always watchful as guardians. Mimi sat by Izzy and Sora. Palmon, Tentomon, and tiny Yokomon, as always, stayed at their sides. Tai and Joe sat by their friends, chatting about their greatly missed home.

Tai took his time gazing at each of his friends, remembering what had happened. He remembered that when he was gone in the real world, his friends spilt up in search for him. It was his responsibility and goal to bring them together, and he succeeded at that. He remembered when Sora avoided to be seen because of her Crest of Love, which she thought will never glow. But her crest did glowed and her digimon, Birdramon digivolved in to her ultimate form - Garubamon to battle an evil, vampire digimon named Myotismon. It had been a day since that. They were on the move since, hoping that they would be ahead from Myotismon. Tai’s eyes unfocused as he pondered deeply. How could they defeat Myotismon? He was much powerful than Devimon, and Tai often shivered at the sight of Myotismon in his mind, with his scheming smirk and fiendish eyes. Could the digimon, even in their ultimate forms, defeat him?

“Hey, Tai.” Sora snapped her fingers over Tai’s musing eyes.

Tai startled out of his thoughts and blinked. “Oh, what?”

“Something on your mind, Tai?” Sora asked from his side, her red-brown eyes curious.

“What is very rare, even for Tai,” Matt chuckled softly.

Tai glared at the blond boy as Kim pinched on Matt’s arm to quiet him. He felt fifteen pairs of multicolored eyes on him, making him feel uneasy. “Nothing. Just thinking.” He fell in silence, his eyes lowering to the half-eaten fruit in his hands.

He could feel Sora’s eyes studying him, and then she changed the subject to cheer up the friends. “Hey, guys. I have been thinking about the crests. I wonder why do we carry the crests for a reason. What are the crests’ purposes? I mean, my crest symbolizes love, Tai’s crest symbolizes courage, Matt’s crest symbolizes friendship, Kim’s crest symbolizes empathy, Joe’s crest symbolizes reliability, Mimi’s crest symbolizes sincerity, Izzy’s crest symbolizes knowledge, and TK’s crest symbolizes hope. We do have all those qualities, but why do the crests represent us the most from what we are inside?”

Tai gazed up at her with amazement with the other eyes of the friends. Sora was wise in her own way, but no one would realize that she was that mediative. “They are very good questions, Sora,” said Joe.

“Maybe we should ask Gennai,” Izzy declared. “He must know all about the crests.”

Matt leaned back on his arms, his gray-blue eyes peeking out from long bangs. “Where can we find him? He chooses to appear whenever it suits him. And often without expectation.”

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